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KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: 3. Label and colour in the map of Middle East.

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Presentation on theme: "KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: 3. Label and colour in the map of Middle East."— Presentation transcript:

1 KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: 3. Label and colour in the map of Middle East.

2 Middle East Map 13. Iran 1. Egypt
Europe 21. Aral Sea 34. Kazakhstan 33. Black Sea 19. Armenia 20. Azerbaijan 23. Uzbekistan 24. Kyrgyzstan 22. Turkmenistan 6. Turkey 25. Tajikistan 15. Caspian Sea 4. Cyprus 7. Syria 5. Lebanon 16. Afghanistan 13. Iran 2. Med Sea 3. Palestine 12. Iraq 32. Jordan 17. Pakistan 8. Saudi Arabia 11. Arabian Gulf 1. Egypt 10. Kuwait 18. India 28. Bahrain 27. U.A.E. 31. Gulf of Oman 26. Qatar 9. Red Sea 30. Oman 14. Arabian Sea 29. Yemen

TOPIC #1: Introduction and Geography of the Islamic World OBJECTIVES: 1. Understand class expectations. and 2. Locate and label the countries in the Islamic World. KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: 4. Label and colour in the North African Islamic countries. Make a key. Use p. 17 & 18.

4 4. Label and colour in the North African Islamic countries.
TOPIC #1: Introduction and Geography of the Islamic World OBJECTIVES: 1. Understand class expectations. and 2. Locate and label the countries in the Islamic World. 4. Label and colour in the North African Islamic countries. Make a key. Use p. 17 & 18. 9 Tunisia MEDITERRANEAN SEA 3 Morocco A T L N I C Ocean 4 Algeria 5 Libya 6 Egypt 2 Western Sahara 1 Mauritania 7 Sudan 8 Somalia

5 1. Muslims in the world: (1) More than 1.5 billion
TOPIC #2: Geography of the Islamic World OBJECTIVE: 3. Know important facts and statistics about Islamic countries. KD ANSWERS: 1. Muslims in the world: (1) More than 1.5 billion 2. An Islamic Country: (2) The population is made up of 50% or more Muslims. 3. The Oceans that border the Islamic world: (3) Indian, Pacific and Atlantic 4. Six Regions of the Islamic World: (6) Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Balkan Europe, Levant, South Central Asia and Far South East Asia 5. Number of countries in the Islamic world: (4) 53 24 - Africa 27 - Asia 2 - Europe

6 6. The largest Islamic country (by area): (2)
TOPIC #2: Geography of the Islamic World OBJECTIVE: 3. Know important facts and statistics about Islamic countries. KD ANSWERS: 6. The largest Islamic country (by area): (2) Kazakhstan – 2.7 million sq. km. 7. Country with the largest population of Muslims: (2) Indonesia with over 200 million people 8. The largest Islamic country in Africa (area, and capital too): (3) Sudan – Khartoum – over 2.5 million sq. km. 9. Part of the world where the majority of Muslims now live: (1) Far East

7 Email if have questions or want to submit work:
TOPIC #2: Geography of the Islamic World REVIEW: Statistics of Islamic countries. OBJECTIVE: 3. Know important facts and statistics about Islamic countries. WARM UP: 1. What do you think is the purpose of a country having a capital city? Capital City - to identify the nation; to connect different areas; to position government offices; was historically a focal point – whether as a trading post or providing access to water and resources.

8 1. Islamic country in Africa with the largest population: (2)
TOPIC #2: Geography of the Islamic World OBJECTIVE: 3. Know important facts and statistics about Islamic countries. KD ANSWERS: 1. Islamic country in Africa with the largest population: (2) Egypt, with over 78.5 million people. 2. Islamic country in Africa with highest percentage (%) of Muslims: (2) Tunisia – 99.5% 3. Muslim country in Africa with smallest population: (2) Comoros, with over 660,000 people. Djibouti is second with over 830,000 people. 4. Two European Islamic countries: (2) Albania and Bosnia

