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Cold War Re-Cap! So Far: End of WWI/Causes of Cold War – Controversy Q. Now: The Thaw and now the nuclear arms nuclear weapons, rest of the course of Cold.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War Re-Cap! So Far: End of WWI/Causes of Cold War – Controversy Q. Now: The Thaw and now the nuclear arms nuclear weapons, rest of the course of Cold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War Re-Cap! So Far: End of WWI/Causes of Cold War – Controversy Q. Now: The Thaw and now the nuclear arms nuclear weapons, rest of the course of Cold War (regular essay questions). Much Later: The end of the Cold War – Controversy Q.

2 What was the impact of nuclear weapons 1945-63?
1945: Dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis: The closest the Cold War ever came to deploying nuclear weapons. USA placed weapons in Italy/Turkey pointing at USSR and USSR did the same in Cuba – tense period of negotiation followed to agree dismantling. 1963: ‘Hot line’ telephone link – a system of direct communication between USA and USSR to prevent misunderstanding which had happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis. 1963: Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: A treaty which banned the testing of nuclear weapons above ground or below water. Showed a desire to limit nuclear weapons.

3 Britain: See p98 – what does this source show?
Look at the timeline on p96-7 and add in any dates that you need. What other things were happening at this time? Britain: See p98 – what does this source show? It must be appreciated how seriously the nuclear threat was perceived during the Cold War. The USA has its ‘duck and cover campaign’. There are also examples from Britain and the USSR. What were the causes of the arms race? The growth of international tension National and personal considerations Domestic factors TASK: Make a spider diagram for your section and then you can share information.

4 Mini whiteboards…… ‘During conflict your armaments help determine your influence; during war they help determine the outcome’ Do you think this could have been true of the Cold War? Do you think this ethos would have been believed at the time? Eisenhower said in 1954: ‘What do you do with the world after you have won a victory in such a catastrophic nuclear war?’ What do you think Eisenhower means by this? Do you think this is conflict with the development of nuclear weapons in the period? What might the motivation for this development have been?

5 How did the nuclear arms race develop 1949-63?
For your topic, create THREE interesting slides about your topic – please include dates. I will make a big PowerPoint and you will present them in period 6. Come back 10 mins before the end of the lesson please. Atomic bombs: First lightening/fat man/B52 bombers Hydrogen bombs: ‘Ivy Mike’/Bravo Test Intercontinental ballistic missiles Space Race: Sputnik UK atomic weapons: Operation Hurricane.

6 Homework Use the PowerPoint and p to create a nuclear arms race timeline. Make sure you add sufficient detail. For: Monday.


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