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Lesson Starter Write a sentence explaining why solids are difficult to compress Can liquids be compressed? Explain your answer. Why are gases easy to.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Starter Write a sentence explaining why solids are difficult to compress Can liquids be compressed? Explain your answer. Why are gases easy to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Starter Write a sentence explaining why solids are difficult to compress Can liquids be compressed? Explain your answer. Why are gases easy to compress?

2 What’s the matter? Lesson 13

3 Learning Intention- Lesson 13

4 Raise your hand when you can smell the perfume
Demo Stand in 5 rows Close your eyes Raise your hand when you can smell the perfume

5 Think, Pair, Share Think of the particles- can you explain why this happens? Think: 30 seconds think time- no speaking Pair: Person 1 has 30 seconds to speak while their partner listens and vice versa. You then have 1 minute to discuss and come up with a joint answer Share: Share your ideas with the rest of the class

6 DEMO What happens to the colour of the paper when ammonia is dripped onto it?

7 Experiment Collect a test tube, small piece of cotton wool, a piece of pH and a bottle of ammonia Place the pH paper in the bottom of the test tube Put a few drops of ammonia onto the cotton wool and use the cotton wool (wet side down) to bung the test tube Watch the paper carefully Put your equipment away and sit down

8 Class discussion What happened to the paper?
How could particle movement explain the change? Complete the questions on page 25

9 Diffusion The ammonia particles reached the pH paper by the process DIFFUSION The spread to fill all AVAILABLE SPACES Particles move from an area of lots of particles (HIGH CONCENTRATION) to an area with fewer particles (LOW CONCENTRATION)

10 Diffusion of gases Smells travel
Smell strongest the closer you are (high concentration) Get weaker further away you are

11 Potassium Permanganate crystals in water
Diffusion Demo Does diffusion only happen in gases? -Write your hypothesis on page 26 Potassium Permanganate crystals in water

12 Lesson Starter Explain what diffusion is
Draw a diagram to show how the particles act in diffusion Give 3 examples of diffusion in day to day life

13 Does diffusion only happen in gases?
Write your hypothesis on page 26

14 How did the potassium permanganate move?

15 Think, Pair, Write Think: 1 minute of think time- no speaking
In which state does diffusion happen the fastest? Use your knowledge of particles to explain why this is.. Think: 1 minute of think time- no speaking Pair- Take turns to listen to each other’s answers- discuss the answers and decide on the best possible answer Write- Write your answer on page 27

16 Individual work (quiet)
Read the info on page 27 about compression- Rewrite it inyour jotter using YOUR OWN WORDS and include diagrams Repeat for diffusion Write down quiz questions (and answers) about the topic so far which you can test the person next to you with another day

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