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Tissues, Organs, Organ Systems

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1 Tissues, Organs, Organ Systems
SNC2D1 The Hierarchy of Structure in Animals

2 Organizational Levels

3 Level One -- Cells Examples of Specialized Cells

4 Level 2 -- Tissues Tissues are a collection of similar cells that perform specific functions. Animals have 4 basic types: of tissue: 1. Epithelial. 2. Muscular. 3. Connective. 4. Nervous.

5 Can you guess where we find them?

6 Epithelial Tissue Line the internal and external surfaces of the body.
Form a barrier by connecting adjoining cell membranes.

7 Muscular Tissue Move the body or organ by contracting and relaxing.

8 Connective Tissue Strengthens, supports and protects other tissues.
Cells are in an extracellular matrix.

9 Nervous Tissue Made of neurons with long projections that send and receive signals. Coordinates body actions.

10 Tissues in the Arm

11 Level 3ORGANS Organs are made up of different tissue that work together to perform a specific activity Eg. Heart, brain, skin, liver, kidneys, lungs

12 Level 4ORGAN SYSTEMS Groups of different organs that work together to perform a specific function The human body has 11 organ systems:


14 Your Turn Grab a piece of chart paper
Draw an outline of a ‘body’ and try to fill in as many organs as you know/remember Can you identify what organ system they belong to? You’ll be given one organ system and in your group you will need to identify its function, main organs involved, and other organ system it interacts with (e.g. of how)

15 Eleven Organ Systems for Human

16 Human Integumentary System
Organs Involved: Skin - largest Hair Nails Glands – sweat, sebaceous Functions: Covers and protects body Glands help control body temperature

17 Human Skeletal System Organs Involved: - bones, cartilage Functions:
Supports body Allows movement Protects the body Manufactures blood cells

18 Human Muscular System Organs Involved:
Skeletal, smooth, cardiac muscles, tendons, ligaments Function: Provides movement Moves materials (eg. peristalsis – wave-like contraction moves food in digestive system)

19 Human Nervous System Organs Involved: brain, nerves, spinal cord
Function: controls body functions coordinates responses and activities

20 Human Endocrine System
Organs Involved: Glands: ex. pituitary, thyroid, hypothalamus, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, testes Functions: Controls growth and development Controls metabolism

21 Human Excretory System
Organs Involved: kidneys ureter bladder  urethra skin: excretes water, salts, sweat Functions: Filters waste products from blood Maintains proper levels of water and electrolytes

22 Human Lymphatic System
Organs Involved: white blood cells, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, lymph vessels Function: Protects body from disease Maintains body fluid levels Absorbs and transports fats

23 Human Reproductive System
Organs Involved: Female: ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, uterus, cervix Male: testes, epididymis, vas deferens, penis, urethra Function: Produce new offspring Responsible for development of secondary sexual characteristics

24 Human Respiratory System
Organs involved: nose/mouth  nasal cavity  pharynx  trachea bronchus  bronchioles  alveoli diaphragm Function: exchange of gases CO2 and O2

25 Human Digestive System
Organs involved: mouth  pharynx  esophagus  stomach  small intestine  large intestine  rectum Liver, pancreas, gall bladder Function: ingestion of food digestion (breakdown) absorption of nutrients elimination of wastes

26 Human Circulatory System
Organs involved: heart, blood, blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries) Function: Transportation of materials (O2, CO2, nutrients, hormones, wastes, etc.)

27 Interactions of Systems
Homeostasis (Section 3.11 in text) Group work – case study

28 Your Task Review Text book pages 73-75, answer Q 2, 4

29 What about Plants? Do they have organs and tissues???
YES! But not organ systems. Instead, plants are described as having two body systems, which are made up of three different tissue systems

30 Plant Tissues There are similarly 3 types of tissues in plants: vascular, (epi)dermal, and ground tissue systems.

31 Vascular Tissue Vascular tissue transports water and nutrients throughout a plant: xylem moves water and minerals up from the roots; phloem moves the photosynthesized sugar around

32 (Epi)dermal Tissue Epidermal tissue forms the protective outer covering and allows the exchange of materials (e.g. O2 and CO2) in and out of the plant (e.g. in a leaf through stomata). Section of a leaf:

33 Ground Tissue Ground tissue provides support, stores water and nutrients, and is where photosynthesis happens (in the specialized mesophyll). Section of a leaf:

34 Meristematic Cells Meristematic cells (e.g. onion root tips) is where growth occurs.

35 Meristematic Tissue The cells in meristematic areas contain stem cells - unspecialized cells that can become other specialized types of cells when exposed to special environmental conditions (differentiation).

36 Your Task Read and review pages 4.1 & 4.2 in the textbook
Q 1, 3-5 and 7 (page 128) Q 2, 4 page 133

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