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Global Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Resources

2 Resources Renewable: Non-Renewable:
can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally Trees, oxygen, solar energy Non-Renewable: cannot be readily replaced by natural means on a level equal to its consumption Oil, natural gas, coal

3 Fresh Water Resources

4 USA many large, inland rivers and lakes Fertile Soil
transportation, hydroelectric power, irrigation, fresh water, fisheries Fertile Soil world’s leading food exporter Large forests yield lumber and other products Mineral quantity and variety make rapid industrialization possible Coal, Oil, Natural Gas

5 Europe Large, deep rivers Northern European Plain Coal and Iron Ore
allow goods to be moved inland from coastal harbors Northern European Plain One of the world’s most fertile agricultural areas 33% of Europe is suitable for agriculture Coal and Iron Ore Industrialization Oil and Natural Gas in the North Sea

6 Russia Covers 1/6 of earth’s land surface 11 time zones
Chernozem—world’s most fertile soil Lake Baikal 20% of world’s fresh water Petroleum deposits around Caspian Sea Reserves of coal, iron ore, other metals 1/5 of world’s timber Hydroelectric power

7 Africa Cash crops Aswan High Dam completed in 1970, creates 300-mile Lake Nasser Farmers now have two, or three harvests a year Egypt’s farmable land increased by 50%. Nigeria is world’s 6th leading oil exporter. There are 2 million barrels of oil extracted each day; most shipped to U.S. Copper, phosphates, diamonds; 42% of world’s cobalt. produces 80% of world’s platinum, 30% of gold. Mineral wealth has not created general African prosperity Colonial rulers sent natural resources to Europe. Nations are slow to develop infrastructure, industries.

8 Southwest Asia Limited Fresh Water
Hydroelectricity Irrigation National Water Carrier Project in the Negev Oil OPEC

9 South Asia Major rivers Coal, Petroleum, Uranium
Fertile soil Irrigation Hydroelectricity Coal, Petroleum, Uranium India is known for diamonds; Sri Lanka for sapphires, rubies

10 Asia and the Pacific Japan accounts for nearly 15% of the global fishing industry China is mineral rich Global export leader Uses most of its resources internally Southeast Asia Volcanic activity, flooding rivers create nutrient-rich, fertile soil Rivers, seas provide fish; some areas have petroleum, tin, gems Australia Little forestry, but rich in bauxite, diamonds, opals, lead, coal

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