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Spelling Week 1 & 2 Synonyms & Antonyms.

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling Week 1 & 2 Synonyms & Antonyms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelling Week 1 & 2 Synonyms & Antonyms

2 fast- fast1 adjective Swift or rapid
The winning olympian is very fast. fast- fast1 adjective Swift or rapid

3 rapid- rap·id adjective Very fast in movement.
The superhero’s rapid pace set a new record.

4 kind-kind1 adjective Having a nice or generous nature.
The kind and generous man fed the poor.

5 benevolent- be·nev·o·lent adjective Very kind and giving.
The benevolent woman is generous and kind.

6 musical- mu·si·cal adjective Relating to music or performance of music
The violin is my favorite musical instrument.

7 melodious- me·lo·di·ous adjective Harmonious and pleasant to listen to
The singer's voice was enjoyably melodious.

8 enormous- e·nor·mous adjective Very large, gigantic
A tiny fish swam by an enormous whale.

9 puny- pu·ny adjective Disappointingly small and slight
My arms are too puny to lift heavy things.

10 Not showing enough attention or consideration
careless- care·less adjective Not showing enough attention or consideration The opposite of careful is careless.

11 cautious- cau·tious adjective Exercising care and watchfulness
The beekeeper was calm and cautious.

12 accomplish- ac·com·plish verb To achieve or complete successfully
We must accomplish our mission to succeed.

13 adaptation- ad·ap·ta·tion
noun A change that occurs to fit certain conditions The bunny rabbit’s adaptation suits the new climate.

14 approached- ap·proach verb Moved closer to
I approached the intimidating teacher carefully.

15 argued- ar·gue verb Quarreled or bickered
We argued over the last piece of pie.

16 Instinctively or involuntarily
automatically- au·to·mat·i·cal·ly adverb Instinctively or involuntarily She automatically drove to her house without thinking.

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