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Animal Science II- Small Animal
Unit G- Rabbits, Ferrets, Pocket Pets
Objectives Standard: Objective:
9.00- Select the best pocket pet or bird for a given use. Objective: 9.01- Discuss the major breeds of pocket pets and birds.
Rabbits Developed into 45 recognized breeds
Divided into five weight categories Dwarf or Miniature Small Medium Large Giant
Dwarf or Miniature Breeds
Britannia Petite Netherland Dwarf Himalayan
Brittania Petite Old English breed Smallest of the standard breeds
Rabbits are white with red eyes in the US
Netherland Dwarf Developed in Holland
More recognized colors than any other breed Rabbits are small, stocky, and compact
Himalayan One of the oldest and widest distributions
Young rabbits are white and slightly tinged with silver-gray Matures rabbits become snow white with deep black nose, ears, feet, and tail
Small Breeds Dutch Tan Florida White
Dutch Originated in Holland and developed in England
Unique color markings colored patches on each side of the head that encircle the eyes and ears rear half is also colored the same as the head
Tan Originated in England Originally black with tan underside
Tan color found around eyes, nostrils, and toes
Florida White Developed in Florida Short and compact
Crossed with Dutch, Polish, and New Zealand Whites Short and compact well-rounded hips and hindquarters Bred for a small meat rabbit or a laboratory rabbit
Medium Breeds English Spot Standard Chinchilla English Angora
Belgian Hare Rhinelander Rex
English Spot Introduced to US from England
A unique chair of markings, the size of a pea, run from the base of the ear to the rear flank
Standard Chinchilla Under-color is dark slate blue at the base, pearl in the middle and narrow black band with narrow light band on the top
English Angora Has a short, compact body and the head, ears, feet, and body are covered with wool
Belgian Hare Originated in Flanders, Belgium
Has a long, fine body, long, straight and slender legs
Rhinelander Has a butterfly marking on the nose, cheek spots, and eye rings Body is white herringbone pattern or unbroken stripe running from the the neck down the back to the top of the tail
Rex Short hair coat, with guard hairs being the same length as the under fur The fur has a very soft, flush feel
Large Breeds Californian Cinnamon American English Lop New Zealand
Silver Fox
Californian Cross of a Himalayan and a Chinchilla and crossed with White New Zealand White with black colored nose, ears, feet, and tail, and the eyes are red
Cinnamon Medium-length rabbit with a well-filled meaty body
The color is a rust or cinnamon ground color; the fur is ticked with smoke-gray across the back
American Ideal body type is described as “mandolin” because the arch of the back has this type of appearance
English Lop Oldest domestic rabbit breed known
Body is medium length with well arched back and low head carriage
New Zealand Leading choice for commercial meat production
White is preferred because the small hairs that remain cannot be seen
Silver Fox Developed in Ohio
Resembles the real Silver Fox with silvered fur and lack of fly-back fur (fur returning to its original position)
Giant Giant Angora French Lop Flemish Giant
Giant Angora Developed for maximum amount of wool production
Has the body structure of a commercial animal with a unique coat structure
French Lop Ears are shorter than the English Lop and hang down in a horseshoe shape from the crown approximately 1 ½ inches or more below the muzzle
Flemish Giant Originated in Belgium
This is the largest of all the domestic rabbit breeds
Rabbits Meat High in protein Low in cholesterol, fat, sodium
Very palatable
Rabbits Research and laboratory Florida White
Developed as a small meat and laboratory animal Used to produce disease fighting antibodies Study reproduction Research several human diseases Skin irritation tests test the reaction of chemicals on the skin
Rabbits- research Have been used in tests for cosmetics
do not have tear ducts cannot shed tears to dilute chemicals put into their eyes Most companies do not use this test anymore
Rabbits Fur/wool-divided into four types Normal Rex Angora Satin
regular rabbit Rex short Angora like wool Satin mutation fur smaller in diameter transparent outer shell
Rabbits Compared to sheep’s wool, rabbit’s wool is finer, lighter, warmer, and softer Does not cause irritation to skin Not as scratchy Used in the manufacturing Clothing Toys Coats Hats Gloves
Rabbits Pets With diversity in size they can fit into different home situations Trainable to use litter box Require little special care Clean, gentle, and lovable pets
Hamsters Used in medical research since 1931
Found that they could be tamed and made into a pet Golden hamster most abundant hamster used for research and pets Dwarf/small desert hamsters make good pets Children have more problem handling them due to their small size
