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European Network on Intercultural Elderly Care

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1 European Network on Intercultural Elderly Care
Lola Casal-Sanchez Chair of ENIEC Working with Acculturation Process Age Friendly City. The Hague

2 __________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ Founded in 2007 __________________________________________________ ENIEC is a non-profit membership association Professionals engaged in (social)care for elderly migrants and minorities in Europe. An informal platform of exchanging ideas and experiences cross borders in today’s Europe. In ENIEC members will develop new practices in care of elderly migrants and elderly from minorities, in their welfare in general and in the area of preventive initiatives. Annual fee 147€

3 How are the members Countries:
The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium ,Denmark, Sweden ,Norway, Finland, Spain, Austria, Italy, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Turkey. Professionals nursing homes, home care, in day activities, in municipal administrations , universities, as advisors or consultants , directors , volunteers, others with a special interest in elderly migrants are welcome as members

4 Het doel is niets, de beweging is alles ________________________ The movement is everything, the final goal is nothing Eduard Bernstein

5 We all agree on the person-centred approach, on basing care for elderly migrants upon their needs, dreams, wishes and cultural background Integration / Acculturation Process. Changing values, behaviors, and competence to integrate to the new culture not to assimilate the host culture How we work

6 Communication Annual meetings Newsletters Informal contacts
visits cross borders Website. Facebook Internal working groups

7 The power of the Network
Finland- The Netherlands. 2016 “Unohtamista kaikilla kielillä” (Forgetting in all the languages) Eva Ronkko, Ruth Franco, Susanna Lethovara, Jennifer van den Broeke, Siiri, Alina Ahtamo Seminar on Cross Cultural Dementia Screening How to strengthen the relationship between informal cares and professionals used the screening tool developed by Alzheimer Nederland

8 The power of the network
Belgium Kotosa film Es Nolf – Kennis Centrum Belgium SubSaharan elderly in Brussels, Belgium. Kotosa means ‘to respect’ in Lingala, the official language in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Website

9 The power of the network
Germany – Finland. 2016 Frederic Lauscher, Hanna Rantala, Ruth Franco, Alina Ahtama, Siiri, Sari Heikken and Eva Ronkko Seminar series on diversity in elderly care in Finland. One was LGBT elderly in Finland. Share practical experience of building a diverse elderly home in Frankfurt.

10 The power of the network
Denmark - The first Multicultural Nursing Home in Denmark. 2015 Ana Lennora The kitchen staff obtained extra education and training in cooking global food. All staff members went through education in cultural competences and cultural understanding, Study trip to the Dutch institution De Schilderhoek in Haag. Experiences such as the bank of knowledge and languages.

11 The power of the Network
The Netherlands – Belgium. 2017 Jennifer vd Broeke and Saloua Berdai Exchange ideas and experiences concerning dementia and migrant elderly between Belgian and Dutch colleagues. Workshops at Pharos and Sefkat in Boxtel. Develop a network

12 The power of the network
Finland – Estonia – Hungary. ETNIMU project The aim of the project has been to promote the brain health of the elderly from different ethnic backgrounds in Finland. One group was the Roma people, From the beginning, cultural sensitivity was a cornerstone of our work in the project. Currently, collaboration with members from Hungary

13 The power of the network
The Netherlands – Germany – China Jan Booij, Frederic Laushcer , Ute Bychowski Suzhou Social Welfare Institute. Cooperation with a Chinese nursing home Interchange learning process – Consultant process

14 The power of the network
Booklet. From Home to Home 10th anniversary ENIEC Topic of older migrants on the agenda of local authorities and care, welfare and housing organisations Stories of 10 older migrants who currently face the challenges of getting old in Europe. It depict the diversity, variety and similarities of getting older in Europe being immigrant. Support of the City of The Hague Version online

15 Diversity in ENIEC Knowledge Professsional fields Countries Topics Projects and initiatives Outcomes

16 Questions. What are the opportunities of diversity? What are the opportunities of networks as ENIEC or Divers Den Haag to develop join actions?

17 “Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.”
Malcolm Forbes Bedank! - Thank you! - ¡Muchas Gracias! Lola Casal-Sanchez Chair of ENIEC

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