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Chapter 14 Online Commerce and E-Contracts

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1 Chapter 14 Online Commerce and E-Contracts
PowerPoint Slides to accompany The Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce 5E, by Henry R. Cheeseman Chapter 14 Online Commerce and E-Contracts Prentice Hall © 2007

2 E-Commerce and the Internet
The sale of goods and services by computer over the Internet Internet A collection of millions of computers that provide a network of electronic connections between computers Prentice Hall © 2007

3 World Wide Web An electronic connection of millions of computers that support a standard set of rules for the exchange of information Prentice Hall © 2007

4 Electronic Mail Electronic written communication between individuals and businesses using computers connected to the Internet Prentice Hall © 2007

5 Domain Name A unique name that identifies an individual’s or company’s Web site, such as Domain names can be registered. Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act helps protect owners of trademarks from “cybersquatting.” Prentice Hall © 2007

6 E-Contracts A web contract is valid and enforceable if all the elements necessary to establish a contract are present. Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act) Recognizes e-contracts as “written” Recognizes electronic signatures Prentice Hall © 2007

7 E-Licensing Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA)
A model act issued by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws Establishes a uniform and comprehensive set of rules that regulate the creation, performance, and enforcement of computer information transactions. States must adopt UCITA for it to become law. Prentice Hall © 2007

8 Licenses Licenses are contracts that transfer limited rights in intellectual property and informational rights. Licensor The owner of intellectual property or informational rights who transfers rights in the property or information to the licensee Licensee The party who is given limited rights in or access to intellectual property or informational rights owned by the licensor Prentice Hall © 2007

9 UCITA Provisions Breach of licensing agreement Remedies
Cancellation for material breach Licensor’s damages Right to cure breach in certain circumstances Licensee’s damages Limitation of remedies Prentice Hall © 2007

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