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Linking Standard Implementation to Sustainable Development Goals

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Presentation on theme: "Linking Standard Implementation to Sustainable Development Goals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Standard Implementation to Sustainable Development Goals
ICCO Certification Workshop Cameroon Manfred Borer, Program Director Sustainable Cocoa Production Program Douala, June 27th, 2013

2 Presentation Content Swisscontact Guiding Principles
Sector Collaboration Program Facts & Figures Program Implementation Program Achievements Certification Approach and Cost Link to Development Goals

3 Guiding Principles and Projects
Swisscontact Guiding Principles and Projects

4 Swisscontact was established in 1959 as an independent foundation made up of notable figures from the worlds of commerce and science in Switzerland The basic principles of Swisscontact's work are respect for people, culture and the environment, as well as the conviction that people have the innate ability to be innovative and, using their personal initiative and creative powers, can lift themselves out of poverty

5 Head Office in Switzerland / 27 Project Countries
Cocoa in Indonesia, Uganda, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia. Planning market entry in Ghana for 2014

6 Donor and Cocoa Sector Collaboration
Public and Private Sector Coordination as Key to Success

7 Public Funding Partners

8 Indonesian Government Partners

9 Private Sector Funding Partners

10 Non-Funding Implementation Partners

11 Program Facts & Figures
How Many, Where, When and Who with Whom

12 Program Regions Sumatra and Sulawesi
6 Provinces, 17 Districts, 118 Sub-Districts, 849 Villages (as per end of May 2013)

13 Cocoa Value Chain and SCPP Beneficiaries and Partners

14 Program Implementation
The development of integrated economic systems

15 Program Components Sulawesi Program Sumatra Program 1 - Farming Good Practice and Technology Transfer Systems 2 - Nutrition and Gender Sensitivity Integration 3 - Farmer Organization, Market Access, and Certification 4 - Integrated Agri-Business Financing Facility 5 - Stakeholder Management and Networking Platforms Management, Administration, Finance and Accounting, Public Relation, and M&E

16 Program Cost based on 60,000 Cocoa Farming Households

17 Best Practices Training Manuals developed with and shared with all Stakeholders

18 Governance, Staffing, and Integrated Management Information System

19 Implementation Structure (staffing as per end of 2012)
3 Public Partner 5 Private Partner 8 Project Teams 312 Full Time Staff 82 Swisscontact 28 Mgmt/Admin 54 Field Staff 46 Private Sector 16 Mgmt/Admin 30 Field Staff 184 Government Extension Staff

20 SCPP MIS for Traceability and Reporting

21 Program Achievements Main target of increasing yields to 1,000 kg/ha/year for 60,000 cocoa farmers

22 Showing Vision and initiate Change of Behavior
300 Kg of Cocoa per Hectare per Year 3,000 Kg of Cocoa per Hectare per Year

23 Impact on Farm Productivity
Aceh in 2 years: from 350 to 753 kg/ha/year  124% improvement

24 SCPP Approach in Certification
Trainings, ICS, and implementation of Code of Conducts and its cost

25 Interested Farmers pass the Farmer Organizations internal audits; and
The Program only facilitates Cocoa farmers to achieve certification with international labels if: Farmer Organizations are strong enough to manage own ICS and Certification; Farmers voluntarily want to join the Certification and sign agreement with the Farmer Organization; Interested Farmers pass the Farmer Organizations internal audits; and if there is a committed buyer providing sustainable market access for the certified cocoa with a fair price

26 Certification Program Steps
Training of Program Staff Establishment of Internal Control System (ICS) in District Cocoa Clinic (DCC) Training of ICS staff on DCC and Cocoa Producer Group (CPG) Level Technical Assistance and Internal ICS and Certification Audits External ICS and Certification Audits for UTZ, Rainforest Alliance, or Fair Trade Labels

27 Cocoa Farm Certification – 1/3 of all Farmers in SCPP


29 Direct Certification Cost
2,483 Farmers  35 USD/Farmer 0.90 Ha/Farmer  39 USD/Hectare 0.79 MT/Ha  50 USD/Ton

30 Tender for CB

31 How Much does it Cost in Total

32 Achieving Development Goals with Certifications

33 Millennium Development Goals

34 Swisscontact Sulawesi
Thank you Swisscontact Medan Komplek Taman Setia Budi Indah I, Jl. Chrysant Blok E No. 76 Kota Medan Swisscontact Head Office Doeltschiweg 39 CH 8055 Zurich Tel Swisscontact Sulawesi Gedung Graha Pena lantai 10, Jl. Urip Sumoharjo, No. 20 Makassar 60234 Tel./Fax:

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