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Managementul cunoștințelor: (ce citim?, de unde?)

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Presentation on theme: "Managementul cunoștințelor: (ce citim?, de unde?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managementul cunoștințelor: (ce citim?, de unde?)
Click to edit Master subtitle style

2 De unde citim? Pubmed Google Scholar Full text journal articles Books
EBM databases Save Searches and citations

3 Ce este MEDLINE? O bază de date pentru reviste din domeniul bio-medical (medicină, stomatologie, nursing, medicină veterinară, …) Index Medicus database Service of National Library of Medicine (NLM) 5,271 reviste din domeniul biomedical Aproximativ 18 mil. de citări (aprox. 70,000 citări noi/lună)

4 What is MEDLINE? Articles are indexed by real people.
Terms are assigned that come from a Controlled Vocabulary (Thesaurus) called MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). MeSH includes sets of subheadings that apply to each term and uses markers to indicate which terms reflect the main focus of the article. When an article is published in a peer review MEDLINE journal, indexers at the NLM assign descriptors to the article from the MeSH thesaurus. These make searching more accurate. These MeSH descriptors are divided into Main Focus and then others. 4 4

5 Go to PubMed Search for Pubmed

6 PubMed MEDLINE Entering PubMed
Type search terms Tutorials

7 Tutorials for PubMed Link to PubMed Tutorials

8 PubMed MEDLINE Preliminary Results

9 While this interface may seem rather simplistic, it is in fact, quite sophisticated.
Point out the My NCBI, Tutorials, RSS feeds,

10 MEDLINE Author Institution Title MeSH Headings Date
Type of publication Journal, Volume, Issue Page numbers Abstract Institution MeSH Headings

11 Cătarea după autor Use initial(s) most frequently used by author
After 2002, full names (when included in the journal itself) may be used May search multiple authors on one search line

12 Exampl de căutare după autor: Hurt MM
Note in the example that Myra Hurt most frequently publishes using MM Hurt. However, before one assumes that all articles have been located by Myra Hurt, one should check to see if MM Hurt ever published as M Hurt or by a maiden name.

13 Let’s take a look at one article

14 Abstract View

15 Identificarea numelui complet al revistei și al titlului
Treceți cu cursorul peste numele revistei

16 MeSH Terms

17 Link out



20 Referințe in stilul Vancouver

21 PubMed tutorial

22 Căutare după subiect


24 PubMed MEDLINE Filter (Limit) Results
Left Side Filter by Article Type Text Availability Publication date Species Type research Language

25 Limits Results

26 Details – scroll down


28 Tipuri de articole Original Research Review Articles Editorials
Case Studies Case Control Time Series Cross sectional Cohort Control trials Randomized Control Trials Review Articles Editorials Letters Meta-Analysis Systematic reviews Clinical Guidelines

29 Strategii de căutare Limit search AND, OR, NOT, paranteze
By type of article By date By age group By language Expresii intre ghilimele: “focal nodular hyperplasia” AND, OR, NOT, paranteze “medication errors” AND “quality improvement” NOT (ambulatory OR “nursing home”) Knowing the type of article, you can limit your search to just that kind of article. You can also in almost all of the interfaces limit by date, like just the last 5 years, by age group of patients, humans, English, and so forth. Another skill you will need to master is the art of the Boolean search. How to use AND, or, not, quotes and parentheses. Do you remember order of operation from algebra? Of course you don’t. Let’s look at this search phrase: “medication errors” AND “quality improvement” NOT (ambulatory OR “nursing home”)

30 PubMed MEDLINE Multiple Terms: Advanced Search History #2 AND #3
Click pe numărul de accesări pentru a vedea rezultatele Combining Searches

31 Search History See where you have been.
Back up to pursue a previous approach. Put in single terms and search on each one, then combine searches Searches can be combined using search #s. Example: (#1 OR #20) AND #2 NOT #12

32 Adăugarea unei referințe in Clipboard

33 Clipboard As you search Add articles to Clipboard
Se pot aduna articolele interesante

34 Clipboard You can then yourself your list of articles from the clipboard or export the list to a text file. Click on Send to;

35 Urmăm link-ul la articol

36 Căutarea articolelor full text
In Pubmed avem o legatura inspre articolul full text? Nu… Căutăm folosind Google Scholar titlul articolului.


38 Salvarea articolului

39 Interfața mobilă pentru Pubmed

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