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R&D for ILC Very Forward Calorimeters

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Presentation on theme: "R&D for ILC Very Forward Calorimeters"— Presentation transcript:

1 R&D for ILC Very Forward Calorimeters
W. Lohmann, DESY Accelerator and GDE Black December New Schedule New structure for detector R&D FCAL overview Labs involved: Argonne, BNL, Vinca Inst, Univ. of Colorado, Cracow UST, Cracow INP, JINR, Royal Holloway, NCPHEP, Prague(AS), LAL Orsay, Tuhoku Univ., Tel Aviv Univ. , West Univ. Timisoara, Yale Univ. DESY (Z.) Associated: Stanford Univ. IKP Dresden Guests from : CERN September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

2 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Accelerator Design First stage : 90 – 500 GeV Second stage : up to 1 TeV Luminosity : 500 fb-1 / 4years 1 ab-1 at 1 TeV L ~ 2 x 1034 cm-2s-1 Polarisation : 80% e- 50% e+ (later phase) Beam energy : < 10-3 uncertainty Options : GigaZ (high lumi running at the Z), e-g, g-g September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

3 The GDE and its Mission (Accelerator)
GDE = Global Design Effort Produce a design for the ILC, including performance assessments, a reliable international costing, an industrialisation plan, a siting analysis Coordinate worldwide prioritized R&D - Demonstrate and improve the performance of the components (cavities, cryomodules, RF units) - Reduce costs - Test and improve reliability Director: B. Barish + 3 regional directors: B. Foster (Europe) M. Nozaki (Asia) M. Harrison (Americas) 480 physicists and engineers worldwide Project Management Office M. Ross (Chair)(Fermilab), N. Walker (DESY), A. Yamamoto (KEK) The RDR (reference design report) for the ILC was released in 2007; Plan was an “Engineering Design Report” in 2010 September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

4 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
The GDE and its Mission September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

5 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
The “Black December” In December 2007 STFC (UK) announced withdraw from ILC In US an unrelated move cut the funding for ILC (and particle physics) dramatically Enough US money left to permit GDE common fund to be paid and the GDE organisation to remain in beeing FALC met in January 2008 and confirmed that the physics motivation for a linear collider remains unchanged FALC recognised that funding stability is the key to any international collaborative effort so non of the partners investmants id jeopardized ICFA expressed its deepest concern about the decisions in the UK and the US on spending for long term international science projects ICFA feels an obligation to make policy makers aware of the need for stability in the support of major international science efforts It can’t be business as usual when such a large fraction of recources lost: 40 FTE and £ 4M/year in UK and a reduction from $ 60 M to 15 M in US New plan for the TD phase concentrates and reduces work and lengthens time scales September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

6 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
TDP1 and TDP2 TDP-1 (GDE) 2010 Detector design phase I Prioritized R&D for risk reduction (gradient, Cryomodul performance with beam, RF units) Beam Delivery system, Final focus R&D on prioritized areas and critical elements Complete detector specifications Initiate technical design work Update physics performance Develop MDI scenarios TDP-2 (GDE) 2012 Detector design phase II Complete technical design and R&D needed for the project proposal Complete reliable cost role up Project plan developed Include LHC results in performance requirements Complete R&D, develop integration into a real detector, technical design for the ILC proposal Complete MDI solution Reliable cost role up and financial plan September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

7 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Detector Example Muons (instrumented iron) Hadrons (HCAL) Photons, electrons (ECAL) Track measurement (TPC) Flavour tagging (pixel detectors) Forward region September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

8 Requirements on the Detector
Impact Parameter: /3 х SLD (secondary vertices) /5-10 x LEP Momentum resolution /10 x LEP Jet energy resolution /3 х LEP, HERA Hermeticity > 5 mrad A worldwide R&D program is ongoing 337 ns 2820x 0.2 s 0.95 ms accelerator delivers ‘bunch’ trains: Timing constraints for Detectors and readout September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

