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Presentation on theme: "2.1 ELEMENTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Chemical Elements Rules for Naming and Writing: 1.) Each element has a name and a symbol NAME SYMBOL Gold Au

3 The Chemical Elements Rules for Naming and Writing: 1.) Each element has a name and a symbol NAME SYMBOL Gold Silver Au Ag

4 The Chemical Elements Rules for Naming and Writing: 1.) Each element has a name and a symbol NAME SYMBOL Gold Silver Copper Au Ag Cu

5 The Chemical Elements Rules for Naming and Writing: 1.) Each element has a name and a symbol NAME SYMBOL Gold Silver Copper Sulphur Au Ag Cu S

6 Al The Chemical Elements
Rules for Naming and Writing: 2.) The first letter in the symbol is always in the upper case, the second (if present) is always in the lower case Al

7 P The Chemical Elements Rules for Naming and Writing:
2.) The first letter in the symbol is always in the upper case, the second (if present) is always in the lower case P

8 missing in the periodic table?
It contains all the elements we know (more than 115) Some are naturally occurring, some are man-made Some elements are gases in room temperature, some are liquids, some solids Which letter is missing in the periodic table?

9 The Periodic Table Use The Periodic Table along with BLM 1 – 17 to learn about the NAMES and SYMBOLS of the elements

10 Hydrogen

11 Iron







18 Read Your textbook and Complete the Reading Check on the page 47
Common Elements Read Your textbook and Complete the Reading Check on the page 47

19 HOMEWORK Workbook: 68 – 70 Problems: all

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