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Because Technology Never Stops

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Presentation on theme: "Because Technology Never Stops"— Presentation transcript:

1 Because Technology Never Stops
Environmental & Safety Awareness Training – Buffalo Grove Site Specific Information

2 Buffalo grove Site Specific Information
Topics Covered: Evacuation Procedures and Maps First Aid/AED Illness/Injury Reporting Chemicals and Safety Data Sheets Hazard Assessments Electrical Safe Work Practices Teradyne Programs (ISO 14001) Please Review and then Return to the Awareness Training

3 Evacuation Procedures
Exit the building through the nearest exit Do not stop to collect personal belongings Do not use the elevator during an emergency event Report to your assigned Exterior Evacuation Assembly Area (Location A, B, C or D) and await instructions To activate the alarm locate a pull station and pull lever. Stations are located throughout the building per the posted Maps Audible alarm is a “loud” horn Visible alarm is a flashing strobe Severe Weather (follow weather alert safety sheets/ seek shelter in designated Shelter Area) – see map

4 Employee Accountability
The exterior Evacuation Assembly Area signs are located in the parking lot on the west side of the building. Please gather at these designated areas in the parking lot, away from the building. The Safety Team will conduct a Head Count to verify everyone is out of the building, be sure to advise all visitors of our policy during an evacuation. Safety Team Manager will advise the all-clear sign when you can return to the building. Do not “leave” the premises or return to your office until you get the all- clear or alternative instructions.

5 Evacuation Map -1st Floor

6 Evacuation Map - 2nd Floor

7 Evacuation Assembly Areas

8 Severe Weather Shelter Areas (In the event of a Tornado)

9 First Aid/AEDs CPR/AED Responders names and extension numbers are listed inside the (AED cabinets) and those responders have been through automatic smart defibrillators (AEDs) training. There are 3 (AED cabinets in the building) one located in the Fitness Center, one in the supply/copy center on the 2nd floor and one in the lunchroom on the 1st floor. If you need basic first aid (i.e. band aids), First Aid boxes are located in the 2nd floor coffee pantry area (above the water cooler), in the microwave area of the lunchroom and in the Mechanical/PCB area (by PCB benches).

10 Illness/Injuries For Emergency help at the Buffalo Grove facility, dial 911 and provide information as requested from dispatcher at Emergency center: typically, Name, Location, & Nature of Emergency. It is extremely important that all work related injuries and illness are reported to your supervisor, even ergonomic issues.

11 Chemicals Chemicals must be approved prior to entering the Buffalo Grove Facility by EHS A safety data sheet must be provided If approved, a copy of the safety data sheet will be placed on Teradyne’s online chemical management database “ACTIO” Actio is available through the internal EHS website In the event the system is unavailable contact EHS. Backup CDs are available. An SDS binder for site specific information is located on the 2nd floor in the Facilities office.

12 Common Chemicals in Buffalo Grove
The type of chemicals most often used within the Buffalo Grove facility include: Loctite Flux Isopropyl Alcohol Tin/Lead Solder

13 Hazard Assessments Hazard Assessments have been conducted to determine appropriate PPE for a job/area. PPE Protects “YOU”! Your supervisor/manager is responsible for informing you of the required PPE for your work area PPE is based on the job activity An example of the hazard assessment is on the following slide. The assessment lists the location, job description, hazard description, safe work conditions and appropriate PPE

14 Hazard Assessment - Example

15 Electrical Safe Work Practices
Electrical Safe Work Practice Areas are those areas within the Buffalo Grove facility that require additional knowledge of the activities and electrical hazards in the area to work. If you enter these areas you should be aware of any potential hazards and receive safe work practice training. If you have not received electrical safe work practice training then you should not enter these areas unless accompanied and/or unless you stay in designated safe areas. Electrical Safe Work Practice Areas in Buffalo Grove will either be designated by a lightening bolt /specific signage or will require badge access. Examples of electrical safe work practice areas include: 1st Floor Lab areas (i.e. Test Dept, Integration, Cable Test, Product Development, Applications & SQA Lab, HW & SW/NPI Lab and Discrete Lab)

16 Teradyne Environmental Committments
Environmental initiatives require Teradyne and its division (Eagle Test Systems) to reduce the use of fuel, electricity, water, hazardous materials and so forth. These initiatives include: ISO (EBU site is not certified) Eagle Test Systems is 9001:2008 certified Carbon Disclosure Project All programs require reporting, tracking, and your cooperation.

17 Buffalo Grove is ISO 9001 Certified
The EBU is ISO 9001:2008 Certified

18 What can you do? Be familiar with Teradyne’s Environmental Policy and the aspect register Understand the impact of the activities you perform daily What type of wastes do you generate Do you use or deplete natural resources Do you use hazardous or regulated substances Learn what you can do to reduce the impact of your activities on the environment Recycle Conserve energy and water Switch to less hazardous substances

19 End of Site-Specific Information
Please return to Main EHS Awareness program by hitting the back button to continue with the awareness training. “Thank you for your time & attention”

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