9 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Research Director The ILCSC recruited Sakue Yamada to serve as ILC (Detector&Physics) Research Director The RD will be responsible for: Devising procedures that will result in two contrasting and complementary detector designs (based on “Letter of Intend”, LOI) Guiding the global detector R&D effort Form a management structure and appoint a detector advisory group (IDAG) More Details under: September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

10 ILC Research Directorate Organisation
September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

11 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
LoIs, Plan and Schedule An LoI must include: - the description of the detector - the list of participants and explanation of the recources - the critical R&D areas - simulation studies to demonstrate the physics performance - the plan for the completion of the technical design To identify LoI groups a call for “expression of interest” was made; Three groups submitted EoIs before march 31, 2008 (ILD, SiD, 4th.C). LoIs for detector technical designs are expected in 2009 The critical review of the LoIs submitted will be done by the IDAG IDAG will ‘validate’ detector designs and will give guidance for an advanced development September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

12 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
IDAG Members Experiment & Detector Michael Danilov ITEP Michel Davier (Chair) Orsay Paul Grannis Stony Brook Dan Green FNAL Dean Karlen Victoria Sun-Kee Kim SNU Tomio Kobayashi Tokyo Weiguo Li IHEP Richard Nickerson Oxford Sandro Palestini CERN Phenomenology Abdelhak Djouadi Orsay Rohini Godbole IIS JoAnne Hewett SLAC Accelerator Tom Himel SLAC Nobukazu Toge KEK Eckhard Elsen DESY September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

13 The next important dates
June GDE meeting in JINR (Dubna) June ECFA LC workshop in Warsaw - first meeting of the IDAG, with plenary presentations of the LoI groups November LCWS/GDE workshop in Chicago Summary The ILC project is moving forward with a new plan stretched to 2012 taking into account the impact of funding cuts in UK and US (to reach the goal foreseen for 2010) Seek for synergies with CLIC Synchronisation between GDE and detector community (led now by S. Yamada) is kept. Continuation and consolidation of detector designs with LoIs next year September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

14 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
The JINR site proposal September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

15 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
The challenges Precise Luminosity measurement Gauge process: e+ e e+ e- (g) Events e- 6.10m e+ IP e+ L = N / s Q, (rad) Count Bhabha events From theory Events Goal: Precision <10-3 Translates into the following requirements Inner acceptance radius: < 10 μm Distance between Cals. : < 600 μm Radial beam position : < 1 mm Energy (GeV) September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

16 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
The challenges Energy deposition from beamstrahlung in the innermost calorimeter (BeamCal) Beamstrahlung is a new phenomenon at the ILC (nm beam sizes) Bunches are squeezed when crossing (pinch effect) Photon radiation (at very small angle) Part of the photons converts to e+e- pairs, deflected to larger angles) A measurement of photon and pair energy allows a bunch-by-bunch luminosity estimate important for beam-tuning Beam pipe The ratio is proportional to the luminosity Feedback for beam tuning Dose absorbed by the sensors: up to 10 MGy/year ! Radiation hard sesnors needed For LHC people: 1 MGy ~ 1017 e-/cm2 September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

17 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
The challenges Electron veto copability is required from physics down to small polar angles to suppress background in particle searches with missing energy signature (hermeticity) e.g. Search for supersymmetric particles at small Dm Exploit longitudinal Shower profile average tile energy subtracted Local deposition from a single high energy electron Local deposition from a single high energy electron September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

18 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
The Design Beamstrahlung IP Precise measurement of the integrated luminosity (ΔL/L ~ 10-4) Provide 2-photon veto Serve the beamdiagnostics using beamstrahlung pairs LumiCal BeamCal GamCal 5mrad ~40mrad ~85mrad using beamstrahlung photons September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

19 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Sensor R&D pCVD diamonds: radiation hardness under investigation (e.g. LHC beam monitors, pixel detectors) advantageous properties like: high mobility, low εR = 5.7, thermal conductivity GaAs: semi-insulating GaAs, doped with Sn and compensated by Cr produced by the Siberian Institute of Technology SC CVD diamonds: available in sizes of mm2 Radiation hard silicon CVD: Chemical Vapor Deposition (courtesy of IAF) polycrystalline CVD diamond GaAs Single crystal September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

