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Effective Support for Children and Families-

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1 Effective Support for Children and Families-

2 Learning and Development
Learning Outcomes from recent Serious Case Reviews and Learning Reviews

3 2 Lessons identified in the following areas:
Understanding and reviewing family history Over reliance on the word of the parents Understanding of normal child development Closer liaison between agencies working with the same family The need for effective supervision and managerial oversight

4 Over reliance on the word of the parents
What does ‘active engagement’ look like? How do you check information? Triangulation of evidence – how do we actively check that parents/families are engaging with agencies/protection plans Do practitioners check when stated ‘parent is engaging with….’ is the parent/young person actually attending meetings Ask participants to consider examples of practice to support statement ‘actively engaging’

5 Courageous Conversations…
Saying what needs to be said in a way others will hear it Demonstrating respect and concern for the other person Minimising the threat that you may represent whilst staying true to the message Courageous conversations are not always easy because in a courageous conversation you say what you mean rather than what the other person wants to hear and sometimes it means you say what you mean rather than what is easier for you to say Saying what needs to be said in a way others will hear it With respect and concern for the other person Minimizing the threat that you may represent whilst staying true to the message Courageous conversations are not always easy because in a courageous conversation you say what you mean rather than what the other person wants to hear and sometimes it means you say what you mean rather than what is easier for you to say

6 Disguised compliance Disguised compliance involves parents giving the appearance of co-operating with child welfare agencies to avoid raising suspicions and allay concerns. Published case reviews highlight that professionals sometimes delay or avoid interventions due to parental disguised compliance. professionals need to establish the facts and gather evidence about what is actually happening, rather than accepting parent’s presenting behaviour and assertions. By focussing on outcomes rather than processes professionals can keep the focus of their work on the child. system/case-reviews/learning/disguised-compliance/ Image link to video Risk is dynamic and needs to be re-assessed as cases progress, a process of continual assessment is needed because things change. Professionals need to operate with respectful uncertainty.

7 Protocol for Safeguarding Unborn Babies
Photo hyperlink to pre birth protocol on sscb website – practitioners need to raise awareness within their agencies of the signs and indicators of potential risk The Pre birth protocol should be considered/applied when working with vulnerable families

8 Resolving Professional Differences policy also known as the Escalation Policy – ensure that professional differences are managed in a constructive way to encourage better multi agency working

9 Closer liaison between agencies working with the same family
Consultation Line (Designated Leads only) (Monday to Friday 9am -4pm) Early Help Advice Hub Telephone (01823) (Monday to Friday 9am -4pm) New mechanisms to support working together, Professional Choices picture is a link Effective Support Document updated ‘feb 17 Support lines in place to discuss concerns

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