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Sexuality and Gender through Images

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Presentation on theme: "Sexuality and Gender through Images"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexuality and Gender through Images
9/18/2018 Roman Art Sexuality and Gender through Images 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

2 Agenda Unfinished Business: What If?... Oral Presentation
9/18/2018 Agenda Unfinished Business: What If?... Finnis and Nussbaum on Petronius Oral Presentation Ariana, Jessica, Emin on McGlathery on “Eumolperasty” Paradigm Shifts? From Greece to Rome Case Study Suburban Baths, Pompeii, and Comparanda (Casa Farnesina, Rome) Warren Cup and Similar Materials 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

3 Unfinished Business: What If?...
Finnis and Nussbaum on Petronius 9/18/2018

4 “Your response to Petronius?”…
9/18/2018 “Your response to Petronius?”… Finnis, “Law, Morality, and ‘Sexual Orientation’ ” Notre Dame Law Review 69.5 (1994) 1049–76 Nussbaum, “Platonic Love and Colorado Law: The Relevance of Ancient Greek Norms to Modern Sexual Controversies” Virginia Law Review 80.7 (1994) 1515–1652 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

5 Finnis/Nussbaum on Petronius…
9/18/2018 Finnis/Nussbaum on Petronius… Satyricon a critique of roman tradition anti-universalist quartilla gender reversal enc/giton Satirical piece – ABC homoerotic relations themselves satirized homoerotic so unstable legacy hunters - refute marriage quartilla gender reversal enc/giton interpreting matron of ephesus illustrate through the lens of roman/ancient Mediterranean ideologies, what do we get? does that validate/challenge f/n? 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

6 Ariana, Jessica, Emin on McGlathery on “Eumolperasty”
Oral Presentation Ariana, Jessica, Emin on McGlathery on “Eumolperasty” 9/18/2018

7 Paradigm Shifts? From Greece to Rome 9/18/2018 9/18/2018
CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

8 Red-figure Attic vase: Pan pursues boy (note herm)
9/18/2018 Red-figure Attic vase: Pan pursues boy (note herm) 9/18/2018 8 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

9 9/18/2018 fig. 9 agate gemstone, unknown provenance, Greek inscription homoerotic couple Agate gemstone, unknown provenance, Greek inscription (homoerotic couple) 9/18/2018 9 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

10 9/18/2018 10 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz same as prev.
close-up of lower portion note sexual arousal of passive partner 9/18/2018 10 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

11 Delos rhyton, 2nd cent. BCE (Hellenistic)
9/18/2018 fig. 5 Delos rhyton, 2nd BCE symmetry of (beardless) young man and girl contrast phallic, asymmetrical intercourse typical of archaic and class. Grk. art Delos rhyton, 2nd cent. BCE (Hellenistic) 9/18/2018 11 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

12 Ortiz Vase, 30 BCE-30 CE 9/18/2018 12 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz
plates 3, 4 Ortiz vase (30 BCE–30 CE) 2 couples male-female man-boy very costly piece of cameo glasswork Ortiz Vase, 30 BCE-30 CE 9/18/2018 12 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

13 Women: Classical Athenian v. Imperial Roman
9/18/2018 Women: Classical Athenian v. Imperial Roman Portrait statue: Roman matrona as Omphale ca. 200 CE Tombstone of Hegeso (woman) Athens ca. 400 BCE CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

14 “Woburn Marble” - an eye on the evil eye (ca. 200 CE)
9/18/2018 roman fascination with the monstrous the grotesque the extreme the gladiator A gladiator fights his own phallus. (1st-cent. CE Wind-chime from Pompeii) “Woburn Marble” - an eye on the evil eye (ca. 200 CE) 9/18/2018 14 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

15 Suburban Baths, Pompeii, and Comparanda (Casa Farnesina, Rome)
9/18/2018 Case Study Suburban Baths, Pompeii, and Comparanda (Casa Farnesina, Rome) 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

