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Machine-Level Representation of Programs II

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1 Machine-Level Representation of Programs II

2 Outline Conditional codes Jump instructions Loop Control Switch
Suggested reading Chap 3.6

3 Special Arithmetic Operations
imull S R[%edx]:R[%eax] S*R[%eax] Signed full multiply mull S Unsigned full multiply Cltd R[%edx]:R[%eax]  SignExtend(R[%eax]) Convert to quad word idiv S R[%edx]  R[%edx]:R[%eax] mod S R[%eax]  R[%edx]:R[%eax]  S Signed divide divl S R[%edx] R[%edx]:R[%eax] mod S Unsigned divide

4 Examples Initially x at %ebp+8, y at %ebp+12 1 movl 8(%ebp), %eax
2 imull 12(%ebp) 3 pushl %edx 4 pushl %eax 2 cltd 3 idivl 12(%ebp) 5 pushl %edx

5 Assembly Programmer’s View
FF BF 7F 3F C0 80 40 00 Stack DLLs Text Data Heap 08 %eax %edx %ecx %ebx %esi %edi %esp %ebp %al %ah %dl %dh %cl %ch %bl %bh %eip %eflag Addresses Instructions

6 Condition codes Condition codes A set of single-bit
Maintained in a condition code register Describe attributes of the most recently arithmetic or logical operation

7 Condition codes EFLAGS CF: Carry Flag
The most recent operation generated a carry out of the most significant bit Used to detect overflow for unsigned operations OF: Overflow Flag The most recent operation caused a two’s complement overflow — either negative or positive

8 Condition codes EFLAGS ZF: Zero Flag
The most recent operation yielded zero SF: Sign Flag The most recent operation yielded a negative value

9 Setting Conditional Codes
Implicit Setting By Arithmetic Operations addl Src,Dest C analog: t = a+b CF set if carry out from most significant bit Used to detect unsigned overflow ZF set if t == 0 SF set if t < 0 OF set if two’s complement overflow (a>0 && b>0 && t<0) || (a<0 && b<0 && t>=0)

10 Conditional Code lea instruction Xorl instruction Shift instruction
has no effect on condition codes Xorl instruction The carry and overflow flags are set to 0 Shift instruction carry flag is set to the last bit shifted out Overflow flag is set to 0

11 Setting Conditional Codes
Explicit Setting by Compare Instruction cmpl Src2,Src1 cmpl b,a like computing a-b without setting destination CF set if carry out from most significant bit Used for unsigned comparisons ZF set if a == b SF set if (a-b) < 0 OF set if two’s complement overflow (a>0 && b<0 && (a-b)<0) || (a<0 && b>0 && (a-b)>0)

12 Setting Conditional Codes
Explicit Setting by Test instruction testl Src2,Src1 Sets condition codes based on value of Src1 & Src2 Useful to have one of the operands be a mask testl b,a like computing a&b without setting destination ZF set when a&b == 0 SF set when a&b < 0

13 Accessing Conditional Codes
The condition codes cannot be read directly One of the most common methods of accessing them is setting an integer register based on some combination of condition codes Set commands

14 Accessing Conditional Codes
After each set command is executed A single byte to 0 or to 1 is obtained The descriptions of the different set commands apply to the case where a comparison instruction has been executed

15 Accessing Conditional Codes
Instruction Synonym Effect Set Condition Sete Setz ZF Equal/zero Setne Setnz ~ZF Not equal/not zero Sets SF Negative Setns ~SF Nonnegative Setl Setnge SF^OF Less Setle Setng (SF^OF)|ZF Less or Equal Setg Setnle ~(SF^OF)&~ZF Greater Setge Setnl ~(SF^OF) Greater or Equal Seta Setnbe ~CF&~ZF Above Setae Setnb ~CF Above or equal Setb Setnae CF Below Setbe Setna CF|ZF Below or equal

16 Accessing Conditional Codes
The destination operand is either one of the eight single-byte register elements or a memory location where the single byte is to be stored To generate a 32-bit result we must also clear the high-order 24 bits

17 Accessing Conditional Codes
Initially a is in %edx, b is in %eax 1 cmpl %eax, %edx #compare a:b 2 setl %al #set low order by to 0 or 1 3 movzbl %al, %eax #set remaining bytes of %eax to 0

18 Two of the most important parts of program execution
Control Two of the most important parts of program execution Data flow (Accessing and operating data) Control flow (control the sequence of operations)

19 Sequential execution is default
Control Sequential execution is default the instructions are executed in the order they appear in the program Chang the control flow Jump instructions

20 Jump Instructions 1 xorl %eax, %eax Set %eax to 0 2 jmp .L1 Goto .L1 3 movl (%eax), %edx Null pointer dereference 4 .L1: 5 popl %edx

21 Jumps unconditionally Direct jump: jmp label
Unconditional jump Jumps unconditionally Direct jump: jmp label jmp .L Indirect jump: jmp *Operand jmp *%eax jmp *(%eax)

22 Conditional jump Either jump or continue executing at the next instruction in the code sequence Depending on some combination of the condition codes All direct jump

