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Kindergarten Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Orientation

2 Welcome to Kindergarten-
School Year Class of 2025

3 Kindergarten, Here I Come!
Letters and Words Language Motor Reading Books Numbers, Shapes and Patterns Growing Up

4 Letters and Words Recognizes and names at least half of the alphabet letters Recognizes his/her own first name in print Writes his/her own first name using upper and lower case letters properly Recognizes words/signs seen often (ie. McDonalds, Walmart, STOP, EXIT, etc.)



7 Alphafriends

8 Language Sorts groups of objects Tells things that go together
(size, shape, color, etc.) Tells things that go together (ie. Spoon and fork are for eating, fish and boat are in the water, cow and pig are farm animals) Recognizes & names at least 8 colors Uses words to express feelings (I’m happy. I’m sad.)

9 Language Speaks in complete sentences
Follows directions with at least 2 steps Asks “what if” and “how” questions about how things work Says and/or sings familiar songs and nursery rhymes Answers simple questions (who, what, where, when) in complete sentences Tells his/her first and last name and how old he/she is

10 Motor Puts puzzles together Can draw a circle and square
Draws pictures to express ideas Runs, jumps, hops, throws/kicks/ bounces a ball Cuts with scissors

11 Reading Books Shows interest in reading and being read to
Holds the books appropriately and understands that you read a book from front to back and left to right Retells a simple story such as Three Little Pigs or other familiar books After listening to a story, tells what might happen next

12 Numbers, Shapes and Patterns
Counts from 1-10 Recognizes numbers from 1-10 Counts at least 5 objects

13 Growing Up Takes care of his/her own needs
Toileting, washing hands, dressing Adjusts to new situations without family members being there Plays cooperatively with peers Takes turns, resolves problems Respects the feelings, rights and belongings of others

14 Calendar

15 Calendar

16 Calendar

17 The time you and your child spend together doing these activities will help your youngster say with confidence, “Kindergarten, Here I Come!”

18 Health Issues Illnesses Childhood ailments Ear infections
Respiratory infections Strep throat Communicable diseases Head lice Skin disorders/scabies Pink eye

19 Health Issues Screenings Height and Weight Vision Hearing
Body Mass Index Vision Hearing

20 Medication Policy Form filled out Written order from doctor
In labeled container School nurse will administer Brought to office the beginning of the day

21 Health Forms to Bring to Visitation
Immunization Record 4 DPT 3OPV 2MMR 3 hepatitis B Varicella vaccine (chicken pox vaccine) Birth Certificate

22 Transportation Form Designate all stops on form
Notified by driver in August Bus ride during August visit Communicate in writing changes Writing a note helps keep us organized

23 Kindergarten Teacher Ms. Smoot

24 Visitation Introduction to ELCO’s Kindergarten Music Art activity
Physical Education Library

25 Visitation Procedure Children: a mini school day
Parents: meet officials Nurse PTO/PTF Technology (List Trax) Reading Specialists

26 Visitation Information 2:30- 3:30
SMOOTVILLE ACADEMY August 26th Please Do Not Arrive before 2:15.

27 Forms to bring to visitation
Student Entry Form Birth Certificate Transportation Form Immunization Record

28 Important Date Savers Kinder Days in August
Kindergarten Screening Dates July 15, 2008 July 22, 2008

29 ELCO Website

30 Thank you for coming!

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