16 Suburban (extramural) Baths, Pompeii
9/18/2018 i venus pendula (Apuleius), mulier equitans ii coitus a tergo iii woman fellating man iv cunnilingus v symplegma vi erōtikē trias vii erōtikē tetras viii poeta hydrocoelicus Suburban (extramural) Baths, Pompeii CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

17 apodyterium 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz
fig. 89 plan of Suburban Baths, Pompeii bath complex just outside wall paintings in ground floor room 7 apodyterium, dressing room just before eruption of Vesuvius, 79, erotic paintings painted over guide to plan 7 apodyterium 6-9 frigidarium 5 tepidarium 10 laconicum 4 calidarium 2 hot swimming pool 1 waiting room or prelim. wash room 3 multi-function room 8 vestibule 9 cascading fountain with cold swimming pool apodyterium CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

18 Apodyterium, South Wall, Frescos
9/18/2018 Apodyterium, South Wall, Frescos only south wall dec. preserved more or less intact over painted ca. 79 i venus pendula (Apuleius), mulier equitans ii coitus a tergo iii woman fellating man iv cunnilingus v symplegma vi erōtikē trias vii erōtikē tetras viii poeta hydrocoelicus Jacobelli, Luciana Le pitture erotiche delle Terme suburbane di Pompei. Roma. upper level probably apartments, not lupanaria 61 ff. the pictured boxes are clothes boxes. according to lupanar hypothesis, the boxes are rooms. prostitutes' sex manuals are whence the paintings arranged series style. J agrees with this last. but the numbers prob. just for boxes. 69. reflect in ideal fashion an ambiance connectable to what goes on in the bath: carefree pleasures and luxury; she mentions the fish depicted on the cold bath. or how about the decor in a restaurant, Italian, Greek, other ethnic? But that kind of tends to lead back to lupanar hypothesis. Painted representation of numbered changing boxes, erotic scenes CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

19 9/18/2018 Later over-painting I. Venus pendula CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

20 9/18/2018 IV. Cunnilingus CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

21 VIII. Hydrocoelic poet reading from his works?
9/18/2018 meaning? Roman scopophilia? comic malocchio countermeasure? VIII. Hydrocoelic poet reading from his works? CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

22 Rome, ca. 19 BCE bedroom (cubiculum) art
9/18/2018 Villa Farnesina Rome, ca. 19 BCE bedroom (cubiculum) art erotic art at Pompeii and elsewhere of 3 kinds myth-sex scenes: cubicula, exedrae, tablina, peristyles realistic-sex scenes: alcoves, inner areas, bedrooms numerous outdoor Nilotic or w/ pygmies sex scenes: dining rooms CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

23 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz Clarke fig. 32
from cubiculum D, villa Farnesina male-female couple on bed, attended by a slave man nude to waist, woman fully clothed and with head covered compare next image CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

24 Detail, “Aldobrandini Wedding Scene”
9/18/2018 compare … Detail, “Aldobrandini Wedding Scene” Venus consoles bride Title Rome: Aldobrandini Wedding: wall-decoration: det.: Aphrodite (or Peitho) and the Bride Aldobrandini Wedding Date c.10 B.C A.D Location Rome Roman Italy Description 3rd style Subject Rome--Aldobrandini Wedding Mural painting--Roman Italy Painting--Roman Italy--1st C. B.C Collection The Image Gallery Source Data from: University of California, San Diego Download Size 1024,1024 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

25 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz Clarke, fig. 33
male-female couple on bed, cubiculum D, Villa Farnesina woman, naked to waist, throws herself at the man (also naked to waist) note presence of slaves contrast the demure woman in Clarke fig. 32 from the same cubiculum CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

26 Warren Cup and Similar Materials
9/18/2018 Warren Cup and Similar Materials Oral Report 9/18/2018 CLA77, Andrew Scholtz

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