Gerbils Japanese scientists were the first to breed in captivity
easy to work with gentle active during the day have no special food or housing requirements drink little water, virtually odorless, and would seldom bite popular pets
Rats White albino rats Have been of major importance in medical, biological, and psychological research used in developing drugs studying diseases, nutrition, aging, and other topics Intelligent and have the ability to learn so have been used in behavioral studies Colored rats especially have been accepted as pets
Mice Used for medical and biological research
especially with hereditary studies Pet mice are relatively free of disease When handled frequently, show little tendency to bite or escape
Guinea pigs Bred originally for meat production
Still used by the native people of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia as a food source Used for research on pathology, nutrition, genetics, toxicology, and serum development Used by Louis Pasteur in his research on rabies Used also as a pet
Chinchillas Used as a source of fur for thousands of years
Brought to California from South America to breed for their fur Many furs are sold as a group Requires 120 to 150 pelts to make a full-length coat Used as pets since the 1950s
Ferrets Recently been found to be wonderful pets
have a musky smell and need to be descented males also need to be castrated Used in the 1800s for rodent control run into holds and run the rodents out leave a scent behind that would trigger fear Help wire airplanes in hard to reach places Used in scientific research catch the same colds as humans
Objectives Standard: Objective:
5.00- Discuss the role of major systems of small animals. Objective: Discuss the ways that disease processes affect major body systems.
General Disease Prevention
1. Maintain good sanitation Remove spoiled urine soaked bedding regularly Remove urine and feces contaminated feed regularly Keep fresh water available at all times
General Disease Prevention
2. Provide a good environment that: Is free of drafts Has low humidity higher humidity contributes to many respiratory diseases Maintains a constant temperature Adequate ventilation This helps prevent respiratory diseases Feed and appropriate ration
General Disease Treatment
Isolate sick animals from others Remove and replace bedding, etc. from the cage of a sick animal Chemically disinfect and sanitize cage prior to installing new bedding Use medicated water routinely when disease is a constant threat Use proper treatments and antibiotics if recommended Dispose of dead animals properly (burn and bury in some cases) Cull animals that do not show signs of improvement Improve environmental conditions that may be causing disease Avoid breeding animals that may have inherited diseases Use recommended pesticides to control pest
Rabbit Diseases Enteritis- There is almost 100% mortality rate
Intestinal tract inflammation Probably the most common cause of death in rabbits Stress, unsanitary conditions, and high energy feeds all contribute to the disease. Symptoms diarrhea stained with blood Off Feed, but drink lots of water and grind their teeth There is almost 100% mortality rate Prevention best accomplished through proper environment, sanitary conditions, feeding rations that are high in fiber and lower in energy, and control of rodents and birds that may carry the disease Treatment using broad spectrum antibiotics
Rabbit Diseases Snuffles
Aggravated by stressful conditions such as poor sanitation, poor ventilation, changing temperatures, shipping, or show conditions Symptoms: persistent sneezing white colored nasal discharge Prevention and treatment: Reduce stress through proper environment
Rabbit Diseases Mastitis-
Inflammation of mammary tissue; also called caked breast May cause nursing problems Nursing baby rabbits may bite the nipples when they are unable to nurse, and nursing mothers may refuse to nurse the young Treat by removing concentrates from the diet for 72 hours When widespread cases in the rabbitry exist, clean and disinfect all nesting boxes
Rabbit Diseases Weepy eye-
Inflammation of conjunctiva mucus membrane lining of the eyelid and eyeball Rabbits rub their eyes with their front feet Treat with ophthalmic ointment sulfonamides or antibiotics two to three times a day for three to four days
Rabbit Diseases Wry Neck –
Condition caused by inflammation of the inner ear caused by the organism Pasteurella multocida Head tilts to the side Often found where snuffles is present Prevention and treatment: Best accomplished by controlling upper respiratory diseases in the rabbitry
Rabbit Diseases Ear mite-
The ear mite Psoroptes cunniculi is the most common external mite of rabbits Symptoms: shaking of the head, flapping the ears, and scratching at the ears with the hind feet Prevention and treatment: Treat by applying mineral oil to the ears for three days and repeating at 10 day intervals or use medicated ear drops Clean and disinfect all equipment and next boxes
