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CWK Tuesday, 18 September 2018 Revision Y8 LO:

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Presentation on theme: "CWK Tuesday, 18 September 2018 Revision Y8 LO:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CWK Tuesday, 18 September 2018 Revision Y8 LO: This powerpoint has a suggestion of ways to revise for Assessment Week 1 and a list of items to revise.

How to Revise It is important to understand how you learn best. This will help you choose the best techniques to help you revise. It is important to use a variety of techniques and challenge your mind. Also don’t forget that if you are revising for an exam – you should re-create the conditions you will face in that exam – eg silence – and consider what type of output will your answers need to be in? – Practice past questions and re-write sample answers. VISUAL MUSICAL/AUDITORY VERBAL Convert your notes into pictures – eg an annotated diagram of a physical geography feature – such as a stack. Create posters /leaflets /movies. Create songs/music/poems to help you remember key processes or case studies. Read case studies/notes onto your phone, to play back to yourself later. Create movies. Listen to and watch bbc/bitesize clips. Re-write your note (although try to do something with them – eg condense them). Read your notes onto your phone and play them back. SOCIAL INDIVIDUAL KINAESTHETIC Have a revision partner and test each other. Work through questions and tasks together Before writing an exam answer alone. Find yourself a quiet study place where you will not be disturbed or distracted. You may decide to revise with earphones. (Just remember what the conditions of the exam will be – silence – so practice this technique in silence) Create flashcards for your keywords and definitions. Put your key terms/case studies around your room and physically move to them/look around the room when you try to recall them.

3 REVISION FOCUS 1 – Keywords and definitions
There are a range of strategies for revising keywords and definitions. 1 – Flashcards: Write the keyword on one side and the definition on the other. Practise them. If you get it right put it on a green (correct) pile and if you get it wrong put it on a red (redo) pile. You could always highlight the bit you get wrong to help you remember it. 2 – Record the keywords and definitions and play them back. 3 - Look, cover, repeat 4 - You can advance this by creating pictionary of the word on the definitions side 5 - RAG the keywords (Green – I know it, Amber – I sort of know it but cannot give the exact definition, Red – I do not know it) Spend most time focusing on the red words.

4 hydrology (water) (the study of)
Keywords and Definitions USE YOUR KEYWORDS LISTS IN THE CLASS AREA. YOU WILL BE ASSESSED ON ALL TOPIC KEYWORDS Tips to revise and spelling techniques: Spelling pyramids: Look at the keywords list for your topic(s) (Set 4/5 warm, set 3/2 hot, set 1 scorching) Pick five words you often struggle to spell (check your marking feedback/look through your book for problem words eg meander/waterfall, volcanoes/hydro-meteorological/environmental/seismic) and create  a pyramid for them. Here is an example for the word coast: C Co Coa Coas Coast Mnemonics: For the same 5 words (or another 5 words) create broken down words to help you learn what they mean eg: hydrology (water) (the study of)

5 Locational knowledge quiz
Y8: Countries of the World drag and drop games – focus on the BRIC countries and tectonic plates.

6 Using an atlas name and locate the areas you have studied
Location of the tectonic plates, volcanoes and earthquakes.

7 Strategies and skills

8 Study Figure 1. Describe the distribution of the volcanoes shown.
Geography Skills T.E.A. When looking at a resource for the first time sit back and have a cup of tea. T – Trend What is the trend/pattern of the figure? E – Evidence What evidence is there to support this? Refer to the figure by using locations, statistics. quotes etc. A – Anomaly Is there anything which does not fit this pattern? (There may not always be an anomaly) Study Figure 1. Describe the distribution of the volcanoes shown. The majority of the volcanoes are located on the edge of the Pacific Plate. Examples of this are on the west coast of North and South America e.g. Mt St Helens, and on the east coast of Asia e.g. Mt Fuji, Japan. Anomalies are seen in the volcanoes in the centre of the Pacific Plate which are located on hotspots; e.g. Kilauea, Hawaii.

9 Explain how a named example of a tectonic hazard, you have studied,
Geography Skills Explain how a named example of a tectonic hazard, you have studied, can be managed. Tectonic hazards, such as the Chances Peak eruptions on the island of Montserrat (1995 onwards) can be managed in a number of ways. Firstly volcanic eruptions can be managed by scientific monitoring/prediction. The MVO (Montserrat Volcano Observatory) was set up in 1995 to monitor the volcano. One way it does this is to study the temperature changes at the surface of the volcano. When a volcano is about to erupt, its surface becomes warmer as the magma nears the surface and fills the magma chamber. By identifying when it is likely to erupt warnings can be given to evacuate and therefore reduce deaths. This is one way of managing tectonic hazard events. P.E.E.L. When you are answering longer questions, or making decisions always make sure that your answers are structured by P.E.E.L. Point – What are you trying to say? Evidence – What evidence do you have to back this up? (Statistics, facts, examples.) Explanation – How does this evidence support your point? Link – How does this point link to the overall question?

10 Geography Specific Skills
Decision Making Graphicacy Fieldwork Annotation Map, globe & atlas skills Empathy Identifying real-world links G.I.S. Geographical Information Systems Location Knowledge and Context Synopticity Image analysis Data analysis Drawing conclusions Data presentation Sustainability Understanding and Application Extended writing Comparison Understanding interactions Interrogating sources C/S & Theory Application

11 Describing a graph/map/data
Which strategy should I use? TEA What is it? Trend Evidence Anomaly How do we do it? Describe the distribution of volcanoes: TREND – What pattern is there? They are located in thin belts along the plate boundaries. EVIDENCE – What evidence is there to support this? You should refer to the map (named locations) / graph (x and y axis) Eg along the edge of the Pacific Ring of Fire such as Mt Fuji in Japan. ANOMALY – Are there any examples which do not fit the patter? The anomaly is Hawaii, which is located in the centre of the Pacific Plate. So your final paragraph is: They are located in thin belts along the plate boundaries eg along the edge of the Pacific Ring of Fire (such as Mt Fuji in Japan). An anomaly is Hawaii, which is located in the centre of the Pacific Plate. Now try for the hurricane location map (Y8) or the graph showing flood risk (Y7):

12 Revision What do you need to know? Mindmaps:
Make a mindmap of your topic YEAR 8 TOPICS – superpowers, tectonics

13 BBC bitesize At Key Stage 3 and at GCSE has many revision activities, videos and tests to help you with your topics. Only revise the topics on the lists. YEAR 8 TOPICS – Superpowers (trade, Brazil, Russia, India, China), Tectonics (structure of the Earth, plate boundaries, convection currents and movement of plates).

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