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SEND Local Area Inspection

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1 SEND Local Area Inspection
Brief Update How it will happen? Key themes What inspectors will be looking at? The process Key messages!

2 Introduction SEND Inspection Focus - 3 key questions with be raised about joined up working across Education, Health and Social Care in: Identification Assessment Provision Strategic leads for the Inspection are: Education – Margaret Morris Social Care – Sheila Murphy Health – Iain Stewart

3 Inspection- How will it happen?
Notification call to Director of Children Services (DCS)of the Local Authority to announce the inspection five working days before the inspection (Monday morning around 11 am) CQC inspector will notify the Chief Executive of the CCG The Lead HMI will discuss with the Local Area’s nominated officer details of information required and logistics

4 Ofsted and CQC Key Themes
Identifies Needs How effectively the local area identifies disabled children and young people and those who have special educational needs Meets the needs and improves the outcomes How effectively the local area meets the needs and improves the outcomes of disabled children and young people and those who have special educational needs Impact on Local Area Evidencing how all partners contribute to improving outcomes Evidence how the area is improving outcomes as a whole – beyond attainment data, include softer measures

5 The Inspection Process
The field work will include discussions with elected members, key local area officers from health, education and social care, and meetings with leaders of early years settings, schools and colleges and specialist services Visits will be made to a range of providers and services. These visits will not inspect the provision but focus on their understanding and participation in meeting the area’s responsibilities Inspectors will look at children and young people's files to contribute to their evaluations.

6 What the inspectors will be looking at?
In reaching their judgements, inspectors, in line with the requirements of the Code of Practice, will pay particular attention to: the accuracy and rigour of the local area’s self-evaluation, the extent to which the local area knows its strengths and weaknesses, and what it needs to do further to improve the life chances of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities to what extent the outcomes for children and young people are improving as a result of the collective actions and support of local agencies and bodies the efficiency of identification of special educational needs and disabilities, including those on SEN Support the timeliness and usefulness of assessment how well local agencies and bodies plan and coordinate their work to assess need and provide necessary effective support

7 What the inspectors will be looking at? Cont….
how well the local area engages with children and young people, and their parents and carers, to inform decisions about the strategic commissioning of services (joint strategic needs assessment) how well the local area involves the individual child or young person, and their parents and carers, in the process of assessing their needs how well the local area communicates with children and young people, and their parents or carers, to ensure that these primary users are clear about the identification and assessment processes and the criteria used to make decisions the extent to which the local area gives due regard to its duties under the Equality Act 2010 to children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

8 Where are we now? The Local Authority has established an SEND Overview Group. Representation from Health, Social Care (Children with Disabilities Team), Education, SENDIAS,WPCP, Educational Psychologists, DCO, Headteachers, College Purpose is to ensure Consistent engagement across all partners Awareness raising across the partnership Data Sharing- Health, Education and Social Care Provision- SEN Review- awareness of SEN Landscape Celebration of improved practice and improved outcomes Local Offer Engagement of young people in strategic decision making

9 Key message Identification Assessment Provision
Remember that this is not an inspection of your school!

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