Rabbit Diseases Wet dewlaps- Description:
The dewlap usually gets wet in the water bowl, the fur gets matted, and then infection sets in Prevention and treatment: Automatic waterers, water bottles, or add a rubber ball in the watering bowl Clip the infected fur and treat with antibiotic ointment
Rabbit Diseases Fur chewing- Description:
pulling of fur from itself Caused by simple boredom, a nutrient deficiency, and a low-fiber diet Prevention and treatment: Best by feeding hay or straw to add fiber to the diet Adding magnesium oxide to the ration also helps
Rabbit Diseases Hutch Burn- Description:
Chapped or burning condition of the external genital area of doe Caused by sitting in dirty, wet, urine soaked bedding Prevention and treatment: Keeping bedding clean Treat is with antibiotic creams
Rabbit Diseases Sore Hocks- Description: Prevention and treatment:
Ulcerated area on the bottom of the foot pads most often associated with rough wire cage floors and size of foot pad that doesn’t support the weight of animal Large breeds with long foot pads are most often affected Prevention and treatment: Get off wire and place on a solid surface Apply astringents to the sore pads Astringents include petroleum jelly, bag balm for cow’s udders, and human hemorrhoid ointments and medications
Hamster Diseases Wet tail – also called enteritis Description:
The most important disease of hamsters. Enteritis is caused by poor sanitation, bacteria, viruses, and diet wetness around the tail and rear of the animal, caused by a runny diarrhea high death rate occurs within 2 days of symptoms appearing most often associated with poor sanitation caused by general neglect and poor care Prevention and treatment: Change and disinfect spoiled bedding, cages and equipment and isolate infected animals Keep temperatures around 70°F avoid estivation (sleep similar to hibernation) when temperatures go above 80°F or hibernation when temperatures go below 50°F Keep cage at constant temperature and avoid drafts Animals often do not respond well to treatment
Hamster Diseases Common diarrhea–
Caused by incorrect diet with overabundance of green leafy materials, vegetables, or fruits Should not be confused with serious infections Prevention and treatment: correct the diet by removing green leafy vegetables and fruits feed dry grains and seeds
Hamster Diseases Fleas and lice – Description:
common among hamsters especially if other small animals are near Clean cages and use flea powder recommended for cats (dog flea powder is too strong and may result in an overdose)
Gerbil Diseases Gerbils are hardy and seldom affected by disease, but cold is the most common Symptoms: loss of appetite, constant sneezing, and runny eyes and nose Avoid changing the temperature, drafts, damp condition, and overcrowding Prevention and treatment: Best treatment is to reduce stress caused by overcrowding (gerbils need more cage space than hamsters), avoid drafts, humidity, and temperature fluctuations
Gerbil Diseases Red nose – Description:
Common condition caused by Staphylococcus bacteria Animal will recover without any medication Symptoms: hair loss red, swollen areas of the skin around the nose and muzzle
Rat Diseases Respiratory disease caused by Microplasma pulmonis is a common disease Symptoms: nasal discharge, snuffling, rattled breathing rubbing the eyes and nose titled head, incoordination, and circling Prevent with proper ventilation and good sanitation remove contaminated feed provide clean bedding maintain a draft free, constant temperature with low humidity Treat with antibiotics added to water Isolate and eliminate affected animals if antibiotics added to the drinking water are ineffective
Rat Diseases External parasites – Description:
Polyplax spinulosa is a type of louse that may infest rats and cause loss of hair and itching Mites also cause hair loss, skin irritation, and may result in small fluid-filled lesions, swellings, and inflammation Prevention and treatment: Treat lice and mites with flea powder every three to four days allow dust to stay on the animal for about 30 minutes at the time
Mice Diseases Mice are hardy with the proper diet, housing, and exercise Respiratory disease is caused by several organisms and result from environmental conditions such as changes in temperature, drafts, and high humidity Symptoms: squeaking or rattling breath, runny nose, watery eyes, and fur loss It is best to prevent infestation by eliminating environmental causes Salmonella and related bacteria are responsible for many of the serious infectious diseases Control with clean cages, clean water, clean feed, and parasite control. Mites – commonly infected with several mites that cause skin irritation and inflammation due to hair loss Control with insecticide.
