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2 Hot Topics in OLL Research:

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1 2 Hot Topics in OLL Research:
OLLReN Webinar 2 Hot Topics in OLL Research: Corpus Linguistics & Telecollaboration Presented by Anthony Schmidt Thursday, March 8 10:00AM ET

2 Self-Introduction EDUCATION
MSEd in Language Education and TESOL – Indiana University EXPERIENCE 6 years in South Korea – middle school, university < 1 year in Japan – middle school 4 years in USA – university intensive English program TEACHING INTERESTS Academic reading and writing Language learning technology International student success TOOLS Corpus tools (VocabKitchen, JTW) , Kahoot, Quizlet, Newsela, Canvas, Movie Maker, EdPuzzle BLOGS

3 Outline Brief Overview of OLLReN Research Report Corpus Linguistics
Corpus tool demonstration Summary of practice-oriented articles Summary of a teacher training-oriented article Takeaway Telecollaboration What is it? Summary of research Conclusion and Final Thoughts Q&A

4 OLLReN Research Report
108 articles from relevant journals ELT Journal; TESOL Journal; System; ReCALL; CALICO; Language, Learning & Technology; Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching trends included: Corpus linguistics (DDL: data-driven learning) Telecollaboration Writing Blogging – improved traditional writing Multimodal composing – improved revision Mobile Apps Substitutions – SMS, Twitter Modification – online recording and feedback Redefinition – FB groups and intercultural communication

5 Corpus Tools Corpus Linguistics Learner Error “make a research”
BYU-BNC MICASE AntConc BNCWeb Google just-the-word StringNet TED Corpus MICUSP Each image above is clickable! Learner Error “make a research”

6 Classroom Research Corpus Linguistics
Lee, H., Warschauer, M., & Lee, J. H. (2017). The Effects of Concordance-Based Electronic Glosses on L2 Vocabulary Learning. Language Learning & Technology, 21(2), Participants: 138 B1-B2 Korean undergrads Corpus Tool: BNC to make e-glosses Conditions: Electronic reading with no gloss, concordance line glosses (3), or concordance and dictionary glosses. Results: control < concordance lines < concordance and dictionary Finding: “the combination of definition and example sentences resulted in the highest comprehension gains”

7 Classroom Research Corpus Linguistics
Li, S. (2017). Using corpora to develop learners’ collocational competence. Language Learning & Technology, 21(3), 153– 171. Participants: linguistics class in China Corpus: BYU-BNC, BYU-COCA Focus: Verb-preposition collocations Groups: 15-week corpus (exp.) or rule-based (control) Measure: Pre-, post-, and delayed essay writing Findings: both groups increased in the use, decrease in misuse, experimental > control

8 Classroom Research Corpus Linguistics
Bardovi-Harlig, K., Mossman, S., & Su, Y. (2017). The effect of corpus-based instruction on pragmatic routines. Language Learning & Technology, 21(3), 76–103. Participants: Chinese linguistics class Participants: ESL at US university Corpus: MICASE Focus: oral agreement, disagreement, self-correction Groups: control, corpus materials (CM), corpus search (CS) Measure: speaking tasks Corpus Materials Example Corpus Search Example

9 Classroom Research Corpus Linguistics
Bardovi-Harlig, K., Mossman, S., & Su, Y. (2017). The effect of corpus-based instruction on pragmatic routines. Language Learning & Technology, 21(3), 76–103. Participants: Chinese linguistics class Findings: CM/CS had more speech acts than control CM > CS on speech act scores Some differences in type of speech act CM format considered superior because they were more focused and had less “noise” Corpus Materials Example Corpus Search Example

10 Classroom Research Corpus Linguistics
Hadley, G., & Charles, M. (2017). Enhancing extensive reading with data-driven learning. Language Learning & Technology, 21(3), 131–152 Participants: international students at a Japanese university Corpus: Oxford Bookworms Procedure: expansion activities, mins of silent reading, vocabulary log, MReader Expansion: discussion activities (control) or discussion and DDL activities (experimental) Findings: DDL students were less enthusiastic, less involved in vocabulary logs, control students did better on cloze test and Vocabulary Levels Test

11 Corpus Issues Corpus Linguistics
What challenges do students face? Lack of context Lack of proficiency Lack of technical skills Lack of research skills Lack of motivation What challenges do teachers face? Awareness Technical skills Linguistic skills Pedagogical skills Training “Corpora remain underused in much teacher education but are arguably an untapped resource with true pedagogical potential.” (Naismith, 2017)

12 Teacher Training Corpus Linguistics
Naismith, B. (2016). Integrating corpus tools on intensive CELTA courses. ELT Journal, 71(3), Rationale: Students and teacher trainees both need to improve lexical knowledge, need to learn to use a powerful pedagogical tool Corpus: multiple; JTW, Google Ngram Viewer Method: 75-minute training session – observed throughout the program, questionnaire Findings: High interest in benefits and understanding language usage Low usage - 17% increase in usage, (maybe due to lack of assessment during course) Corpus use used to plan lessons rather than during lessons as materials JTW and Ngram Viewer most common

13 Teacher Training Corpus Linguistics
Naismith, B. (2016). Integrating corpus tools on intensive CELTA courses. ELT Journal, 71(3), Recommendations: Introduce corpus use in a computer lab Amend CELTA syllabus to promote corpus usage: include frequency as a key feature of lexis Look at vocabulary and grammar together (lexicogrammar) rather than separately include “appropriacy” as a measure of context

