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Continuing Medical Education Programs

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1 Continuing Medical Education Programs
Dr. Anika Niambi Al-Shura, Lecturer Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

2 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Level 1 Course Titles Health Communications in TCM Cardiology Integrative Anatomy and Patho-physiology in TCM Cardiology Integrative Examination in Cardiovascular Disease Integrative Diagnosing of Cardiovascular Diseases Integrative Study of Hematology in Cardiology Integrative Hyperlipidemia Treatments in Cardiovascular Disease Integrative Cardiovascular Clinical Therapies Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

3 Niambi Wellness continuing medical education programs presents
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

4 Integrative Diagnosing of Cardiovascular Disease
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

5 Diagnosing in Cardiovascular
This course is approved by the following agencies: National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) for 8 PDA points and Florida State Board of Acupuncture for 10 CEUs. The companion textbook: Diagnosing in Cardiovascular Chinese Medicine must be ordered at Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

6 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Course Description This course covers the finer details of cardiovascular patient examination techniques and clinical pearls used in western medicine, together with TCM examination techniques. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

7 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Course Objectives Understand the 6 basic signs and symptoms connected to cardiac diseases and their clinical significance. Learn the methods and techniques used in physical examination to detect the signs. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

8 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

9 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Course Modules Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

10 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Module 1: Chest pain Module 2: Breathing Difficulties Module 3: Heart Rhythm Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

11 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Module 4: Fainting Spells Module 5: Swellings Module 6: Gait Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

12 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

13 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Module 1 Chest Pain Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

14 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Contents Chapter 1: Clinical Significance Chapter 2: Inquiry and Examination Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

15 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

16 Chapter 1: Clinical Significance
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

17 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Contents Part 1: Etiology Part 2: Answers to Textbook Questions Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

18 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

19 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Part 1: Etiology Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

20 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The pain may be transmitted by the sympathetic, vagus, and phrenic nerves, and well as nerves along the intercostal areas. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

21 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The sensation may be felt upon the skin, between the rib bones within the intercostal muscles, under the diaphragm, around pleural tissue, inside of the esophagus, or through the sections of the heart including the aorta. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

22 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Sometimes the breathing may become laboured. Weak or impaired gastrointestinal functioning may mimic or complicate symptoms. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

23 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Part 1: Textbook Answer Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

24 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Answer #1 Xiong bi In Chinese medicine, when chest pain is a positive sign of an adverse health condition it may be called xiong bi or chest obstruction. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

25 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Answer #2: Pulmonary and other (esophageal disorders) Esophageal disorders are in the “other” category of differential diagnosis and includes contraction, acid reflux or esophagitis. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

26 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Sources of pain are differentiated in Western medicine as: Cardiovascular Pulmonary Other causes Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

27 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

28 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Answer #3: Stagnation Patients will complain about symptoms which are most bothersome and considered common to heart problems. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

29 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

30 Chapter 2:Inquiry and Examination
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

31 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Contents Part 1: Examination Part 2: Acute Chest Pain Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

32 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Contents Part 3: Chronic Chest Pain Part 4: Answers to Textbook Questions Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

33 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

34 Part 1:Inquiry and Examination
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

35 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Chest pain is an unpleasant and possibly severe sensation, which originates or radiates around the chest. It is characterized by a feeling of pressure, tightness, or discomfort. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

36 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

37 Cardiovascular Causes
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

38 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Obstruction: aorta disorders Ischemia: myocardial infarction Non-ischemic: aneurysm and pericarditis Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

39 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Pulmonary Causes Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

40 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Chest wall: pneumothorax and pleuritis Functional: pneumonia, sarcoidosis, cancer and tuberculosis Vascular: hypertension and embolus Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

41 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Cough or dyspnea often accompany chest pain, which may also give any clues about respiratory complications. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

42 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Cough= sharp sound expelled from the lungs and throat and out of the mouth Dyspnea= difficult or laboured breathing Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

43 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Other Causes Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

44 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Gastrointestinal Esophageal problems Peptic ulcers GERD Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

45 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Psychological: Neurosis Depression Anxiety Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

46 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

47 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Part 2: Acute Chest Pain Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

48 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Hyperventilation Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

49 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The pain occurs with rapid breathing and during heightened anxiety or emotional upset. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