Guinea Pig Diseases Guinea pigs are very healthy under favorable environmental conditions Avoid drafts and keep temperature and humidity constant to avoid problems Description Common cold and respiratory diseases can be a major problem and result in animals that are lethargic, listless, have a nasal discharge and sneezing Prevention and treatment: Maintain a good environment and immediate treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics accompanied with increased Vitamin C
Guinea Pig Diseases Toxemia – Description: Symptoms
Build up of toxins in the blood that developed in late pregnancy Symptoms females will be lethargic, go off feed, refuse to eat, and have difficulty breathing Prevention and treatment: Feed a high quality diet to the pregnant female and add ½ teaspoon of sugar in the water bottle
Guinea Pig Diseases External parasites – Description:
Caused by various mites. Symptoms: severe lesions and hair loss Prevention and treatment: Maintain clean bedding and use flea powder recommended for cats or small animals
Chinchilla Diseases Need proper nutrition
Need clean, dry, draft-free environment with low stress to avoid health problems Provide adequate ventilation avoid temperatures above 80°F avoid cold drafts and high humidity
Chinchilla Diseases Pseudomonas aeruginosa –
organism that causes infection in wounds inflammation of eyes and ears pneumonia intestinal inflammation uterine inflammation poisoning of the circulatory system
Chinchilla Diseases Eye inflammation (conjunctivitis) – Symptoms:
swelling and redness around the eyes, sensitivity to light, watering, and pus formation Isolate infected animals wash eyes gently with warm boric acid solution use ophthalmic medications Clean and disinfect cages and feed containers
Chinchilla Diseases Inner ear infection (otitis) – Symptoms:
twisting and lowering of the head, hanging head to one side, and running in a circle Prevention and treatment: avoid drafty, cool environmental conditions Clean the ear with warm boric acid solution and treat with ear drops
Chinchilla Diseases Pneumonia – Symptoms: Prevention and treatment:
listlessness, failure to eat, breathing difficulty, and swollen abdomen Prevention and treatment: eliminate cold, drafty, and high humidity conditions treat immediately with aureomycin, penicillin, or other antibiotics
Chinchilla Diseases Impaction –
Description: Lower digestive system becomes tightly packed with food material or feces May then follow diarrhea Caused by poor quality feed, stress, and poor nutrition Animal is often humped with chin resting between its front feet Prevention and treatment: Give a dropper full of mineral oil daily, or add up to three droppers full of grapefruit juice to the animal’s diet
Ferret Diseases Canine distemper – a diseases that also affects dogs
Description: A highly contagious viral disease, is a major problem and usually results in death Symptoms include Discharge from the eyes and nose, breathing problems, and diarrhea Prevention and treatment: Vaccinate at twelve weeks of age give boosters annually to prevent canine and feline distemper Treatment is not effective
Ferret Diseases Hemorrhagic enteritis Symptoms:
go off feed bloody diarrhea weight loss dehydration possibly death Prevention and treatment treat with antibiotics and sulfur material
Ferret Diseases Botulism – Caused by toxin produced by bacteria
Symptoms include: breathing difficulty Paralysis death can occur without symptoms Keep food supply fresh
Ferret Diseases Ear mites –
Common problem that causes scratching, head shaking, and buildup of debris in the external ear canal Treat with ear drops recommended for cats and dogs
Ferret Diseases Fleas and mites may cause skin irritation
treated with flea dips and dust use dips and dust that are recommended for cats and dogs
Breeds and Uses of Pocket Pets
Breeds of Pocket Pets Not defined by breeds
Grouped by colors and/or color patterns
Rabbit Uses Meat New Zealand High in protein
Low in cholesterol, fat & sodium Tasty! Laboratory Research Florida White Fur/Wool Pets Can fit in different homes Trainable to use litter box
Hamster Use Medical Research Pets Since 1931
Discovered they were easily tamed and made good pets Pets Golden Hamster is most popular Dwarf/Small desert hamsters also popular Hard to handle because of small size
Golden Hamster Adults reach 5" -6" long Weigh ~4 oz.
