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Create Your Own Syllabus

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Presentation on theme: "Create Your Own Syllabus"— Presentation transcript:

1 Create Your Own Syllabus

2 Create A Good Websites to use Blogger Weebly Wordpress

3 Creative Writing Write your own “Would You Rather” Questions
Would you rather be 3 feet taller or 3 feet shorter?  Would you rather be able to stop time or fly?  Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds? 

4 Write a Reader’s Theater or Play
Creative Writing Write a Reader’s Theater or Play

5 Send a Letter to a Pen Pal
OR write letters to troops! Write an Editorial

6 Write… Scholarship and College Admissions Essays Short Story

7 Make a Poetry Book Free Verse Quatrain Sonnet Limerick Acrostic Haiku
Slam Make a Poetry Book Sestina Spoken Word

8 Write a short story based off of a picture
Create a Picture Book OR Second grade flew by just like the hours I spent on the swing set. Flying through space with no care in the world. Moving my legs faster and faster, I would sail to wherever I wanted to go……

9 Short Stories Reading Websites to find Short Stories: Website 1

10 Make a video book talk on a book you have read
Citrus County Book Talk Divergent Book Talk

11 Reading Book into Movie
Make a movie poster for a book you would like to be turned into a movie. Reference your favorite parts of the book either through words or picture.

12 Create A Quote Book Revisit your favorite books. What quotes stand out to you? Why?

13 Read…

14 Calendars Monday, May 19 Wednesday, May 21
2-5th hours (after Honors Breakfast) Wednesday, May 21 1st hour (prior to Physics trip) ALL students will take a pilot AP exam May 28, 29, 30th Potential to help with sorting summer reading books MUST BE DETAILED! FRIDAYS: Must have goals

15 AGENDA Twitter Talk! “Sometimes…” Leonard Pitts The Miami Herald
**Bring in the lyrics of your all-time favorite song!

16 Twitter Talk @audrawhetstone
3,381 writing assignments graded; 37 senior goodbyes; 26 awesome videos; 3 high school dances; 2 rooms in 1; 1 great year #carpeanni

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