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Nervous System: General Principles

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1 Nervous System: General Principles
Comparative Anatomy Tony Serino. Ph.D. Biology Dept. Misericordia Univ.

2 Nervous System Controls and/or modifies all other systems
Rapid response time Usually short duration Reflex arc illustrates functional control

3 Divisions of the Nervous System

4 Nervous Tissue Non-excitable Tissue (Supportive cells)
Neuroglia –present in CNS Schwann and Satellite cells –present in PNS Neurons (excitable tissue) Initiate and conduct electrical signals (action potentials)

5 Neuroglia (glial cells)
Phagocytic,protective Form BBB Regulate microenvironment Pass on nutrients; get rid of waste

6 Neuroglia Line cavities Create CSF Secrete myelin in CNS

7 PNS Supportive Cells Schwann cells –secrete myelin in PNS
Satellite cells –surround neuron cell bodies in PNS

8 Neuron Anatomy Axonal terminal Nerve ending Synaptic boutons
Synaptic knobs

9 Functional Zones of a Neuron
Receptor Zone Initial segment of Axon (trigger zone) Nerve endings Axon

10 Internal Cell Body Structures

11 Myelination In PNS, a Schwann cell wraps and individual segment of a single axon In the CNS, an oligodendrocyte performs the same function but can attach to more than one axon

12 Node of Ranvier: gaps in myelin sheath

13 Types of Neurons Anatomical classification Functional Classification
Based on number of process projecting from cell body Functional Classification Based on location of neuron and direction of information flow



16 Functional Classes

17 General Terms Ganglia vs. Nuclei Nerve vs. nerve fiber
Areas of densely packed nerve cell bodies Ganglia are usually found in PNS Nuclei are found in CNS Nerve vs. nerve fiber A nerve is a dissectible structure containing hundreds of axons A nerve fiber is a single axon CT sheaths covering peripheral nerves:

18 Nerve CT sheaths

19 Synapses Areas where neurons communicate with other cells
Can be chemical (with neurotransmitters) or electrical (gap junctions)

20 Anatomy of Synapse (chemical)
Neurotransmission ends when NT diffuses away, re-absorbed by presynaptic neuron, or NT metabolized (degraded) by enzymes in cleft

21 Neurotransmission Electrical signal (action potential (AP)) descends axon to synaptic knob (nerve end) Depolarization opens Ca++ channels to open in presynaptic membrane Triggers a number of synaptic vesicles to fuse with outer membrane Dumps neurotransmitter (NT) into synaptic cleft NT diffuses across cleft and binds to receptor on postsynaptic membrane This leads to channels opening on postsynaptic membrane changing the membrane’s potential

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