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Figurative language project

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1 Figurative language project
Onomatopoeia By: Jason Porter

2 Definition of onomatopoeia
The use or formation of words whose sound is intended to imitate the action or sound they mean, such as bang” or ”splash.” formation of a word by imitating the natural sound associated with the object or action involved; echoism (Ex.: tinkle, buzz, chickadee, etc.)

3 Made up Examples from how topic is used
My topic is used in comic books whenever there is fighting going on and sound affects are made.

4 Made up Examples how topic is used
use onomatopoeia when spider man zaps the bad guys so he can protect the city.

5 Made up Examples how topic is used
Show’s you are being hit in the face by someone.

6 Real life Examples When you call a car vroom is an example of onomatopoeia.

7 Real life Examples When you play football and you say ohh during a big hit.

8 Real life Examples When you say swing to hit the baseball.

9 How will It help the class become better readers
The Class will become better readers when you use onomatopoeia to your story it makes it much more interesting and the reader would want to keep reading the story all because it has onomatopoeia and it would be good for all the children books that parents can read to there kids to make it much more interesting so the kids can like reading a lot.

10 How to become better writers
You can use onomatopoeia when you have to write about an essay that your teacher assigns for you. You may think it wont help you out but it will make your story a lot more interesting than what it actually looks like to you.

11 Mini Lesson How many ideas did u come up with for onomatopoeia A) B) C) D)

12 Thank you

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