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Talkin’ About Tuck Everlasting

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1 Talkin’ About Tuck Everlasting
Vocabulary Weeks 1-3

2 The scenery was so tranquil, it practically put me to sleep.

3 TRANQUIL Peaceful, calm, serene

4 Buzz Lightyear says, “To infinity and beyond!”
Infinite Buzz Lightyear says, “To infinity and beyond!”

5 INFINITE Limitless or endless; goes on forever.

6 The car stopped abruptly when it crashed into the wall.

7 ABRUPTLY Suddenly, without warning.

8 The children waited in line for a meager amount of rice.

9 MEAGER Small amount of.

10 Melancholy The man was feeling a lot of melancholy after his dog died, but his wife tried to cheer him up.

11 MELANCHOLY Sad, depressed.

12 Rueful The player felt very rueful after he missed a goal, causing his team to lose the cricket match.

13 RUEFUL Regretful, remorseful

14 Exasperated The woman felt exasperated by her children because they laid down in the middle of the street.

15 EXASPERATED Irritate immensely, infuriate

16 Mike Ditka’s suit was irrelevant to the Bears’ win.

17 IRRELEVANT Not important or unrelated to the current topic

18 Scornful Matt Damon gave a scornful look to the extras because they were talking during his important scene.

19 SCORNFUL Feeling or expressing contempt, treating someone in a way as if you think they are worthless.

20 The pumpkins all looked peculiar when they were picked from the patch.

21 PECULIAR Strange, odd

22 Vanity He showed a lot of vanity about himself when he kept looking at how beautiful he was in the mirror.

23 VANITY Being very prideful of one’s own appearance or accomplishments

24 She was running very vigorously; she almost ran out of breath.
They were dancing so vigorously; they looked like a blur on the dance floor. She was running very vigorously; she almost ran out of breath.

25 VIGOROUS Having great energy, force, and activity.

26 Disarray No one could find the books in the library because they were in a state of disarray on the floor.

27 DISARRAY A state of disorganization.

28 She was screaming with elation after the team won the soccer match!

29 ELATION Great happiness and exhilaration.

30 The silhouettes of the people appeared as an outline in the painting.

31 SILHOUETTES A dark shape or outline of something or someone against a lighter background.

32 The woman was experiencing a lot of anguish after her cat ran away.

33 ANGUISH Severe mental or physical pain and suffering.

34 The bird lingered on the ground for over an hour looking for the worm.

35 LINGERED Stay in one place longer than necessary.

36 The man gestured to his watch to show what time it was.

37 GESTURED A movement of part of the body.

38 The gallows were used to hang criminals in the 1800s.

39 GALLOWS A device or structure used to hang criminals.

40 Persisted The woman persisted all the way through the obstacle course even though it was very hard.

41 PERSISTED Continue firmly on a path of action or thought process despite barriers in the way.

42 Immense The statue was so immense that people standing underneath of it looked like little ants.

43 IMMENSE Extremely large or great.

44 Fatal The car accident was nearly fatal, but the doctors were able to save all of the passengers of the car.

45 FATAL Causing death.

46 The man clenched his fist so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

47 CLENCHED Close into a tight ball, especially referred to in anger.

48 The cat sprawled out on the floor, trying to stretch after a long nap.

49 SPRAWLED To sit, lay, or fall with legs and arms spread out in an awkward way.

50 The baby was babbling and talking foolishly throughout his bath.

51 To talk rapidly and continually in a foolish way.
BABBLING To talk rapidly and continually in a foolish way.

52 Gingerly The cat gingerly walked across the branch, trying not to fall to the ground.

53 GINGERLY In a careful or cautious way.

54 Parched The ground was so parched from a lack of water; it began to make large cracks across the surface.

55 PARCHED Dried out with heat.

56 Remorseless The little girl felt remorseless after dipping her hands all over the mud.

57 REMORSELESS Without regret or guilt.

58 Accomplice The children were considered to be accomplices because they helped their friend throw leaves after another child.

59 ACCOMPLICE A person who helps another commit a crime.

60 Revulsion The dance instructor acted out in revulsion because his pupil was a terrible dancer.

61 REVULSION A sense of disgust and loathing.

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