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Best practice recruitment and retention methods from around the world

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Presentation on theme: "Best practice recruitment and retention methods from around the world"— Presentation transcript:

1 Best practice recruitment and retention methods from around the world
Neil Eastwood Author, Saving Social Care @StickyNeil

2 Who to look for How to use your connections to find great new staff Stopping drop-outs and no-shows Reduce early leavers

3 It’s not just the one that actually turned up to the interview
Are you laser-focused on WHO you want? HINT: It’s not just the one that actually turned up to the interview

4 Cloning Experiment Who would you clone?

5 Care Worker Age range Avg age: 43 Clone age: 51 No. of staff

6 Still in post 60 yr olds avg 4 yrs service

7 Leavers 60 yr old leaver average 16 months service


9 Family Carers 10% of population, and 55% of great care workers

10 Personal connections REALLY matter to find the best care staff

11 Online recruitment is biased to youth
18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

12 Refer-a-friend is the most powerful source of quality care staff Worldwide

13 Why?

14 Stalk your Good Leavers
Thanking past employees for being part of a success story

15 Ask Interviewees

16 Care connection Strong connection Deep connection Word of mouth
Partner orgs Family Carers Faith-based Cause-related Strong connection Ex-employees Applicants Suppliers Deep connection Refer-a-friend Clients’ families Board/Trustees

17 I will definitely be there on Tuesday at 2
Did I apply to you? What is the job again? I will definitely be there on Tuesday at 2


19 Facebook is an emerging recruitment source with a better quality of candidate than job boards

20 Local Jobs Pages (using a personal account)
Where to post? Local Jobs Pages (using a personal account) On your own feed Targeted Advertising

21 What?

22 Making it easier to apply




26 Source: The Caregiver crisis has begun 2017

27 Stopping the leaks

28 When do leavers leave?

29 17% said a friendly smile or helpful colleague would have stopped them leaving.

30 Welcome cards can be powerful


32 Peer mentoring discussion

33 Change the culture from scolding to praising – mandate the supervisors to find something good each day

34 Nursing Home Leadership Styles
Research shows care leadership styles are often less than ideal Source: The Gerontologist 2009 Donoghue and Castle

35 Staff Loss with a Shareholder leader
Leadership style dramatically affects retention (nurses leave 5x faster with the worst leadership style, 4x faster for care assistants)

36 “I am impressed by both the content and style of Neil’s book”
Sir David Behan CBE, Chief Executive CQC @StickyNeil

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