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9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04.

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Presentation on theme: "9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

Current as of 09/17/04

3 OBJECTIVE To inform Evacuation Coordinators of their responsibilities in directing orderly and complete emergency evacuations 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

4 1. Know your area(s) of responsibility
Samples of Behavior (SOBs) 1. Know your area(s) of responsibility 2. Know the Evacuation Coordinator’s responsibilities 3. Identify steps to be taken in the event of a drill or an actual emergency 4. Know the fundamentals for evacuating the mobility impaired 5. Know the basics of using a portable fire extinguisher 6. Know the location of the primary and secondary emergency exits in your area 7. Know how to report potential life safety problems in your area 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

5 OVERVIEW - Coordinators’ area of responsibility
- Preparing for an emergency - Actions to take if you’re told of a fire or the fire alarm sounds - Review current Emergency Response Plan - Fire Extinguisher Training Video - Review Emergency Evacuation Diagrams - Question and Answer Session - Review Quiz 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

6 BE PREPARED for Emergencies!
Evacuation Coordinators must work with supervisors to: Assign escorts to mobility impaired employees Develop a method of accounting for personnel AFTER evacuation Develop a definitive evacuation plan for mobility impaired visitors and employees NOTE: It’s acceptable to allow Vision or Hearing impaired individuals to evacuate with other building occupants. Provide escort upon request. 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

7 Actions to be taken: If you’re told of a fire or The fire alarm sounds
9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

8 Call 911 – Answer all questions
REACT Call 911 – Answer all questions ACTIVATE The nearest fire alarm pull station CONTAIN The fire by closing doors upon exiting EVACUATE Leave the building through the nearest safe exit. AVOID ELEVATORS! Continued next slide 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

9 Remember R-A-C-E R - eact A - ctivate C - ontain E - vacuate
9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

10 Inform FIRE or POLICE department personnel of:
Coordinate evacuation of mobility impaired individuals to “safe” area – most likely the emergency stair Ensure evacuated individuals assemble at least 300 feet away from the building Solicit supervisors assistance to account for their personnel through head count Inform FIRE or POLICE department personnel of: Missing employees or visitors The exact location where mobility impaired individual(s) are being “sheltered in place” 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

11 to safely evacuate employees!
Fight the fire ONLY IF NECESSARY to safely evacuate employees! This is where being PROACTIVE in evacuation planning pays off 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

Read your Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan Train employees on special evacuation procedures and the location of primary/secondary emergency exits 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

13 Report Safety Deficiencies IMMEDIATELY!
Open ceiling tile Broken Fire Door closer 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

14 Assist one another with:
The evacuation process Individuals requiring supervision or special assistance Accounting for personnel Practicing emergency evacuation [drill] as though it’s for real Evacuating as would be required if there was really a fire Following Safety or UT Police directions explicitly! 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

15 Environmental Health & Safety Safety Representative
“ALL CLEAR” signal allowing people back into the building can be given by ONLY… UT Police or Environmental Health & Safety Safety Representative 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

16 Everyone’s favorite slide…
INTERIM SUMMARY As an Emergency Evacuation Coordinator your MAIN responsibility is… Directing QUICK, ORDERLY evacuation from your area You must also… Ensure mobility impaired personnel are evacuated to the nearest emergency stair and left with adequate supervision Personnel assemble in a predetermined area at least 300 feet from the building Solicit supervisors’ help to account for all evacuated personnel Continued next slide 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

17 INTERIM SUMMARY (continued)
Inform Police Department and Fire Rescue personnel of missing individuals (UT employees and/or visitors, etc). Inform Police Department and Fire Rescue personnel of the EXACT LOCATION of [mobility impaired] personnel sheltered in emergency stairs 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

18 Dial 911 to report an EMERGENCY
EMERGENCY NUMBERS On Campus: UT Police Dial 911 to report an EMERGENCY Dial to speak with the dispatcher Safety Dial to report emergencies or life safety concerns We’ve developed [and distributed] an emergency response information and guide card. Ask, if you need one. Visit our Web Site at 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

19 - Coordinators’ area of responsibility - Preparing for an emergency
CLOSING REVIEW - Coordinators’ area of responsibility - Preparing for an emergency - Actions to take if you’re told of a fire or the fire alarm sounds - Review current Emergency Response Plan - Fire Extinguisher Training Video - Review Emergency Evacuation Diagrams 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04


21 REVIEW QUIZ 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04 1.
What is your area of responsibility? Bldg: Area: 2. Name the different types of fire extinguishers a. Carbon Dioxide and Halon b. Dry and Wet Chemical c. Water d. a, b, and c a b c d 3. Which type of extinguisher would you NOT use to put out an electrical fire a. Carbon Dioxide b. Water c. Dry Chemical d. All of these a b c d 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

22 4. In regards to fire extinguisher, the acronym “PASS” means? a. To give up your turn b. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep b. Push, Act, Stop, Scream d. Post Act Safety Schedule a b c d 5. The acronym “RACE” means? a. Just that – RUN, and quickly! b. Run And Cry, Evacuate! c. React, Activate, Contain, Evacuate d. Real Angry Civilian Employee a b c d 6. If you see smoke or fire in your work area you should? a. “RACE” b. Don’t worry, be happy c. Wait a while d. Notify the Evacuation Coordinator a b c d 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

23 7. How far away from the building should people be evacuated? a yards b paces c feet d miles a b c d 8. When is it safe to allow people back into the building? a. Next day at the same time b. One hour later c. When the “all clear” is given d. Anytime after the alarm is turned off a b c d 9. The Emergency Evacuation Plan/Diagram tells employees? a. What to do in weather emergencies b. Emergency telephone numbers c. Emergency Notification Procedures d. a, b, and c a b c d 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

24 FEEDBACK QUESTION 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04 10.
Did this training help you to better understand your Evacuation Coordinator responsibilities? a. Yes b. No a b FEEDBACK QUESTION How would you rate this training? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Poor Outstanding 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

25 Thank you for attending
9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

26 9/18/2018 8:07 AM Current as of 09/17/04

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