23 Jump Instructions jle .L2 .L5: movl %edx, %eax sarl $1, %eax
subl %eax, %edx Leal (%edx, %edx, 2), %edx testl %edx, %edx jg L5 9 .L2: 10 movl %edx, %eax

24 Example for Jump 8: 7e 0d jle 17<silly+0x17>
a: 89 d0 mov %edx, %eax dest1: 3 c: c1 f8 sar %eax e: 29 c2 sub %eax, %edx 10: 8d lea (%edx, %edx, 2), %edx 6 13: 85 d2 test %edx, %edx 15: 7f f3 jg a<silly+0x10> 17: 89 d0 movl %edx, %eax dest2: d+a = 17 17+f3(-d) =a

25 Example for Jump 804839c: 7e 0d jle 17<silly+0x17>
804839e: 89 d0 mov %edx, %eax dest1: a0: c1 f8 sar %eax 80483a2: 29 c2 sub %eax, %edx 80483a4: 8d lea (%edx, %edx, 2), %edx a7: 85 d2 test %edx, %edx 80483a9: 7f f3 jg a<silly+0x10> 80483ab: 89 d0 movl %edx, %eax dest2: d e = 80483ab 80483ab+f3(-d) = e

26 Jump Instructions PC-relative Absolute address
Jump target is an offset relative to the address of the instruction just followed jump (pointed by PC) Absolute address Jump target is an absolute address

27 Loop

28 Control Constructs in C
Gotos goto L break continue Branch if () { } else { } switch () { }

29 Control Constructs in C
Loop while () { } do { } while () for (init; test; incr) { }

30 Translating Conditional Branches
t = test-expr ; if ( t ) goto true ; else-statement goto done true: then-statement done: if ( test-expr ) then-statement else else-statement

31 Translating Conditional Branches
int absdiff(int x, int y) { if (x < y) return y – x; else return x – y; } int absdiff(int x, int y) { int rval ; if (x < y) goto less rval = x – y ; goto done; less: rval = y – x; done: return rval; }

32 Jump Instructions movl 8(%ebp), %edx get x movl 12(%ebp), %eax get y
cmpl %eax, %edx cal x - y jl .L if x < y goto less subl %eax, %edx compute x - y movl %edx, %eax set return val jmp .L5 goto done .L3: less: subl %edx, %eax compute y – x .L5: done: Begin Completion code

33 Do-while Translation do body-statement while (test-expr) loop:
t = test-expr; if ( t ) goto loop ;

34 Do-while Translation .L6: lea (%ebx, %edx), %eax movl %edx, %ebx
movl %eax, %edx incl %ecx cmpl %esi, %ecx jl L6 movl %ebx, %eax int fib_dw(int n) { int i = 0; int val = 0 ; int nval = 1 ; do { int t = val + nval ; val = nval ; nval = t ; i++; } while ( i<n) ; return val ; } register value initially %ecx i %esi n %ebx val %edx nval 1 %eax t -

35 While Loop Translation
while (test-expr) body-statement loop: if ( !test-expr) t = test-expr goto done; if ( !t ) do goto done; body-statement body-statement while(test-expr) goto loop; done: done:

36 While Loop Translation
int fib_w_goto(int n) { int val=1; int nval=1; int nmi, t ; if ( val >= n ) goto done ; nmi = n-1; loop: t=val+nval ; val = nval ; nval = t ; nmi--; if ( nmi ) goto loop done: return val } int fib_w(int n) { int i=1; int val=1; int nval=1; while ( i<n ) { int t=val+nval ; val = nval ; nval = t ; i++; } return val ;

37 While Loop Translation
Register usage Register Variable Initially %edx nmi n-1 %ebx val 1 %ecx nval movl 8(%ebp), %eax movl $1, %ebx movl $1, %ecx cmpl %eax, ebx jge .L9 lea –1(%eax), %edx .L10: lea (%ecx, %ebx), %eax movl %ecx, %ebx movl %eax, %ecx decl %edx jnz .L10 .L9:

38 While Loop Translation
/* strcpy: copy t to s; pointer version 2 */ void strcpy(char *s, char *t){ while ((*s = *t) != '\0') { s++ ; t++ ; }

39 While Loop Translation
movl 12(%ebp), %eax movzbl (%eax), %edx movl 8(%ebp), %eax movb %dl, (%eax) movzbl (%eax), %eax testb %al, %al jne L3 popl %ebp ret _strcpy: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp jmp L2 L3: addl $1, 8(%ebp) addl $1, 12(%ebp)

40 For Loop Translation for ( init-expr; test-expr; update-expr)
body-statement init-expr while ( test-expr) { body-statement update-expr }

41 For Loop Translation /* strcmp: return <0 if s<t, 0 if s==t, >0 if s>t */ int strcmp(char *s, char *t) { for (; *s == *t ; s++, t++) if (*s == '\0') return 0; return *s - *t; }