50 Pneumonia and Pneumothorax
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

51 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Pain due to puncture, microbial infection, or obstruction which can be identified on x-ray. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

52 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

53 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Pericarditis Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

54 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The pain is due to ischemic pain behind the sternum radiating to the left arm. The pain occurs and is worse while lying down and relieved by sitting up. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

55 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

56 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
A pericardial friction rub may or may not be heard in auscultation. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

57 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The EKG may show ST segment elevations in multiple leads. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

58 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
This may confuse a diagnosis towards acute myocardial infarction. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

59 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
However this is not true in all cases. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

60 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Also a chest x-ray may often be considered normal. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

61 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

62 Myocardial Infarction
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

63 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The pain is similar in quality and location to angina pectoris, but lasts longer, and is more intense. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

64 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The pain often occurs at rest and is not relieved by nitroglycerin. It may be accompanied by: Diaphoresis Dyspnea Nausea Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

65 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

66 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The patient usually needs to be hospitalized for treatments. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

67 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
An electrocardiogram will show Q waves and ST segment depressions. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

68 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Blood work should include cardiac enzyme test. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

69 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

70 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Unstable Angina Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

71 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
These patients have coronary artery disease. The pain is relieved by rest or nitroglycerin. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

72 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
These patients have coronary artery disease. The pain is relieved by rest or nitroglycerin. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

73 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The patient usually needs to be hospitalized for treatments. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

74 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
An electrocardiogram will show Q waves and ST segment depressions. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

75 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Blood work should include cardiac enzyme test. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

76 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

77 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Aortic Dissection Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

78 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The pain is located in the anterior and posterior areas within the chest. It is described as a feeling of something being ripped, and is not relieved with nitroglycerin. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

79 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

80 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The pulse may be absent. There may be regurgitation heard at the aortic position in auscultation. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

81 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

82 Part 3: Chronic Chest Pain
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

83 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

84 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Esophageal Disorders Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

85 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Esophagitis is due to acid reflux and causes burning sensation. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

86 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Symptoms can occur with flow of stomach acid such as: After meals Bending at the waist Lying down Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

87 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Esophageal spasms are contractions of the wall of the esophagus. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

88 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Motor disorder is pain due to the contraction and spasm of the muscular wall of the esophagus. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

89 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Dysphagia is a common symptom in these patients. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

90 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

91 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Chest Wall Pain Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

92 This pain is aggravated by Movement Palpation
Chest tissue manipulation Bending or rotating the arms Twisting at the waist © Copyright 2012 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

93 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

94 Coronary Artery Disease
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

95 Coronary artery disease presents in the clinic as recurrent angina pectoris.
© Copyright 2012 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

96 Evidence of pain due to coronary artery disease, is getting relief within 3 minutes of taking nitroglycerin. © Copyright 2012 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

97 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

98 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Myocardial Ischemia Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

99 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
The pain usually awakens a sleeping patient. An emotional episode also triggers an attack. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

100 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Some patients get relief from taking nitroglycerin, and calcium channel blockers. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

101 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Q waves and ST segment depressions and elevations occur during pain episodes. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

102 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

103 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Mitral Valve Prolapse Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

104 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
These patients should be monitored for endocarditis and arrhythmias. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

105 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Check in auscultation for a late systolic murmur or mid-systolic click. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

106 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

107 Part 4: Answers to Textbook Questions
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

108 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Answer block #4 qi deficiency blood stasis blood stagnation phlegm stasis #5 Separation of yin and yang Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

109 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Answer block #6 valvular or aortic disease #7 infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia or rheumatic fever #8 hypertension #9 a high homocysteine level is a risk factor for atherosclerosis in coronary artery disease. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

110 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Answer block #10 Usually an EKG will show Q waves and ST segment elevations. #11 Blood work including cardiac enzymes #12 EKG #13 Chest X-ray #14 EKG Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

111 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved
Answer block #15 pain is relieved after taking nitroglycerine #16 pain is not relieved by rest or nitroglycerine #17 pain is worse while lying down and relieved by sitting up Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

112 Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

113 Module 1 Review Questions
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

114 review interactive practice quiz.
Complete the Module 1 review interactive practice quiz. Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

115 Please continue on to Module 2
Copyright 2014 Niambi Wellness. All rights reserved

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