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Herbert Morrison Primary School Comenius Project

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1 Herbert Morrison Primary School Comenius Project
Culture and Respect London, Autumn 2010 Herbert Morrison Primary School Comenius Project

2 Herbert Morrison Primary School Comenius Project
Objectives Develop an awareness of the variety of languages spoken and nationalities within the school Understand the meaning of respect and recognise how we respect each other at school and in wider communities London, Autumn 2010 Herbert Morrison Primary School Comenius Project

3 Culture and Respect Key Competencies
Key Competence Outcomes Communication in the mother tongue Whole school uses ‘Manners, respect and Attitute of the week, to show respect and say respectful phrases to each other. Chn use drama to explore differing opinions and how they could show respect to each other. Chn produce a ‘passport’ sharing their personal information Communication in foreign languages Chn can say their nationality and languages they speak, in Spanish Chn can read, write and say routine phrases and school language Teachers and chn can listen to and say a new Spanish phrase each week. Mathematical literacy and competence in science and technology Chn can use scales to ‘weigh up’ kind and unkind phrases that Carly was subjected to. Chn can produce an ICT – poster on the topic of ‘Respect’ Chn collect and record data about the flavours of breads of the world and express preference. Chn create their own table for collecting date on languages spoken in the class. Digital competence Chn took photos of each other in their National costume Chn can use the internet, books, atlases and globes to create a factfile of information about a range of countries represented in our school community Chn create a ‘playlist’ of world music to listen to on cultural day Chn produce a PPT slide or presentation about showing respect London, Autumn 2010 Herbert Morrison Primary School Comenius Project

4 Herbert Morrison Primary School Comenius Project
Key Competence Outcomes Learning to learn Chn learn about language learning techniques. Games, mouthing techniques, repeat, VAK techniques. Chn can memorise songs, phrases and simple stories related to culture, nationality and respect. Chn are more aware of their own creative capacity through a range of cross-curricular activities offered . Chn can self-asses through traffic light system and end products on ‘culture and respect day’. Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and civic competences Chn can express their cultures by dressing up and taking part in cultural activities Chn can express their opinions about the vareity of cultures within the school. Chn learn about the cultures and languages within the school. Chn bring in food and other cultural artefacts to share with others. Parents take part in the cultural day and shared their cultures. Chn can identify a range of world flags Chn can discuss various ways we are similar or different than others. Chn understand the meaning of respect and create poems on the topic Entrepreneurship Chn made and shared food from their culture with the school. Chn wrote poems as part of a competition to describe how they would like their world to be. Chn take part in group work and collaborate to produce posters and poems on respect. Cultural Expression Chn share and respect each others’ cultures by taking part in ‘cultural day’. Chn wear their national costume Chn share their customs and culture e.g. food, drink, songs, games, languages. Chn produce portraits of different famous international heroes who they respect. Chn use drama to explore differing opinions and how they could show respect to each other. Chn produce a PPT slide or presentation about showing respect. London, Autumn 2010 Herbert Morrison Primary School Comenius Project

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