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Ecology Energy Flow.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology Energy Flow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology Energy Flow

2 *Food Chain A visual representation of organisms in an ecosystem with arrows to show how energy is transferred (usually) by consuming another.

3 A visual representation of various energy systems in an ecosystem.
Food Web A visual representation of various energy systems in an ecosystem.

4 Energy is lost as you move up the pyramid.
Energy Pyramid A visual representation of various energy systems in an ecosystem showing how energy is transferred at each level. Energy is lost as you move up the pyramid. What is the 10% rule?

5 Producers/Autotrophs
Organisms that use the sunlight to create (produce) it’s own energy. Also called an autotroph.

6 Consumers/Heterotrophs
Organisms that have to consume (eat) other organisms to obtain energy. Also called a heterotroph.

7 Let’s Review

8 Herbivores Organisms that have to primarily eat grasses/plant material.

9 Carnivores Organisms that have to primarily eat meat/protein material.

10 Omnivore Organisms that eat both meat/protein and plant material.

11 *Let’s Review

12 Decomposers Organisms that break down wastes such as dead materials and recycle them in an environment.

13 Scavengers Organisms that tend to eat dead/decaying matter… garbage

14 Ecological Succession
Predictable changes that occur in an ecological system after a disturbance. Primary succession-rebuild of the ecological system; no soil present (rock, ash, etc.) Pioneer species- first to arrive on the scene! Lichens break down on rocks so that soil can form. Secondary succession-rebuild of the ecological system once soil is present to build upon.

15 Mt. St. Helens

16 Relationships between species
Competition Predation Symbiosis

17 Limiting Factors Factors in the environment that can “limit” a population’s growth. Ex: weather, predation, lack of resources (water, food), habitat destruction, pollution…

18 I. Competition The struggle for organisms to survive as they compete for natural resources including habitat.

19 II. *Predation One organism killing another for food.

20 III. Symbiosis *Mutualism- both species benefit (win/win) (+/+) 

21 III. Symbiosis Commensalism- a relationship in which 1 species benefits and the other species is neither helped nor harmed. (+/0)

22 III. Symbiosis *Parasitism- a relationship in which 1 organism lives on or inside another harming it. (+/-)

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