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Total Maximum Daily Loads Development for Holdens Creek and Tributaries, and Pettit Branch Public Meeting March 26, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Total Maximum Daily Loads Development for Holdens Creek and Tributaries, and Pettit Branch Public Meeting March 26, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Total Maximum Daily Loads Development for Holdens Creek and Tributaries, and Pettit Branch
Public Meeting March 26, 2008

2 Why Are We Here Learn about water quality of these streams
Discuss the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development Gather comments and encourage public participation

3 The TMDL Process DEQ routinely monitors the quality of waters across the state and publishes a list of impaired waters every 2 years Virginia is required by law to establish a TMDL for each pollutant causing an impairment A TMDL is the amount of a particular pollutant that a stream can receive and still meet Water Quality Standards Recreation Aquatic life Fishing Shellfishing Drinking water Wildlife Designated Uses Water Quality Standards Water Quality Criteria

4 TMDL=WLA+LA+MOS Where TMDL=Total Maximum Daily Load
WLA=Waste Load Allocation (Point Sources) LA=Load Allocation (Nonpoint Sources) MOS=Margin of Safety

5 Pettit Branch Watershed
Fecal Bacteria TMDLs for Holdens Creek and Tributaries, and Pettit Branch Holdens Creek Watershed Virginia Eastern Shore 7-PET000.80 Pettit Branch Watershed

6 What Are Fecal Coliform, E. coli, and Enterococci?
Coliform Bacteria: Common in soil, decaying vegetation, animal feces, and raw surface water Fecal Coliform: Found in the digestive tract of humans and warm blooded animals; Indicator of the potential presence of pathogens in water bodies Enterococci: a type of fecal streptococci; provide a higher correlation than fecal coliform with human pathogens E. coli: Subset of fecal coliform; Correlate better with swimming associated illness

7 Water Quality Criteria
Name Water Type Designated Use Criteria (per 100 ml) Listing Year Holdens Creek (Upper) Class II Transition Recreation Enterococci maximum<104 2006 (Upper+Lower) +Tidal Shellfishing Fecal Coliform 30-month geo. mean<14; 90th percentile<49 1998 Sandy Bottom Br. Class III Nontidal E. Coli maximum<235 Un. Trib. to Sandy Bottom Br. 2004 Pettit Br.

8 Fecal Coliform Exceedances in Holdens Creek
Last 30 Months Criteria Observed Geo. Mean 14 193 90th Percentile 49 435 Station 7-HLD002.67 49/100ml 14/100ml

9 Enterococci Exceedances in Holdens Creek
Criterion Exceedance Maximum<104 76% Station 7-HLD002.67 104/100ml

10 E. Coli Exceedances in Sandy Bottom Branch
Criterion Exceedance Maximum < 235 43% Station 7-SBB000.17 235/100ml

11 E. Coli Exceedances in Unnamed Tributary to Sandy Bottom Branch
Criterion Exceedance Maximum < 235 27% Station 7-XAZ000.30 235/100ml

12 E. Coli Exceedances in Pettit Branch
Criterion Exceedance Maximum < 235 59% Station 7-PET000.80 235 / 100ml

13 Creek Watershed Land Use
Holdens Creek Watershed Land Use

14 Pettit Branch Watershed Land Use

15 Potential Bacteria Sources
Humans Pets Livestock Wildlife

16 Potential Source: Human Contribution

17 Failing Septic Tanks Permitted Source Watershed City Name
# of Tanks Person /Tank FC Producing Rate (cfu/d/person) Tank Failing Rate Loads (cfu/d) Holdens Creek 626 2.7 1.95×109 12% 3.96×1011 Pettit Branch 126 7.96×1010 Permitted Source Watershed City Name Permitted Type Holdens Creek Temperanceville Tyson Farms, Inc VPDES

