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3 Clinical profiles and outcomes in 1203 newly diagnosed patients with systemic AL amyloidosis: first analysis of the ALchemy study. Richa Manwani.

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Presentation on theme: "3 Clinical profiles and outcomes in 1203 newly diagnosed patients with systemic AL amyloidosis: first analysis of the ALchemy study. Richa Manwani."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical profiles and outcomes in 1203 newly diagnosed patients with systemic AL amyloidosis: first analysis of the ALchemy study. Richa Manwani

2 Systemic AL amyloidosis
Mahmood et al, Haematologica 2014

3 Systemic AL Amyloidosis

4 Methods National referral centre for patients with amyloidosis in the UK ALchemy study A prospective study of all patients seen at the UK NAC diagnosed with systemic AL amyloidosis Captures majority of the national caseload of amyloidosis in UK

5 Methods 1203 patients recruited from September 2009-March 2016
Study assessments: 3 months, 6 months and then 6 monthly Imaging – echocardiogram, 123I serum amyloid P component (SAP) scintigraphy, CMR Biochemical – serum albumin, serum creatinine, 24 hour urinary protein, liver function tests, cardiac biomarkers (troponin T, NT-proBNP) Clonal response Treatments and toxicity recorded Organ and haematological response assessed by international amyloidosis consensus guidelines (Comenzo et al, Leukaemia 2012) Survival calculated by Kaplan-Meier analysis.

6 Baseline characteristics
 n(%)/Median (Range) Median age (years) 66.3 ( ) Sex Male 58%/Female 42% ECOG 0-2 ECOG 3-4 92% 8% NYHA 1-2 NYHA 3-4 83% 17% NT-proBNP (ng/L) 1974 ( ) LV wall thickness (mm) 12.5 (5-22.5) Serum creatinine (µmol/L) 96 ( ) 24 hour urinary protein (g/24h) 3.5 (0.1-58) dFLC (mg/L) 181.7 ( ) M-protein 914 (75.9%) Serum paraprotein > 5g/L 446 (37%)

7 62 patients (5.2%) died before treatment.
First line treatment 62 patients (5.2%) died before treatment.

8 Overall survival in entire cohort
Deaths < 3 months: 162/1203 (13.5%) Deaths 3-6 months: 98/1203 (8.1%) Median survival 57 months Overall survival Median = 57 months

9 Progression free survival
Median progression free survival: 17 months Progression free survival Time (months)

10 Cardiac involvement remains the main determinant of survival
Mayo cardiac stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 (Median 12 months) NYHA class NYHA 1-2 (Median 83 months) NYHA 3-4 (Median 6 months) Log rank p <0.001 Log rank p <0.001 Median survival of stage 3b (NT-proBNP >8500ng/L) = 5 months

11 Haematological response at 6 months

12 dFLC response (ITT) by treatment regime

13 6 month overall haematological response
CR VGPR CR PR VGPR: 54 mths No response (median survival 8 months) PR: 20 mths Log Rank p = <0.001 No response (5 months) OS dFLC response: VGPR or better 29 mths, PR 26 mths, no response 9 mths

14 Treatment type Log Rank p = 0.503 Bortezomib 83 months
Melphalan 14 months Bortezomib 83 months IMID 55 months Log Rank p = 0.503 IMID 15 months Log rank p=0.061

15 Time to next treatment Median time to next treatment: 55 months

16 TNT based on dFLC

17 Organ response at 6 months (ITT basis)

18 Organ response p=0.2 p=0.006 p=0.0293 p=0.0364

19 Six minute walk test - new method of measuring outcomes?
Median: 417m m m Median change from baseline:

20 Six minute walk test - new method of measuring outcomes?
Impact of change in 6M-Walk at 6 months on survival >378 m m <260 m; median 13 months Log Rank p = <0.001 Impact of Baseline 6M-Walk on survival Log Rank p = 0.07

21 Independent predictors of survival
Hazard Ratio P value CI Mayo Stage 1 Ref <0.0001 Mayo Stage 2 1.8 0.002 Mayo Stage 3a 2.2 Mayo Stage 3b 3.2 SBP <100 mmHg 1.3 0.006

22 Independent predictors of survival
Hazard Ratio P value CI Mayo Stage 1 Ref <0.015 Mayo Stage 2 2.03 0.066 Mayo Stage 3a 1.99 0.07 Mayo Stage 3b 3.06 0.005 6M walk distance(>378 m) REF 6M walk distance ( m) 1.05 0.80 6M walk distance (<260m) 1.5 0.02

23 Conclusion Data from this large real-world cohort shows:
Overall survival has improved, with median approaching 5 years Bortezomib associated with highest OS and PFS in cohort. However, high early death remains a persistent problem. Less than a fifth of all patients achieve a “true” CR, but 40% reach a dFLC VGPR or better. Organ responses on an intention-to-treat basis remain extremely disappointing, highlighting the need for anti-amyloid therapies. Achieving a CR translates into better overall survival and organ response. Six minute walk test distance of <260m is an independent marker of poor outcome.

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