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Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program Implementation Summary: FY17

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1 Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program Implementation Summary: FY17
F2F Implementers’ Meeting December 6, 2017

2 FY14-18 F2F Program F2F Tagline and Mission Statement:
“Farmer-to-Farmer—building agricultural sector competitiveness” (to be revisited) The Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program promotes sustainable economic growth, food security, and agricultural development worldwide. Volunteer technical assistance from US farmers, agribusinesses, cooperatives, and universities helps developing countries to improve productivity, access new markets, and conserve environmental and natural resources. This people-to-people exchange promotes international goodwill, understanding of US foreign assistance programs, and private involvement in development activities. F2F volunteers work with farmers, producer groups, rural businesses, and service providers to develop local capacity necessary to increase food production and rural incomes, expand economic growth, and address environmental and natural resource management challenges.

3 FY14-18 F2F Program Country Projects Sub-sectors: Country Projects
Country Projects % of Country Projects Agricultural Education & Training 11 17% Horticulture 10 15% Field Crops Livestock & Dairy 8 12% Rural Enterprise Development 6 9% Environment & Natural Resources Management 4 6% Gender and Youth in Agriculture Financial Services 3 5% Food Safety Producer Organization Development Market Systems Development 2 3% Rural Development 1 2% Total 65 100%

4 FY17 F2F Program Note: Indicator data presented may have minor errors due to some late reporting and pending revisions.

5 FY17 F2F Program Number and Type of Hosts : Institution Type Number %
Cooperatives and Associations 623 33% Individual Private Farmers 388 21% Other Private Enterprises 282 15% Non-Profit, Public Interest NGOs 238 13% Public & Private Education Institutions 167 9% Public Sector Agencies 17 1% Rural Financial Institutions 146 8% Total = 1,861 100%

6 FY17 F2F Program Hosts By Project: Program Total % of Total
Total Assignmts Assign/ Host ACDIVOCA/ECCA 380 20% 294 0.77 ACDIVOCA/West Africa 270 15% 342 1.27 CNFA/Southern Africa 160 9% 250 1.56 CRS/East Africa 153 8% 431 2.82 Land O'Lakes/MENA 115 6% 214 1.86 Partners/Caribbean 158 427 2.70 Winrock/AET 109 240 2.20 Winrock/Asia 251 13% 257 1.02 VEGA/FAVACA 57 3% 54 0.95 VEGA/Purdue 22 1% 35 1.59 VEGA/VWB 65 86 1.32 VEGA/IESC 14 17 1.21 VEGA/SGs 107 142 1.33 1861 100% 2789 1.50

7 Gender Categorization
FY17 F2F Program Host by Gender: Gender Categorization Total % Female 281 15.1% Male 824 44.3% Joint 477 25.6% Not Applicable 279 15.0% 1,861 100.0%

8 FY17 F2F Program Potential Beneficiaries: ACDIVOCA/ECCA 6555 4416
Members/ Owners Employees Clients & Suppliers Family Members Total ACDIVOCA/ECCA 6555 4416 101,012 489,232 601,215 ACDIVOCA/West Africa 67,064 5776 305,487 1,295,245 1,673,572 CNFA/Southern Africa 26,502 2463 20,134 223,579 272,678 CRS/East Africa 160,920 4454 240,077 1,621,804 2,027,255 Land O'Lakes/MENA 14,804 7505 383,796 1,307,513 1,713,618 Partners/Caribbean 76,851 28,935 56,493 637,444 799,723 Winrock/AET 862,497 9442 1,200,618 8,290,228 10,362,785 Winrock/Asia 116,366 30,213 3,265,228 12,700,365 16,112,172 VEGA/FAVACA 382 243 11,319 35,832 47,776 VEGA/Purdue 465 56 749 3810 5080 VEGA/VWB 2730 188 375 15,049 18,342 VEGA/IESC 4120 12,407 12,360 86,661 115,548 VEGA/SGs 45,740 2128 5266 187,990 241,124 1,384,996 108,226 5,602,914 26,894,752 33,990,888 Percent 4% 0% 16% 79% 100%

9 FY17 F2F Program 268.48 Persons Directly Assisted: FY17 [Note: = $268.48/person] Program Male Female Total ACDIVOCA/ECCA 3731 4537 8268 ACDIVOCA/West Africa 3735 3453 7188 CNFA/Southern Africa 1315 1393 2708 CRS/East Africa 4940 3776 8716 Land O'Lakes/MENA 1376 695 2071 Partners/Caribbean 5929 3262 9191 Winrock/AET 2164 1103 3267 Winrock/Asia 2695 1802 4497 VEGA/PDP/FAVACA 328 307 635 VEGA/PDP/Purdue Univ. 257 197 454 VEGA/PDP/VWB VEGA/PDP/IESC 1159 339 1498 VEGA/SGs 5421 1957 7378 33,050 22,821 55,871 Percent 59% 41% 100%

