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Health & Safety Team | Edinburgh Napier University

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1 Health & Safety Team | Edinburgh Napier University
September 2012

2  Fire or Emergency Procedures
Please read the blue and white notices provided throughout the campus These give details of the University’s fire and emergency procedures

3  On discovering a fire Raise the alarm
Immediately operate the nearest break glass alarm call point Attack fire if possible with appliances provided but without taking personal risk and only if you have been trained

4  On hearing the alarm Evacuate the building
Use the nearest available exit NEVER use the lift

5  On hearing the alarm Assemble at the designated assembly points
Keep access routes clear for emergency services Do not re-enter the building until authorisation given by Senior Fire Co-ordinator / Fire Officer in charge

6  Assembly Points A Pillar in main courtyard at front of building
B West car park C East car park behind refectory


8  Assembly Points Staff and students exiting to assembly point A may need to overspill from the front quad onto the nearside pavement Do not cross the road - in the event of a fire staff and students will be moved away from the building in a co-ordinated manner Use the nearest available exit

9  Disabled Refuges Anyone with mobility difficulties or who requires assistance to evacuate should not use stairways or lifts They should proceed to the nearest disabled refuge

10  Disabled Refuges Fitted with two-way communication systems
When the fire alarm sounds proceed to your nearest disabled refuge Press the “press for help” button once to initiate a call (do not continue to press or hold during a call) This will also indicate at the fire panel that someone is in the specified refuge point The call will be answered Remain in the refuge until assistance arrives

11  Disabled Refuges

12  Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)
All staff and students who may need assistance in an emergency evacuation should have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) drawn up PEEPs procedure and guidance is available on Health & Safety intranet under “Policies and Procedures”

13  Disabled refuges List of disabled refuges available at
under “Fire and Emergency”

14  Summary – in the event of a fire
If you discover a fire – raise the alarm On hearing the alarm – leave by the nearest exit route Keep well clear of the building Do not use lifts Assemble at the designated assembly point Do not re-enter the building until authorised

15  Your health & safety responsibilities
Comply with all Health & Safety Policies and Procedures Follow safe systems of work Use machinery, materials, PPE, etc as instructed Participate in health, safety and fire training Report all hazards/risks Work safely

16  Student health & safety
All students must be made aware of Health and Safety at School induction Health & Safety Policy Fire/Emergency Procedures First Aid Arrangements COSHH Display Screen Equipment Lifting and Carrying Personal Protective Equipment Instructions - Use of Equipment Electricity Good Housekeeping

17  First aid arrangements
Know and understand the University’s First Aid arrangements A list of School/Service First Aiders should be available The Control Room on ext 4444 can contact the nearest First Aiders (outwith University ) Report all injuries to staff, students or visitors using the Accident Reporting Books which should be available in each School/Service and campus reception First aid training – contact Corporate Learning & Development

18  Reporting of accidents
Staff/Students Yellow, blue and pink copies of the accident form should be sent to the Health & Safety Team White copy should be passed to Head of School/Director of Service Visitor/Contractor/Dangerous Occurrence All copies of accident form should be sent to the Health & Safety Team ALL accidents must be reported

19  Occupational Health support
Human Resources are responsible for the Occupational Health provision Further information on Human Resources website under “Working at the University” / “Health and Wellbeing”

20  Display Screen Equipment
Ensure you are adequately trained in the use of the equipment Adjust your chair correctly Make sure you have breaks or change to other work away from the DSE All staff should carry out the computer Cardinus Workstation Safety Plus programme and assessment [start – All Programs – Applications - Health & Safety – Cardinus Online Safety Training]

21  Lifting and carrying Manual Handling accidents can cause a lot of pain and suffering A simple manual handling training course is provided on the Cardinus manual handling computer programme [start – All Programs – Applications - Health & Safety – Cardinus Online Safety Training]

22  Further info Further information is available on the Health & Safety website Phone:

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