14 Teacher Training Corpus Linguistics
Leńko-Szymańska, A. (2017). Training teachers in data-driven learning: Tackling the challenge. Language Learning & Technology, 21(3), 217–241. Rationale: need to train teachers to obtain technical, linguistic, and pedagogical skills related to corpus use. Course: “Corpora in Foreign Language Teaching, University of Warsaw” (6x, 98 students) spent a semester addressing those skills Procedure: analyzed student-made corpora and lesson plans Findings Technical – basic level skills but shied away from advanced searches Linguistic – stuck to vocabulary and collocations Pedagogy – used to inform materials, but not as classroom activities Recommendation: expose to corpora as learners and teachers throughout their courses

15 Takeaways “DDL is not an ‘all-or-nothing’ process” Corpus Linguistics
(Boulton, 2010, p. 28) Gradients of usage – from materials support to learner investigations, web-based tools to corpus creation DDL can be effective given motivated students who have both the need and proficiency DDL can be effective given motivated and well-trained teachers Clear need for teacher training: technical, linguistic, and pedagogical

16 Telecollaboration OLLReN Webinar
The engagement of groups of students in online intercultural interaction and collaboration with partner classes from other cultural contexts or geographical locations. (O’Dowd, 2015) Language learning Teacher training Intercultural communication Synchronous videoconferencing Asynchronous discussion

17 Telecollaboration & TBLT
Guo, S., & Möllering, M. (2016). The implementation of task-based teaching in an online Chinese class through web conferencing. System, 62, Method: Blackboard Collaborate webconferencing software Participants: Students in a Chinese FL classroom Task Sequence Pre-task: warm-up activities, use of interactive whiteboard to rehearse parts of the task they would later use in breakout rooms Task: family tree info-gap (session 1), doctor roleplay/jigsaw (session 2) Post-task: in main room, presented their work

18 Telecollaboration & TBLT
Guo, S., & Möllering, M. (2016). The implementation of task-based teaching in an online Chinese class through web conferencing. System, 62, Findings: Teacher-talk time was high Lack of use of webcam by students Text chat used for teacher feedback, technical problems – seen as the teacher’s area After familiarity, a mix of audio, text, emoticons Strategic use: main room – webcam; breakout rooms – audio, whiteboard to focus on task Teacher’s presence changed use of modalities Facilitates interaction when language breakdown takes place in conversation

19 Telecollaboration & CF
Akiyama, Y. (2017). Learner beliefs and corrective feedback in telecollaboration: A longitudinal investigation. System, 64, Method: eTandem, a language-exchange system with a focus on error correction, and Skype Purpose: understand corrective feedback (CF) beliefs and behavior Participants: 12 Japanese, 12 Americans Procedure: training workshop in CF, 50/50 language exchange (task-based) Findings Beliefs: majority want CF, over time most preferred recasts, decreased in want of explicit correction (though some see recasts as explicit) Reason: easier, model

20 Telecollaboration & ID
Liaw, M. L., & English, K. (2017). Identity and addressivity in the “Beyond These Walls” program. System, 64, Beyond These Walls: French and Taiwanese students learning English, cultural exchange Rationale: “the belief that the keys to successful learning in telecollaboration are participants' sense of intimacy and social presence in the community” Focus: identify, social presence Method: “About Me Bag” Project via website Findings: French: hobbies and interests connected to talent and background with confidence Taiwanese: hobbies, family, school friends but candid with feelings

21 Telecollaboration & ID
Liaw, M. L., & English, K. (2017). Identity and addressivity in the “Beyond These Walls” program. System, 64, Findings (con’t): Commenting: similarity, further interaction, We/us/ours use high and shows closeness Survey results indicated it was seen as a positive medium for collaboration, though lacking some interaction/dialog “…an effective learning activity should provide an environment with a sound social climate and therefore foster intimacy and mutual support among the participants. AMBs, to a large degree, fulfilled this goal.” See also: English, K. & Liaw, M.L. (2013) Dialogic Learning via Telecollaboration in France and Taiwan: From Virtual to Real in Beyond these Walls.

22 Telecollaboration & TT
Kurek, M., & Mueller-Hartmann, A. (2017). Task design for telecollaborative exchanges: In search of new criteria. System, 64, 7-20. Participants: MA TESOL students in Poland and Germany (via telecollaboration) Rationale: exposure to ICT, teaching via telecollaboration, task design Method: created telecollborative tasks to promote intercultural communication (via Weebly) (2 cycles) Peer-evaluated on: language, fit, meaning, authenticity, positive impact

23 Telecollaboration & TT
Kurek, M., & Mueller-Hartmann, A. (2017). Task design for telecollaborative exchanges: In search of new criteria. System, 64, 7-20. Findings: Hands-on practice developed a structured approach to task design Relationship between tools, tasks, and learning Need for balance between task support, task demand, clarity of instructions and design Telecollaborative tasks require more evaluation criteria Pedagogical framework more useful than a CALL framework for task design

24 Takeaways Telecollaboration
Telecollaboration is an effective way to foster meaningful intercultural exchanges Telecollaboration is an effective tool that can simulate the social and pedagogical context of learning. Useful in both synchronous and asynchronous formats Like DDL, it requires teacher training and the learning of both technical and pedagogical skills

25 2 Hot Topics in OLL Research:
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