10 FY17 F2F Program Persons Trained: FY17 Program Male Female Total
ACDIVOCA/ECCA 3468 4357 7825 ACDIVOCA/West Africa 3298 2957 6255 CNFA/Southern Africa 1167 1252 2419 CRS/East Africa 3795 2660 6455 Land O'Lakes/MENA 1057 586 1643 Partners/Caribbean 3085 1864 4949 Winrock/AET 1722 811 2533 Winrock/Asia 1951 1105 3056 VEGA/PDP/FAVACA 169 170 339 VEGA/PDP/Purdue Univ. 159 171 330 VEGA/PDP/VWB VEGA/PDP/IESC 1099 323 1422 VEGA/SGs 4708 1868 6576 25,678 18,124 43,802 Percent 59% 41% 100%

11 FY17 F2F Program Volunteer Recommendations: Program Economic
Organizational Environmental Financial Total ACDIVOCA/ECCA 420 116 6 10 552 ACDIVOCA/West Africa 378 173 79 16 646 CNFA/Southern Africa 175 94 68 55 392 CRS/East Africa 209 278 46 28 561 Land O'Lakes/MENA 72 168 48 7 295 Partners/Caribbean 369 208 124 14 715 Winrock/AET 65 12 1 630 Winrock/Asia 294 181 475 VEGA/PDP/FAVACA 41 35 13 89 VEGA/PDP/Purdue Univ. 8 18 5 31 VEGA/PDP/VWB VEGA/PDP/IESC 19 71 VEGA/SGs 162 106 15 291 2209 1964 435 140 4748 Percent 47% 41% 9% 3% 100%

12 FY17 F2F Program Test impact monitoring & reporting Year 3 (FY16)
Outcomes and Impacts (fyi – for those new to the Program) Test impact monitoring & reporting Year 3 (FY16) Full outcome & impact reporting Year 5 (FY18) ======================================= Outcomes = Recommendation/innovation adoption Impacts – Economic, Organizational, Environmental

13 FY17 F2F Program FY09-13 Program Impacts (as reference point)
Direct Beneficiaries 199,927 Volunteer Recommendations Adopted 6,925 Increased Net Annual Income $132.7 million Increased Gross Sales $443 million Area Under improved Production 450,546 ha Number of New Services 1,818 Increased Agricultural Lending $28.2 million Area Covered by Improved Management 1,131,966 ha.

14 FY17 F2F Program Volunteer “Standard Assignment Equivalents" (21 days):

15 FY09-13 Program Volunteer-days per assignment:
FY17 - Lowest in six years.

16 FY17 F2F Program Scopes of Work vs. Assignments: Program Assignments
ACDIVOCA/ECCA 92 97 ACDIVOCA/West Africa 110 111 CNFA/Southern Africa 81 CRS/East Africa 117 Land O'Lakes/MENA 67 Partners/Caribbean 144 Winrock/AET 84 85 Winrock/Asia 78 75 VEGA/PDP/FAVACA 18 VEGA/PDP/Purdue Univ. 10 VEGA/PDP/VWB VEGA/PDP/IESC 16 VEGA/SGs 56 96 Total 873 917

17 FY17 F2F Program Type of Volunteer Assignment: ACDIVOCA/ECCA 75 4 11 2
Technology Transfer Organizational Development Enterprise Development Financial Services Environmental Conservation Admin. Total ACDIVOCA/ECCA 75 4 11 2 92 ACDIVOCA/West Afr. 57 22 27 110 CNFA/Southern Africa 45 9 21 6 81 CRS/East Africa 29 32 8 1 117 Land O'Lakes/MENA 33 12 67 Partners/Caribbean 77 13 41 7 144 Winrock/AET 31 46 84 Winrock/Asia 50 19 78 VEGA/PDP/FAVACA 5 18 VEGA/PDP/Purdue 10 VEGA/PDP/VWB VEGA/PDP/IESC 3 16 VEGA/Small Grants 56 481 162 172 26 873 Percent of total 55% 19% 20% 2% 3% 1% 100%

18 Processing/ Post-harvest
FY17 F2F Program Value Chain Aspect for Assignments: Program Support Services On-Farm Production Processing/ Post-harvest Marketing Total ACDIVOCA/ECCA 21 53 14 4 92 ACDIVOCA/West Afr. 29 60 7 110 CNFA/Southern Africa 5 43 6 27 81 CRS/East Africa 45 38 15 19 117 Land O'Lakes/MENA 35 20 67 Partners/Caribbean 55 51 24 144 Winrock/AET 70 3 84 Winrock/Asia 9 2 78 VEGA/PDP/FAVACA 1 13 18 VEGA/PDP/Purdue 10 VEGA/PDP/VWB VEGA/PDP/IESC 16 VEGA/SGs 23 12 56 307 347 100 119 873 Percent of total 35% 40% 11% 14% 100%

19 FY17 F2F Program PERSUAP Category #1 and #2 Assignments FY17
Host Assignments Category 1 & 2 Category 1 % Cat 1 ACDIVOCA/ECCA 92 25 14 15% ACDIVOCA/West Africa 110 12 6 5% CNFA/Southern Africa 81 30 2 2% CRS/East Africa 117 32 5 4% Land O'Lakes/MENA 67 7% Partners/Caribbean 144 1 1% Winrock/AET 84 9 3 Winrock/Asia 78 7 VEGA/PDP/FAVACA 18 6% VEGA/PDP/Purdue Univ. 10 10% VEGA/PDP/VWB 0% VEGA/PDP/IESC 16 15 VEGA/SGs 56 Total 873 141 42 ?? Possible proxy for level of technical specialization of assignments??