Rich mahogany or orange on the back w/white or cream colored underside Black patch can be present along the side of the cheeks Long-haired or “teddy bear” hamsters have long, silky fur
Dwarf/Small Desert Hamster
Light gray with a dark stripe down the back Smaller than the Golden 4" -4 ½" long Active, friendly pets Can be more difficult to handle, because of their small size
Gerbil Use Pets First bred by Japanese Scientists Easy to work with
Gentle, active during the day No special food or housing requirements Drink little water Virtually odorless Seldom bite
Mongolian Gerbil Reddish to dark brown in color
Adult gerbils reach 6"- 8" long nose to tail Weigh 3 – 4 oz.
Rats & Mice Use Pets Colored varieties are especially popular
Pet mice are relatively free of disease, and when handled frequently, show little tendency to bite or escape Medical Research White Albino Intelligent Particularly good for behavioral studies Used in: Developing drugs Studying diseases Nutrition Aging Hereditary studies
Rats Brown Black larger than the black rat
tail is always shorter than the head and body thicker and more robust short and more rounded ears fur is dark to gray brown on the back with lighter colors on the underside Black tail is longer than the head and body ears are about half as long as the head color is usually black or dark gray with a brown or gray-white underside
Mice Self-colors Tans Piebald or pied marked Satins one color
any color with tan belly Piebald or pied marked spots, patches or broken patterns Satins any color or markings with satin coat
Guinea Pig Uses Meat Laboratory Research Pets
Still used as meat source in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia Laboratory Research Pathology Nutrition Genetics Toxicology Serum Development Pets
Guinea Pig Uses Reach 8-14" in length Weigh 1 to 4 lbs.
Have very sensitive hearing can detect frequencies beyond the human ear Self-defense Stand on hind legs and chatter with their teeth
Guinea Pig Types Abyssinian Rough, wiry hair coat
Swirls & cowlicks called rosettes American Short, glossy, fine hair Peruvian Looks like a mop Longhair that can reach 20 inches in length Can be difficult to determine front end from rear end Satin Fine, dense, soft coat with a “sheen”
Chinchilla Uses Fur Pets Used for thousands of years for fur
Brought from South America to California for their fur Fur is sold in bunches Takes pelts to make one full-length coat Pets Since the 1950s
Chinchilla Types White Sizes: Beige Black Standard mutation with black
eyes Beige pearl colored to pastel colored Black black undercoat narrow gray-white band jet-black veil (tips of fur) high density fur Sizes: Length: inches Tail length: 3 – 10 inches Weight: 1 – 2 pounds Standard blue-gray that is most popular
Ferret Uses Rodent Control Used in 1800s to run rodents out of holes
Would leave scent behind to instill “fear” Wire Airplanes Could get to hard to reach places Lab Research Catch same colds as humans Pets Have musky smell, must be descented & castrated
Ferret Types Silver Mitt Common Sable White
Underfur of white w/guard hairs of black and white Gives silvery appearance White Red-eyed is true albino Few black-eyed white Common Sable Light to dark in color Shade depends on both the underfur and guard hairs Underfur ranges from white to beige
Cinnamon Sterling Silver Butterscotch
Underfur is white or off- white and guard hairs are rich red-brown or cinnamon color Sterling Silver similar to Silver Mitt but with more white guard hairs Butterscotch Underfur is same as sable but the guard hairs, mask, and hood colorings are butterscotch instead of black
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