9 5. Smallest country in the Arabian Gulf (by area): (3)
TOPIC #2: Geography of the Islamic World OBJECTIVE: 3. Know important facts and statistics about Islamic countries. KD ANSWERS: 5. Smallest country in the Arabian Gulf (by area): (3) Bahrain – with 622 sq. km. and over 640,000 people 6. Write in the capital cities of the following countries (10): Albania – Tirana Oman - Muscat Pakistan – Islamabad Bangladesh - Dhaka Morocco – Rabat Turkey – Ankara Uzbekistan - Tashkent Malaysia – Kuala Lumpar Afghanistan - Kabul Indonesia - Jakarta

10 TOPIC #3: Climates Found in the Islamic World OBJECTIVE:
4. Identify the types of climates in the Islamic World. WARM UP: 1. What is climate? Discuss. 2. In what ways does climate affect us? Climate – the prevailing weather conditions of a region, characterised by temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year or over a series of years.

11 Tundra Desert Tropical Balkans, Europe Temperate Kazakhstan
Climates Found in the Islamic World Type of Climate Characteristics Where they can be found Balkans, Europe No extremes of temperature and moderate rainfall Temperate High latitudes, few trees, permanently frozen soil and low temperatures. Tundra Kazakhstan Arab Gulf and parts of North Africa Poor soil, little rain, great difference between day and night temperatures Desert High temperatures, rainfall ALL year and high humidity. Malaysia and Indonesia Tropical

12 But in the north, most of the rainfall is during the winter.
TOPIC #3: Climates Found in the Islamic World OBJECTIVE: 4. Know important facts and statistics about Islamic countries. KD ANSWER: 2. Climate different in the south of the Arabian Peninsula to the north: (3) In the south the climate is sub-tropical. It is hot with monsoon rains during the summer. But in the north, most of the rainfall is during the winter. 3. Surface features of the Arabian Peninsula: (4) There is a plateau in the west, sloping toward the east. The Najd Plateau rests in the center. There are mountain ranges in the west, including Al Hijaz, Asir and Yemen. Coastal plains stretch along the east coast of the peninsula.

13 part of the peninsula is made up of two large regions with _________
TOPIC #4: Pre Islamic Times - Trading OBJECTIVE: 5. Describe how Arabs lived before Islam - Trading. KD ANSWERS: 1. Arab people settled in many parts of the Arabian Peninsula. The western part of the peninsula is made up of two large regions with _________ in the north and __________ in the south. (2) p. 22 2. Before Islam there was no single Arabian country (Bilad Al Arab). There were independent political units called tribes. What is a tribe? (3) p. 22 3. Where did these tribes migrate to? Why? (4) p. 22 Al Hijaz Al Yemen A tribe is a group of people related to one another by blood and common interests. They migrated to Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria because they thought life was better.

14 The trading of goods and materials, usually for profit.
TOPIC #4: Pre Islamic Times - Trading OBJECTIVE: 5. Describe how Arabs lived before Islam - Trading. KD ANSWERS: 4. Commerce: (2) The trading of goods and materials, usually for profit. 5. Considered one of the most famous Arab markets in Pre-Islamic times: (2) Okaz Maeen, between Mecca and Taef (or Taif). 6. Most important goods that Arabs acquired by trade in PIT: (4) Jewellery - Bahrain Silk - China Spices – India Perfume – Yemen, Al Sham and Egypt

15 Draw a scene from an ancient Arab trading market.
TOPIC #4: Pre Islamic Times - Trading OBJECTIVE: 5. Describe how Arabs lived before Islam - Trading. AFL / HW: Draw a scene from an ancient Arab trading market.