18 Potential Sources: Wildlife, Livestock, and Pet
Pettit Branch Holdens Creek Dogs 29 287 Livestock Cattle 3 17 Swine 6 44 Chickens 24,926 176,680 Horses 1 4 Sheep Wildlife Ducks 39 340 Geese 253 Deer 32 309 Raccoons 37 385




22 Bacteria Source Tracking (BST) Data Will Be Available by the End of March
Uses Antibiotic Resistance Analysis for source load allocation into 4 categories Human Pets Livestock Wildlife

23 Un. Trib. to Sandy Bottom Br.
TMDL End Point Name Water Type Designated Use Criteria (per 100 ml) Holdens Creek (Upper) Class II Transition Recreation Enterococci maximum<104 (Upper+Lower) +Tidal Shellfishing Fecal Coliform 30-month geo. mean<14; 90th percentile<49 Sandy Bottom Br. Class III Nontidal E. Coli maximum<235 Un. Trib. to Sandy Bottom Br. Pettit Br.

24 Holdens Creek Enterococci TMDL: Recreational Use
DEQ translator: convert the enterococci criterion of 104 counts/100 ml to fecal coliform equivalent criterion Fecal coliform = 551 counts/100 ml One order of magnitude higher than the shellfish criterion The former will be met simultaneously as the latter is attained

25 Modeling Approach Reduction (%) Flow Observations (concentration)
Temperature (decay) Model prediction Model Compare to observations (calibration) Adjust Loading Results are good (statistics) Loading Existing Loads Reduction (%) TMDL Compare to Criteria Results are good Adjust Loading Loading Water Quality Criteria Model prediction Model Temperature (decay) Flow

26 Modeling Approach: Linking Sources to Water Quality
Sandy Bottom Branch, Unnamed Tributary to Sandy Bottom Branch, and Pettit Branch Input Observed bacteria concentration or water quality criterion Bacteria decay rate Simulated flow information Stream cross-sectional area Distributed-Source Model No tidal influence The watershed associated with the head water is small Assume the bacteria are discharged laterally into the stream and fully mixed laterally and vertically Using Bayesian method to handle uncertainties Output Existing bacteria load and loading capacity (TMDL) under different flow regimes

27 Tidally Averaged Transport Model
Holdens Creek Input Observed bacteria concentration or water quality criterion Bacteria decay rate Simulated flow information Stream cross-sectional area Tidally Averaged Transport Model Tidal influence Applies to long and narrow estuaries Assume the bacteria are discharged laterally into the stream and fully mixed laterally and vertically Using Bayesian method to handle uncertainties Output Existing bacteria load and loading capacity (TMDL)

28 Model results of Holdens Creek

29 Reduction Simulation (Sandy Bottom Branch and Unnamed Tributary)

30 Loading Allocations Non-point Source: To be determined using BST data
Point Source (if present in watershed): Based on permit limits and discharge monitoring reports Use existing maximum loading discharged to the stream

31 Summary of the TMDLs Sandy Bottom Branch and Unnamed Tributary to Sandy Bottom Branch E. Coli TMDL Recreational Use Flow Interval I Flow >70% II 70% <Flow <30% III Flow<30% Flow (cfs) 0.46 1.77 5.62 TMDL (Count/Day) 3.46E+09 1.23E+10 3.84E+10 WLA (Count/Day) 1.65E+09 LA (Count/Day) 1.81E+09 1.06E+10 3.67E+10 MOS Implicit

32 Holdens Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL: Shellfish Growing Water Use
Category Criterion (MPN/100ml) Existing Load (Counts/day) Allowable Load Required Reduction Geometric Mean 14 1.58E+12 3.34E+12 78.85% 90th Percentile 49 7.59E+13 7.09E+12 90.66% Category TMDL (Counts/day) WLA LA MOS Geometric Mean 3.34E+12 na Implicit 90th Percentile 7.09E+12

33 Pettit Branch

34 Pettit Branch TMDL

35 Continue Work Conduct load allocations using BST data
Respond to comments Finalize TMDL reports

36 Questions?

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