42 For Loop Translation _strcmp: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp subl $4, %esp
jmp L2 L5: movl 8(%ebp), %eax movzbl (%eax), %eax testb %al, %al jne L3 movl $0, -4(%ebp) jmp L4 L3: addl $1, 8(%ebp) addl $1, 12(%ebp) L2: movl 8(%ebp), %eax movzbl (%eax), %edx movl 12(%ebp), %eax movzbl (%eax), %eax cmpb %al, %dl je L5

43 For Loop Translation movl 8(%ebp), %eax movzbl (%eax), %eax
movsbl %al,%edx movl 12(%ebp), %eax movsbl %al,%eax movl %edx, %ecx subl %eax, %ecx movl %ecx, -4(%ebp) L4: movl -4(%ebp), %eax leave ret

44 Conditional Move Original C code 1 int absdiff(int x, int y) {
2 return x < y ? y-x : x-y; 3 } (b) Implementation using conditional assignment 1 int cmovdiff(int x, int y) { 2 int tval = y-x; 3 int rval = x-y; 4 int test = x < y; 5 /* Line below requires single instruction: */ 7 if (test) rval = tval; 8 return rval; 9 } 44 44

45 Conditional Move (c) Generated assembly code %ecx x
(x at %ebp+8, y at %ebp+12) movl 8(%ebp), %ecx Get x movl 12(%ebp), %edx Get y movl %edx, %ebx Copy y subl %ecx, %ebx Compute y-x movl %ecx, %eax Copy x subl %edx, %eax Compute x-y and set as return value cmpl %edx, %ecx Compare x:y cmovl %ebx, %eax If < , replace return value with y-x %ecx x %edx y %ebx y-x %eax x-y 45 45

46 Conditional Move instructions suppose that “there is no side effect”
Invalid Situation Conditional Move instructions suppose that “there is no side effect” int cread(int *xp) { return (xp ? *xp : 0); } 46 46

47 Switch

48 Switch Statements int switch_eg(int x, int n) { int result = x ;
switch ( n ) { case 100: result *= 13 ; break ; case 102: result += 10 ; /* fall through */ case 103 result += 11; break ; case 104: case 106: result *= result ; default: result = 0 ; } return result ;

49 Properties of Switch Construct
Integer testing Multiple outcomes (may be a large number) Improve the readability of the source code

50 Switch Statements int switch_eg(int x, int n) { int result = x ;
switch ( n ) { case 100: result *= 13 ; break ; case 102: result += 10 ; /* fall through */ case 103 result += 11; break ; case 104: case 106: result *= result ; default: result = 0 ; } return result ; Multiple cases Integer testing

51 Switch Form switch(op) { case val_0: Block 0 case val_1: Block 1 • • • case val_n-1: Block n–1 }

52 Efficient implementation Avoid long sequence of if-else statement
Jump Table Efficient implementation Avoid long sequence of if-else statement Criteria the number of cases and the sparcity of the case value

53 Jump Table Implementation
Jump Targets Targ0 Targ1 Targ2 Targn-1 jtab: Code Block 0 Targ0: Code Block 1 Targ1: Code Block 2 Targ2: Code Block n–1 Targn-1: Approx. Translation target = JTab[op]; goto *target;

54 Switch Statements int switch_eg(int x, int n) { int result = x ;
switch ( n ) { case 100: result *= 13 ; break ; case 102: result += 10 ; /* fall through */ case 103 result += 11; break ; case 104: case 106: result *= result ; default: result = 0 ; } return result ;

55 Jump Table Implementation
code jt[7] = {loc_a, loc_def, loc_b, loc_c, loc_d, loc_def, loc_d}; int switch_eg_goto ( int x, int n) { unsigned ni = n - 100; int result = x ; if ( ni >6 ) goto loc_def ; //default goto jt[xi]; loc_a: //100 result *= 13 ; goto done ; loc_b: //102 result += 10 ; /* fall through*/ loc_c: //103 result +=11; goto done ; loc_d: //104, 106 result *= result ; loc_def: //default result = 0 ; done: return result ; }

56 Jump Table .section .rodata .align 4 .L7: .long .L3 case 100: loc_a
.long .L2 case 101: loc_def .long .L4 case 102: loc_b .long .L5 case 103: loc_c .long .L6 case 104: loc_d .long .L2 case 105: loc_def .long .L6 case 106: loc_d

57 Jump Table Implementation
movl 8(%ebp), %edx get x movl 12(%ebp), %eax get n subl $100, %eax compute index = n – 100 cmpl $6, %eax compare index:6 ja .L2 If > , goto default jmp *.L7(, %eax, 4) .L2: default: mov $0, %eax result = 0 jmp .L8 goto done

58 Jump Table Implementation
.L5: loc_c: // 103 movl %edx, %eax result = x jmp .L9 goto rest .L3: loc_a: // 100 leal (%edx, %edx, 2), %eax result = x * 3 leal (%edx, %eax, 4), %eax result = x + 4 * result jmp .L8 goto done .L4: loc_b: // 102 leal 10(%edx), %eax result = x + 10

59 Jump Table Implementation
.L9: rest: // fall through addl $11, %eax result += 11 jmp .L8 goto done .L6: loc_d: // 104, 106 movl %edx, %eax result = x imull %edx, %eax result *= x .L8: done:

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