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Does fabric softener actually make my clothes softer?

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Presentation on theme: "Does fabric softener actually make my clothes softer?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does fabric softener actually make my clothes softer?
BELL WORK! You need a sheet of notebook paper. On your notebook paper, write an If-Then hypothesis for the following question… Does fabric softener actually make my clothes softer?

2 Friday Quiz! Karen wanted to see if music would help her plants grow. What is the dependent variable? Karen Music Plants Plant Growth

3 Friday Quiz! Bruce wanted to see if black curtains would help him sleep in later. What is the independent variable? Bruce Black curtains Amount of sleep Bruce’s bed

4 Friday Quiz! 3. Sarah was determined to see if putting egg shells in potting soil would increase the height of her ten plants. She put the egg shells in five of her flower pots but didn’t put any in the remaining five flower pots. What is the control group? Sarah Flower Pots with Egg Shells Flower Pots with No Egg Shells Plants

5 Friday Quiz! Professor Bill formed a hypothesis then began to analyze the data. What should he have done just before he analyzed the data? Wrote a conclusion Shared the results Tested the hypothesis Gathered information

6 Friday Quiz! What lab tool is used to measure the weight of an object?
Triple-Beam Balance Graduated Cylinder Meter Stick Spring Scale

7 Shout it out! Does music help people relax?
What’s the independent variable? Does music help people relax?

8 Shout it out! How much yeast is needed to make bread rise?
What’s the independent variable? How much yeast is needed to make bread rise?

9 Shout it out! If you chew gum, then you will stay focused in class.
What’s the independent variable? If you chew gum, then you will stay focused in class.

10 What’s the independent variable?
Shout it out! What’s the independent variable? In conclusion, our experiment showed that Nike shoes do make you run faster.

11 What’s the independent variable?
Shout it out! What’s the independent variable? The teacher wanted to see if turning the lights off would calm down her students.

12 Shout it out! Does bread cause you to gain fat?
What’s the independent variable? Does bread cause you to gain fat?

13 Shout it out! Does sunlight affect plant growth?
What’s the dependent variable? Does sunlight affect plant growth?

14 Shout it out! Does water take away headaches?
What’s the dependent variable? Does water take away headaches?

15 What’s the dependent variable?
Shout it out! What’s the dependent variable? Two students decided to see if wearing perfume would make them seem more attractive.

16 What’s the dependent variable?
Shout it out! What’s the dependent variable? Students wondered if doing bell work would help increase their test scores.

17 Are some parts of the tongue better at detecting certain tastes than others?
You will need a partner today…but you are doing the experiment yourself. No double dipping! Follow the procedure very carefully. Be sure to throw away your toothpicks and push in your lab stools. Sit down and complete your lab sheet.

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