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7th SUMP platform coordination group meeting Brussels, 8 June 2017

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1 7th SUMP platform coordination group meeting Brussels, 8 June 2017
GO SUMP Improving Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans & Measures in the Med 7th SUMP platform coordination group meeting Brussels, 8 June 2017 Matilde Chinellato EUROCITIES

2 Content Project ID Programme architecture GO SUMP objective
GO SUMP activities GO SUMP Partners GO SUMP urban transport community Ongoing and next activities

3 Project ID Name: GO SUMP - Improving Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans & Measures in the Med Programme: Interreg Med Priority Axis 2: Fostering low-carbon strategies and energy efficiency in specific Med territories: cities, islands and remote areas Specific objective 2.3: Increasing the capacity to use existing low- carbon transport systems and multimodal connections among them Type of project: Horizontal


5 GO SUMP objective GO SUMP aims to enforce and mainstream at transnational level the results achieved in the Med area in promoting sustainable mobility in urban planning by supporting modular community projects to build on, improve the visibility of, and mainstream their results through joint strategies based on synergies and networking. By promoting best practices, this horizontal project will improve the Med cities’ Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and will enable them to implement low-carbon transport and mobility measures. GO SUMP will connect the Med Programme with these projects and with their stakeholders through thematic groups, such as CIVITAS, the urban mobility observatory Eltis, the SUMP Platform, or the Covenant of Mayors.

Animating and coordinating the joint work/contribution of modular projects Providing the frame and methodology to develop synergies and to ensure cooperation within the thematic community INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Set up a communication strategy to ensure the daily coordination among HPs and between HP and ‘its’ MPs. Making the community more visible in the Mediterranean and European area CAPITALISATION Producing summaries and qualitative analysis of the modular projects’ results to be transferred at transnational level Advocacy at European level Organizing thematic and capitalisation events for the community of MPs.


8 Urban Transport Community 61 partners from 12 countries
GO SUMP Urban Transport Community 61 partners from 12 countries GO SUMP Cruises related passengers & freight flows Touristic flows/use of PT Seasonal demand/participatory approach Port cities University campus cities Participatory governance

9 GO SUMP Urban Transport Community
LOCATIONS (Low Carbon Transport in Cruise Destination Cities) aims at supporting local public administrations in drafting Low-Carbon Transport and mobility Plans (LCTPs) with measures dedicated to cruise-related passengers and freight flows, contributing to decongest the city traffic and to lower the production of greenhouse gases. Lead: Area Science Park Trieste (Italy) MOBILITAS (Mobility for nearly-zero CO2 in Mediterranean tourism destinations) involves 7 MED countries through 10 regions, affected by intense touristic flows with great pressure on transport infrastructure and mobility with negative effects in terms of air pollution, CO2 emission, noise, health, un-safety roads, and loss of cities’ attractiveness. Lead: Development Centre Koper (Slovenia)

10 GO SUMP Urban Transport Community
MOTIVATE (Promoting citizens’ active involvement in the development of Sustainable Travel Plans in Med Cities with Seasonal Demand) promotes a new model of SUMP development, based on the exploitation of social media and crowd-sourcing apps in areas with high seasonal demand due to tourism;. The project intends to help decision makers to gain a strong understanding of the main mobility problems. Lead: Câmara Municipal de Almada (Portugal) SUMPORT (Sustainable Urban Mobility in MED PORT cities) aims at strengthening the MED port cities’ knowledge and planning capacities through trainings for MED port city officials in drafting SUMPs, drafting or updating SUMPs in designated MED port cities and small-scale investments for sustainable mobility. Lead: Central European Initiative (Italy)

11 GO SUMP Urban Transport Community
CAMPsUMP (CAMPus sustainable University mobility plans in MED areas) aims to improve sustainable urban mobility planning instruments as SUMP through innovative mobility strategies for students’ flows inside the MED Area University Campus and their integration with the urban areas. Lead: Magna Graecia Foundation Catanzaro University (Italy) REMEDIO (REgenerating mixed-use MED urban communities congested by traffic through Innovative low carbon mobility sOlutions) aims at strengthening the capacity of cities to use low carbon transport systems and include them in their mobility plans, through an assessment tool and participatory governance schemes. Lead: ARPA Veneto (Italy)

12 Ongoing and next activities
COMMUNITY BUILDING Launch of the Med Urban Transport Community on 3-5/04/17 Med Urban Transport Community newsletter: registration open here: INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION Twitter, LinkedIn launched Platform website to be launched end of June Session at the CIVITAS Forum TBC CAPITALISATION Preparation of the projects’ results to be analysed Med session during the 2018 SUMP conference TBD

13 Thank you Follow us: @interreg_gosump Matilde Chinellato EUROCITIES

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