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Do Now: Define the term concentration as it relates to a solute in a solution. C. Johannesson.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Define the term concentration as it relates to a solute in a solution. C. Johannesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Define the term concentration as it relates to a solute in a solution. C. Johannesson

2 A. Concentration The amount of solute in a solution.
Describing Concentration % by mass - medicated creams % by volume - rubbing alcohol ppm, ppb - water contaminants molarity - used by chemists molality - used by chemists C. Johannesson

3 B. Molality mass of solvent only 1 kg water = 1 L water C. Johannesson

4 B. Molality Find the molality of a solution containing 75 g of MgCl2 in 250 mL of water. C. Johannesson

5 B. Molality You try one: What is the molality of a solution containing 3500 mL of water and g of SrCl2? C. Johannesson

6 C. Dilution Preparation of a desired solution by adding water to a concentrate. Moles of solute remain the same. C. Johannesson

7 C. Dilution What volume of 15.8M HNO3 is required to make 250 mL of a 6.0M solution? GIVEN: M1 = 15.8M V1 = ? M2 = 6.0M V2 = 250 mL WORK: M1 V1 = M2 V2 (15.8M) V1 = (6.0M)(250mL) V1 = 95 mL of 15.8M HNO3 C. Johannesson

8 C. Dilution You try one! What molarity of HCl acid is the result of the volume of a 75mL, 12.0 molar HCl acid solution being increased to mL? C. Johannesson

9 D. Recalling Molarity Molarity (M) = mol solute Let’s try one:
L of soln. Let’s try one: mass 45.0 g of NaCl total volume of solution is 500 mL 500 mL mark volumetric flask C. Johannesson

10 D. Recalling Molarity You try one…
A 250 ml solution is made with 0.50 moles of NaCl.  What is the Molarity of the solution? C. Johannesson

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