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Instructor: Dr. Jules Carlson

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1 Instructor: Dr. Jules Carlson
Theory Review Lecture CHM1111 Section 04 Instructor: Dr. Jules Carlson Class Time: M/W/F 1:30-2:20 Monday, November 28th

2 Key Concepts – Chapter 2 How is pressure measured? Unit conversions
Gas Laws Ideal Gas Law Concept of Mole Fractions (also ppm, ppb) Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures Gas Stoichiometry Problems Gas Density Kinetic Molecular Theory Molecular speeds, energies Graham’s Law

3 Concepts for Chapter 4 Characteristics of Light
Electromagnetic Spectrum Photoelectric Effect Energy-Wavelength-Frequency Relationships DeBroglie Wavelengths Momentum (mass x velocity) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle Describing Electron Orbitals 4 quantum numbers Ways of depicting orbitals Orbital Shapes

4 Concepts for Chapter 5 Extent of screening for different orbitals
Electron configurations Structure of Periodic Table Pauli Exclusion Principle Aufbau Principle Hund’s Rule Exceptions to electron configurations for transition metals Magnetic Properties Atomic Properties Orbital size Size of atoms Ionization Energy Electron Affinity Size of Atomic ions

5 Concepts for Chapter 6 Dipole Moments Bond Length and Energy Trends
Types of Bonding Interaction Energy in Covalent Bonds Electronegativity and Bond Polarity Lewis Structures Octet rule for n <= 2 Resonance structures Minimize formal charge, optimizing Molecular shapes Bonding with p orbitals at 90 for H2S, PH3. VSEPR – linear, planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, octahedral, pentagonal bipyrimidal Dipole Moments Bond Length and Energy Trends

6 Concepts for Chapter 7 Electron Delocalization
Orbital Overlap – s-s overlap, p-p overlap Orbital Overlap Model and Drawings Hybridization – Relation to Geometry Linear sp, planar sp2, tetrahedral sp3, trigonal bipyrimidal sp3d, octahedral sp3d2, pentagonal bipyrimidal sp3d3 Molecular Orbital Theory Bonding and Antibonding Concept and Overlap Filling MO Diagrams Calculating Bond Order, Magnetic Properties Understanding the Shapes of s and p MOs with Positive and Negative Overlap

7 Concepts for Chapter 8 Intermolecular Forces in Different Phases
Phase Changes Types of Intermolecular Forces Strength of Intermolecular Forces – Influence on MP, and BP Surface Tension, Capillary Action, Viscosity Vapour Pressure Forces in Solids Types of Solids and Intermolecular Forces Network Solids, Molecular Solids, Ionic Solids, and Metallic Solids Solid Classification

8 Concepts for Chapter 9 Colligative Properties
Ways to Measure Solution Concentration Mole Fraction, Mass Percent, Molarity, Molality Miscibility of Solvents and Intermolecular Interactions Solubility of Solids in Polar and Non-Polar Solvents Energetics of Solubility Gas Solution Equilibria and Henry’s Law Solubility and Vapour pressure and Temperature Solublility and Vapour pressure and Intermolecular Forces Concept of Distillation Colligative Properties Raoult’s Law Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure

9 Unit Conversions Pascal: 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 = 1 kg/ms2
Bar: 1 bar = 100 kPa = 750 torr Atmosphere: 1 atm = bar = Pa = 760 torr Torr: 1 torr = 1 mm Hg = Pa 1 nm = 10-9 m 1 g/mL = 1 kg/L Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) – 1 bar, K Convert from Celcius to Kelvin ⁰K = ⁰C

10 Constants Ideal Gas Law Constant: R = L kPa mol-1 K-1 Ideal Gas Law Constant: R = L bar mol-1 K-1 Energy of molecules at 300K: 4.13x10-21 J/molecule Electron Mass: me = x kg Proton Mass: mp = x kg Neutron Mass: mn =1.675 x kg Avogadro’s Number: NA = x 1023 molecules/mol 1 Einstein is x 1023 photons Planck’s Constant: x J s Speed of light: c = x 108 m s-1 Ionization Energy of H: IE = 2.18 x J Density of Pure Water: ρ = 1.00 g/mL FP Depression Constant for Water: KfH2O = 1.86 C kg/mol BP Elevation Constant for Water: KbH2O = 0.51 C kg/mol

11 Chapter 2 Relationships

12 Most probable Kinetic Energy and velocity

13 Average Kinetic Energy, Velocity, Graham’s Law
Graham’s Law: Called root-mean-square speed

14 Energy of Photons, Photoelectric Effect, Quantized Energies of H
Speed of light and wavelength: Energy and Frequency: Energy and Wavelength: n is energy level Photoelectric Effect:

15 Particle and Wave Equations + Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Table 4-1 p. 215

16 Concentration Relationships
Common ways to describe solution concentration: Mole Fraction: Henry’s Law: 1 Molar is 1 mol/L, and 1 Molal is 1 mol/kg

17 Colligative Property Equations
Raoult’s Law: Osmotic Pressure: Molar Mass from Osmotic Pressure:

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