20 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Sensor R&D Sensor performance as a funtion of the absorbed dose: Electron beam at SDALINAC, 10 MeV, nA beam current, kGy/hour Beam exit window collimator (IColl) Faraday cup (IFC, TFC) sensor box (IDia, TDia, HV) September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

21 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
FE Electronics Development accelerator delivers ‘bunch’ trains: Timing constraints for detectors and readout High occupancy in the forward calorimeters - read out after each or a few bunch crossings, fast feedback 337 ns 2820x 0.2 s 0.95 ms Cracow UST One FE ASIC will contain 32 – 64 channels One ADC will serve several channels (MC simulations Still not finished) AMS 0.35 mm technology September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

22 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
FE ASIC Stanford Univ. 32 channels per chip all data is read out at 10 bits for physics purposes; Low latency output, sum of all channels is read out after each bx at 8 bits for beam diagnosis (fast feedback) Prototype in 0.18-m TSMC CMOS technology April 2007: High level design complete July 2007-July2008: Layout design August 2008: Verification complete October 2008: Prototype ready January 2009: Prototype tests complete September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

23 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Data transfer Readout in real time and with low latency (~1 μs) Readout between bunch trains feedback proc. ~ 10 signal transfer lines per layer of BeamCal GamCal data formatter Need one more level in the readout architecture for the interface to FONT and to the detector DAQ. Design and prototyping effort DAQ FONT September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

24 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Sensors for prototypes - Sensor prototypes designed Contacts to several manufacturers Tower Semiconductors Israel Hamamatsu Canbera Sintef - Fan-out design: thin, low cross talk Design of Sensor plane prototypes, ASICS ready for prototypes in 2009 (EUDET) prototypes of a calorimeter ready for tests in 2010/12 (depending in the support) September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

25 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Conclusions Priority topics within FCAL: Refine and Complete simulations studies Large area radiation hard sensors for calorimetry Precise position measurement of electromagnetic showers Laser position monitoring ASICS with high readout speed, large dynamic range, large buffering depth and low power dissipation Fast feedback for luminosity optimisation, fast data transmission (here we contribute to the CMS beam conditions monitoring) September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

26 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Paris conclusions on LumiCal Design studies of the calorimeters relatively advanced Lots of details need further studies - beam-pipe design, how much material in front of LumiCal can be tolerated - realistic detector, including calibration uncertainties, cross talk, noise….. Practical Issues: Fix Geometry and Segmentation Occupancy per bunch train (> 0.25 mip) Signal spectrum  Input for FE ASICs Working group: Bogdan, Ivanka, Iftach Goal: produce a paper (EUDET note) with the relevant numbers before end of the year, including all processes we know so far at CMS energies 350 and 500 GeV September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

27 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Paris Conclusions on BeamCal Design studies of the calorimeters relatively advanced Open issues - realistic detector, including calibration uncertainties, cross talk, noise….. - realistic beam transport simulations - beam-pipe shape - design studies for GamCal BeamCal & LumiCal Geometry: Previous geometry was summarized by Christian. Geometry group: Christian, Bogdan, Sergey, Iftach, Woitek -Define the ‘acceptance’ areas of the calorimeters -define the space needed for the calorimeters -define the beam-pipe shape And write it down! September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow

28 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
backup September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

29 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow
Structure of the detector community organsation ILCSC FALC GDE IDAG LoI-representative Common task representative MDI-D R&D panel Software panel Physics Panel Regional Contacts RD Executive Board R&D Collab. PAC Phys.&Exp.Board Engineering Tools Outreach Panel Th’s LoI A B C IR Integration Next Step WWS organizers September 20, 2018 FCAL Coll. Meeting Cracow Instrumentation of the forward region

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