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Communication Essential for Success Introduction:

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1 Communication Essential for Success Introduction:
- Chapter Dad for Colorado Springs Chapter - Past Master Councilor for Poudre Valley Chapter

2 Outline Definition Aspects of Communication Methods of Communication

3 Definition A by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of - Merriam-Webster process symbols, signs, or behavior Basically, Communication is the process of passing information from one person to another (ex. A Master Councilor sends out invitations for his installation & makes phone calls to let others know about it and invite them.) “symbols, signs, or behaviors” are aspects of communication - Details of what makes up communication “process” is the method of communication - Examples of actual processes to communicate with Chapter

4 Aspects of Communication
More than simply talking Importance of communication Between Leaders, Advisors & Members Required for event success Consider your audience Successful communication requires much more than talking to someone, it requires a knowledge of the communication process and a mastery of basic communication skills. Importance – When preparing & planning events communication is essential between Chapter Advisors, DeMolay leaders, and the Chapter membership. *Who are some people you need to communicate with when planning an event? More Specific? - Councilors, Committee chairs, Chapter Dad, Sweetheart, State Officers, Other youth leaders, prospects, parents, local masonic family, etc. It is a key requirement for any event to be successful. The only way someone will attend an event is if they know about it. Consider Your Audience (Members, Advisors, Prospects, Girls) - Specific language used during conversation (ex. Going to Conclave with the chapter MC)

5 Aspects of Communication
2-Way Communication Busy slide, but lets take a minute to break it down! While communicating, most people focus on the only the message, but as you can see it’s only a small portion in green in the entire communication process. Two Person Responsibility - Effective communication necessitates that both parties assume equal responsibility in presenting, processing, and clarifying information. Communication starts by sending a message. This message must overcome static, or noise, before it reaches the other person. Any thing that would interfere with your message This message is then filtered through the perception, experiences, and background of the receiver. (Someone told DeMolay is a cult compared to the son of a Mason) When the receiver responds to the message, it is also broadcast through static, then filtered. The response to the message is called feedback. A breakdown at any point can result in poor, or no communication between 2 people. Any Questions?

6 Aspects of Communication
Exercise Group all attendees together into groups of to play a game of telephone, which illustrates the importance of good communication. Sentence for telephone: “Vance Brand of Longmont Chapter, is the only member from Colorado who has been inducted into the DeMolay Hall of Fame” Last person in line for each group tells me their sentence Inform groups of responses Summarize importance of communication - This exercise is a simple sentence - Could have included dates, times or address of location

7 Methods of Communication
Phone Text Messaging Calling Calling Chart & Tracking Master Councilor Senior Councilor Junior Councilor ½ of Current Members Chapter DAD Sweetheart & New Members The first half of this presentation has been about conceptual information – now I’m going to move in to some actual examples of things you can use in your chapter to ensure good, successful communication *Question audience for methods of communication used within their chapters. If there is not much of a response, ask how they would communicate with their friends. Phone: Test Message – State Text Messaging & Members can text each other *Raise your hand if you have a text messaging on your cell phone, keep your hand up if you have sent a text conclave, now keep your hands up if you have text during this presentation! Calling – Charts & Tracking Only method that provides instant feedback Important to talking to everybody in person Example of calling chart (Do not use traditional calling tree - As they tend to break). Calling as a method of communication is more than just making a phone call Its important to think about who being called, what they need to know, how you will keep track Could use paper, I have example of how to keep track.

8 Weekly Call Tracking Call Tracking Input Tab (Data Input) Enter Chapter information at beginning of term. - Councilors, sweetheart & chapter dad - Calling lists Weekly change Sunday starting date & Events Information transfers to each councilors tab for printing.

9 Methods of Communication
Calling Call Tracking Example of Master Councilors Tab Provides method to keep track of who to call, event information, who will be attending & if they need a ride.

10 Methods of Communication
Post Cards Flyers & Handouts Newsletters Calendars Invitations Printed Publications Some of the templates in this presentation are specific to Colorado Springs Chapter, since that is what I have access to. However, these will be post online so they can be changed for your individual chapter use. Printed Publications: *What printed publications have you seen your chapter or by Colorado DeMolay? Can be mailed, chapter meetings, other events or even ed Post Cards – Template provided in Publisher format Should include listing of the months & contact information Can be kept on fridge or something at home. Flyers/Handouts Provide a full page of information in one place News Letters Lets the members who did not attend events how fun they where and what they missed. Have fun with them. Include Trivia, Fun Facts, Games, anything else members would like.

11 Methods of Communication
Internet Instant Messenger AOL AIM MSN/Live Messenger Yahoo Messenger Google Talk Multiple Provider Support Meebo, Trillian, Pigan - Great way to get large amounts of detailed information out fast. - Easily able to distribute to large groups of people One downside is people might not check frequently & provides limited feedback Instant Messengers - Use to talk about DeMolay events while on the computer (School work, playing a game, or checking ) - Quick communication, but hard to provide a lot of details

12 Methods of Communication
Internet Cont. Social Networks Facebook Twitter LinkedIn MySpace Need to be used responsibly and with good judgment (good idea to have accounts private/closed) Be aware of information being posted (your responsibility to protect information) Many are probably already using *How many of you are already using one of these social networks? *How do you currently use them to communicate?

13 Methods of Communication
Screen shot of Facebook provided Can be used for several ways of cummunication - Discussion Board - Send messages to members - Provide event details - Post links to other DeMolay sites - Post pictures of DeMolay events - Post DeMolay related videos

14 Methods of Communication
Screen shot of Twitter provided Twitter is a free social messaging utility for staying connected in real-time - Provide real-time state updates of activities Used on Frank Marshall trip & it worked really well!

15 Methods of Communication
Internet Cont. Calendars Google Yahoo *How many use home for school, work, sports or DeMolay? Great to let people know what is happening, when & can be printed to provide hard copy - Good for busy members & advisors Can not post member information on public calendars - To include names, phone #, address , , etc. - If a point of contact is needed, use an Advisor! Google calendar works well since it has a clean layout & ease of use - Does not have advertisements like yahoo calendar - Multiple layered calendars available (ex. Chapter calendar & personal calendar)

16 Methods of Communication
Websites Allows 24 hour access to information at the convenience to everyone involved or interested in the chapter. - Members, advisors, prospects and parents is a free online resource to create & edit a website - Other sources available online, but once again showing weebly, since I have access - Easy to use (drag, drop & edit) & can edit at any computer with an internet connection Used with caution, you are responsible to not post members personal information - To include names, phone #, address , , etc.

17 Resources Templates available at Word, Excel & Publisher needed Communication ultimately comes down to you. This is your chapter & we can not tell you how to do it, and I have provided some templates at our chapter website of the methods presented today for you to use. This is not all that can be done, but simply something that can get you started.

18 Questions? Contact Information Dad Ben Pilato Cell: (970)

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