16 1. Agriculture - three main activities of Arab peoples: (3)
TOPIC #5: Pre Islamic Times – Government and Religion OBJECTIVE: 6. Describe how Arabs lived before Islam – Government and Religion. KD ANSWERS: 1. Agriculture - three main activities of Arab peoples: (3) Keeping flocks of sheep, goats and herds of camels. 2. Map on page 26 - three cities along the pre-Islamic Arabian trade routes: (3) * Aden * Damascus * Egypt * Mecca * Bosra * Yathrib / Medina * Jerusalem 3. Three types of government and an example of each. (6) Type of Government Example(s) 1. 2. 3. Monarchical Maen, Saba’a, Hamiar, Tadmor, Al-Anbaat Tribal Coalitions Quraish City States Mecca and Medina

17 4. Monarchical Tribal City-States KES
TOPIC #5: Pre Islamic Times – Government and Religion OBJECTIVE: 6. Describe how Arabs lived before Islam – Government and Religion. KD ANSWERS: 4. Monarchical Tribal City-States KES __________________ 1. The school that you attend. __________________ 2. These developed when people settled along trade routes and set up government rule. __________________ 3. A system of government usually ruled by Kings or Shaikhs. __________________ 4. A system of government where groups of individuals were organized because of blood relations and common interests. They came together to make laws and organize their communities. KES City States Monarchical Tribal

TOPIC #5: Pre Islamic Times – Government and Religion OBJECTIVE: 6. Describe how Arabs lived before Islam – Government and Religion. KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: 5. Religious beliefs on the Arabian Peninsula before Islam: (4) Idolatry Animism Monotheism Zoroastrianism The worshipping of idols. The belief that spirits lived in things such as stones or trees. The belief in one God, such as Islam, Christianity or Judaism. The worshipping of fire.

19 Commerce Nomads Cultivation Migration KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT:
TOPIC #6: Revision OBJECTIVE: 7. Create a glossary of important names and terms for revision. KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: Match the following names and terms to their descriptions. Write the correct term in the space provided.   Majority Peninsula Monsoon Temperate Climate Tribe Migration Plateau Commerce Quraish Nomads Cultivation Coalition Monarchy Kinship Animism Zoroastrianism ________________ 1. Trading of goods and materials, usually for profit. ________________ 2. People who move from place to place; people who look for fresh grazing land. ________________ 3. The growing of crops. ________________ 4. To move from one place to another. Commerce Nomads Cultivation Migration

20 Tribe Coalition Plateau Monsoon Animism
TOPIC #6: Revision OBJECTIVE: 7. Create a glossary of important names and terms for revision. Majority Peninsula Monsoon Temperate Climate Tribe Migration Plateau Commerce Quraish Nomads Cultivation Coalition Monarchy Kinship Animism Zoroastrianism ________________ 5. A group of people related to one another by blood and common interests. ________________ 6. An alliance between groups of countries because of shared interests or shared threats. ________________ 7. High, flat land with steep sides. ________________ 8. No extremes of temperature and moderate rainfall. ________________ 9. A period or season of heavy rains. ________________ 10. The belief that spirits exist in such things as stones or trees. Tribe Coalition Plateau Temperate Climate Monsoon Animism

21 Kinship Majority Monarchy Quraish Peninsula Zoroastrianism
TOPIC #6: Revision OBJECTIVE: 7. Create a glossary of important names and terms for revision. Majority Peninsula Monsoon Temperate Climate Tribe Migration Plateau Commerce Quraish Nomads Cultivation Coalition Monarchy Kinship Animism Zoroastrianism ________________ 11. Relationships in a family. ________________ 12. More than 50% of something. ________________ 13. Rule by a King or a Queen. ________________ 14. The most important Pre-Islamic Arab tribe that controlled the city of Mecca. ________________ 15. An area of land with water on three sides. ________________ 16. The worshipping of fire, found in Persian areas. Kinship Majority Monarchy Quraish Peninsula Zoroastrianism

22 Trigger words are terms from your notes that help TRIGGER your memory.
TOPIC #6: Revision OBJECTIVE: 8. Create revision strategies using trigger words. WARM UP: 2. Trigger Words: Trigger words are terms from your notes that help TRIGGER your memory. They help you recall a large amount of information by using or remembering just a few words. TRIGGER WORDS and REVISION: 1. Go through you exercise book and rewrite some of your notes with TRIGGER WORDS only. For example: 1.5 billion 50% - more – 2 group – related – blood - interests

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