20 FY17 F2F Program F2F Volunteer Assignment Spot Checks (“Lake Woebegone Effect”) Program SAR SOW Score AR SOW Score Average of Average SOW Score SAR Vol-Report Score AR Vol-Report Score Average of Average Report Score SAR Deliverable Completion AR Deliverable Completion Average of Completion Rates ACDIVOCA/ ECCA 4.33 4.67 4.5 4.0 4.2 93% 62% 78% ACDIVOCA/ West Africa 3.8 3.4 3.5 70% 65% 68% CNFA/Southern Africa 4.4 5.0 4.8 100% 85% CRS/East Africa 4.43 3.75 4.29 57% 67% Land O'Lakes/ MENA 4.75 4.6 88% 91% 90% Partners/ Caribbean 4.13 4.71 86% 89% Winrock/AET 3.0 3.7 54% 77% Winrock/Asia 92% 96% VEGA/PDPs 2.5 4.25 58% VEGA/SGs 2.33 3.2 53% 66% Total 4.48 3.81 4.1

21 FY17 F2F Program Volunteer Occupations : Volunteer Occupation No. %
Educational institution 250 28.6% Private Enterprise 247 28.3% Retired 142 16.3% Farmer 77 8.8% NGO 56 6.4% Government 45 5.2% Cooperative/Association 25 2.9% Student Financial Institution 6 0.7% Total 873 100.0%

22 FY17 F2F Program Volunteer Gender Distribution: (FY17) Number % Male
608 69.6% Female 265 30.4% Total 873 100%

23 FY17 F2F Program Volunteer New vs. Repeat Volunteers : Number %
556 63.7% First-Time Volunteer 317 36.3% Total 873 100.0%

24 FY17 F2F Program Volunteer Ethnic Background: [23.3% minority] Number
White/Non-Hispanic 611 70.0% Black/Non-Hispanic 88 10.1% Asian 48 5.5% White/Hispanic 41 4.7% Black/Hispanic 15 1.7% Hawaiian 2 0.2% American Indian or Alaskan Native Other 10 1.1% Decline 56 6.4% Total 873 100.0%

25 FY17 F2F Program States providing most Volunteers in FY17:
California – 64 Florida – 52 North Carolina– 49 Wisconsin –46 Minnesota – 32 New York – 32 49 states and the District of Colombia provided volunteers in FY17. FY18 - Targeting Wyoming!

26 FY17 F2F Program Countries served in fy17 = 41; Top countries & assignments: Ghana – 64 assignments Senegal - 61 DR - 41 Lebanon - 37 Malawi - 37 Guatemala - 35 Uganda - 34 Kyrgyzstan - 33 Nicaragua - 33 Tanzania - 31 Mozambique - 29 Bangladesh - 27 Ethiopia - 27 Tajikistan - 27

27 FY17 F2F Program Outreach & Leverage Project Number of Press Releases
Number of Media Events Number of Group Presentations Total Number of Outreach Activities Value of Resources Leveraged by Grantee and Volunteers ACDIVOCA/ECCA 21 136 157 $3,482 ACDIVOCA/West Africa 82 74 131 287 $6,268 CNFA/Southern Africa 15 162 105 282 $64,869 CRS/East Africa 40 57 135 232 $170,417 Land O'Lakes/MENA 18 84 224 326 $43,656 Partners of the Americas/Caribbean 6 3 335 $170,792 Winrock/AET 14 174 23 $211 $151,068 Winrock/Asia 12 324 49 385 $139,576 VEGA/FAVACA 5 17 45 $25,000 VEGA/Purdue 11 8 19 $2,450 VEGA/VWB VEGA/IESC 7 22 46 $850 VEGA/Small Grants 50 268 337 $153,741 FY 2017 Total 249 1535 878 2662 $932,169

28 Volunteer Assignments
FY17 F2F Program Associate Awards: Volunteer Assignments Persons Assisted Hosts ACDIVOCA/Jamaica 10 436 12 ACDIVOCA/Liberia 71 7 ACDIVOCA/ Tanzania 2 11 CNFA/Ethiopia 1 CNFA/Guinea 24 CRS/Sierra Leone 15 523 Winrock/Burma 26 434 8 Winrock/Guinea (FY13) 100 Land O'Lakes/ Mozambique Winrock/Guinea-II 49 Winrock/ Mozambique FY17 Total 76 6538 44

29 Thank you May be useful to have some “per volunteer” figures in—persons assisted, hosts assisted, outreach/US leverage, etc. Is it worth discussing program leverage/expenditure (roughly 25%, currently)? On with FY2018!!!

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