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Please write down the first 3 things that come to mind when someone says the word “homeless” Quick write and share a few examples in large group -- written.

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Presentation on theme: "Please write down the first 3 things that come to mind when someone says the word “homeless” Quick write and share a few examples in large group -- written."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please write down the first 3 things that come to mind when someone says the word “homeless”
Quick write and share a few examples in large group -- written up front on board *have note cards on the tables

2 McKinney-Vento Act Immediate School Enrollment & Support
for students and families experiencing homelessness Definition *ask for 4 volunteers to read aloud at a later point – hand each person 1 scenario (blown up)

3 “a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”
Definition The McKinney-Vento Act defines experiencing homelessness as lacking “a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.” A fixed residence is one that is stationary, permanent, and not subject to change. A regular residence is one which is used on a regular (i.e., nightly) basis. An adequate residence is one that is sufficient for meeting both the physical and psychological needs typically met in home environments. International law defines adequate shelter as “adequate privacy, adequate space, adequate security, adequate lighting and ventilation, adequate basic infrastructure and adequate location with regard to work and basic facilities – all at a reasonable cost” True definition

4 McKinney-Vento > Homeless
Inadequate 38.5% Doubled Up 38.8% “Homeless” 1.5% BVSD data Where they are living – will update 11/9 or 11/10 Hotels/ Motels 2.4% Sheltered 18.8%

5 Stories & Scenarios…. A family has been living in the same place for four years. However, the mother just lost her job and the father’s hours have been cut. The family was receiving rental and utility assistance from a community agency, but they are no longer eligible. They don’t know how they will pay next month’s rent. One student is a senior and is required to do an extensive independent project. Lauren, a 16 year old girl, was just recently placed in foster care. She has been in and out of school for the past two years. Because of this, she has gaps in learning and is hoping to take some online courses. During this time of transition, she needs support around transportation and school enrollment. BVSD real scenarios - purpose is the voices in the room *volunteers to read aloud each scenario

6 Stories & Scenarios…. (continued)
A family was recently evicted from their home and is now living with close friends on the other side of the district. They are doubled up and there are now 9 people living in a 3 bedroom home. The family is struggling to get warm clothes and food, as well as school supplies. Mark, an 18 year old who has spent the last 2 years living out of his car, wants to return to school and get an education. He has a part-time job and has just recently moved in with a co-worker, but needs assistance with school enrollment, food, clothing, and healthcare.

7 Current Stats Since August 2009, 410 students have been determined eligible for McKinney-Vento services; 376 remain in the district McKinney-Vento students are in 47 scho0ls across the district – every grade level is represented More referrals are coming in daily….approximately 10 each week CSAP scores of McKinney-Vento eligible students, a subset of Meal Assistance, show these students as the lowest in proficiency among all targeted groups and below the growth median in both Reading and Math; however, this group scored above the growth median in Writing




11 How we work A referral from any source is made directly to the McKinney-Vento Team. Referral forms have been circulated throughout the school district and to numerous collaborating agencies. We make a determination of eligibility based on an interview with the family or student. Eligibility is a case by case determination. Confidentiality and building a trusting relationship is essential. After hearing the needs of the family/student, we make appropriate referrals, often including calls to collaborating agencies and contact with the student’s school. We enter eligibility on a confidential tab into IC, notify District Nutritional Services, and request transportation if needed. Follow up is case dependent. Examples: advocating for housing, serving as a support in the courts, coordinating meetings, etc. We utilize internal and external supports and resources to best serve our students and families.

12 McKinney-Vento Team’s Goal
Have trained Experts and Operating Procedures in each school McKinney-Vento Expert (An expert is defined as a person with special knowledge; a specialist; an authority; a professional) School staff member who: knows and understands the McKinney-Vento law is aware of identified students is the primary connection to the district McKinney-Vento Team is the staff go-to person for answers ensures all fees are waived communicates to those who “need to know” to ensure full participation and academic success

13 Table Talks Who in your school would be a good McKinney-Vento Expert? (please fill out an Exit Ticket on your table) What issues around confidentiality, sensitivity to individual needs, and stigmatization do you anticipate? How does your school ensure that all fees are waived in a sensitive way? What does your school do to support McKinney-Vento students and ensure their full participation and academic success? What more can we do to support you, your staff, and your students?

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