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THE MEssage How to find THEME.

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1 THE MEssage How to find THEME

2 Theme is the claim conveyed by a text that applies to multiple other texts.
It cannot be described in a single word and it implies a conflict or an argument about the core idea and usually both. Definition

3 1. Person vs. Fate/God A person explicitly naming fate or God — or the gods — as the antagonist. The fight for choice; fight against destiny. 2. Person vs. Self A character’s struggle takes place in his/her own mind. Usually has something to do with a choice (choosing between right and wrong), or the struggle with his/her own prejudices or doubts or character flaws. 3. Person vs. Person A character struggles with another character. Protagonist vs. Antagonist. The classic “good guy” vs. “bad guy” situation. 4. Person vs. Society A character or group of characters fight against the society in which they live. The character fights against social tradition or rules (fight for freedom, rights, for a cause, etc.). Society becomes a “character” of its own. Usually used to comment on positive or negative aspect of real society. 5. Person vs. Nature A character struggles with a force of nature (natural disaster, desolation, animal, etc.). Usually, the character is struggling to survive. 6. Person vs. Supernatural Character struggles against ghosts, monsters, spirits, aliens, etc. 7. Person vs. Technology The antagonist uses technology to gain power or technology takes over or becomes a negative influence on society. 7 Types of Conflict

4 Man Struggles Against Nature: Man is always at battle with human nature, whether the drives described are sexual, material or against the aging process itself. Man Struggles Against Societal Pressure: Mankind is always struggling to determine if societal pressure is best for living. Man Struggles to Understand Divinity: Mankind tries to understand and make peace with God, but satisfaction is elusive and difficult. Crime Does Not Pay: A popular theme played out in books throughout time is the concept that honesty is honored and criminals will eventually be caught. Overcoming Adversity: Many books laud characters who accept a tough situation and turn it into triumph. Friendship is Dependent on Sacrifice: This is the idea that you can't have friends if you don't act like a friend. The Importance of Family: Sacrifices for family are honored and explored, as are the family bonds that survive adversity. Yin and Yang: Just when you think life is finally going to be easy, something bad happens to balance it all out. Love is the Worthiest of Pursuits: Many writers assert the idea that love conquers all, appealing to the romantic side of us. Death is Part of the Life Cycle: Literary works with this theme show how death and life and intricately connected. Sacrifices Bring Reward: Sacrifices and hard work pay off in the end, despite the challenges along the way. Human Beings All Have the Same Needs: From Montagues to Capulets in Romeo and Juliet or the characters in S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, book after book asserts that rich or poor, educated or dumb, all human beings need love and other basic needs met. Common Themes





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