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Stewies Adventure By Ryan Barber.

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1 Stewies Adventure By Ryan Barber

2 A long time there was a big kid named Stewie
A long time there was a big kid named Stewie. He was 6 foot and as skinny as a snake and plays basketball. He always wanted to grow taller so he could make it to the slam dunk contest. He was always looking for a way to grow bigger and bigger. He found a place which was the gym that he could get bigger.


4 Well he wasn’t patient enough because it didn’t happen right away
Well he wasn’t patient enough because it didn’t happen right away. He wanted to find a place where his body will get bigger and tougher. He went home and asked his mom why his body wasn’t growing bigger his mom said you have to be patient. So Stewie went on talking he said “I don’t want to wait for the slam dunk contest next year.


6 His mom replied “Well maybe you’ll have to go to the next years dunk contest It might not be your favorite thing to do but if you want to be in it you have to work out every day till this year’s dunk contest and if you don’t make it try next year that doesn’t mean that you are automatically on it if you work out every day it just means you have a better chance.


8 Stewie said “WHAT! I thought I was automatically on the team that’s a long time if I do it every day and that time could go to waste. Stewies Mom said “You want to make the slam dunk contest if you do you should go practice if you don’t be a lazy Butt and stay right there on the couch.


10 So Stewie went on I’m going to the gym
So Stewie went on I’m going to the gym. Stewie arrived at the gym and asked “Do you guys have a pool”. The guy answered “yes right around the corner.” Stewie ran to the pool. Now he thinks he has to run anywhere. He ran as fast as he could and ran into the gym and slipped. He hurt his leg he thinks he pulled a muscle. Now I really don’t think I have a chance, but I’m not giving up. He ran and jumped into the pool. There was a huge splash BOOM! He rose above the water and said “My goal today is 20 laps. He’s off here we go there’s one and here’s two and three and so on until he got to twenty. One minute later he reached the finish line of twenty laps.

11 He got out of the pool and felt so strong all the sudden his leg felt all better. He felt stronger and stronger after every second. He went to the gym after and ran back and forth 40 times in 20 seconds. I can’t believe how fast I was going I felt like a rocket. I’m done for today I need a break but I don’t know if I should be done because I really want to make that slam dunk contest I will do one of each one more time it turns out he’s done in 40 seconds now he really feels strong. He thinks he could do anything now so he wants to go home and rest for the day. When he arrived at his home his mom asked “How did it go.”

12 THE END He replied “I feel great in fact I feel like a sumo wrestler and as strong as John Cena. “Yeah right” his mom said just working out one day won’t cut it”. So he went on he went to his mom and said “I’m going back to the gym” So Stewie went on to the gym and first went to the pool finished in seconds that was amazing he came out thinking then he ran to the gym and ran a mile in a minute. Then he ran home and yelled “mom it’s time for the slam dunk contest in a hour for tryouts and the a hour after is the slam dunk contest he went on slam he won the slam dunk contest and felt like a king he went home and thanked his mom and that family lived happily ever after

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