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Warm Up Before agriculture developed, how did people get food?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Before agriculture developed, how did people get food?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Before agriculture developed, how did people get food?
Read A Voice from the Past on page 15. What new tools did farming encourage people to develop. REMEMBER always respond in complete sentences.

2 The People of the World Prehistory

3 Examining the Issues What did early humans need to do to survive?
What physical actions would these tools help humans do? What materials did early humans use form their physical environment to make these tools?

4 Why is Prehistory hard to study?
Prehistory lacks written records such as letters, dairies, ledgers, and tablets Writing wasn’t invented until 5,500 ago Homo Sapiens: “Thinking Man” is up to 300,000 years ago

5 Dating Methods Relative Dating Absolute Dates
Location and comparison of objects Absolute Dates Carbon 14 dating Layers of clay Tree ring dating

6 Warm Up Read Spotlight On, on page 18.
How did the Inca use the quipu to help them keep records? Why might the Inca have needed special officials to keep records?

7 Human Origins Written documents provide a window to the past.
Archaeologists provide sources for clues to the prehistoric way of life. Anthropologists study cultrue and re-create a picture of early people’s cultural behavior.

8 Links to Past Australopithecines footprints found in Tanzania proving upright walkers called hominids. Ethiopia—Lucy oldest hominid found 3.5 million years. Hominids develop opposable thumb. Between 4,000,000 B.C. – 3500 B.C. 1st sign of hominids 3.6 million years ago Hominid: a creature that walks upright rather than on all fours

9 Stone Age Tools, mastery of fire, language most impressive achievements in history. Earliest and longest of the Old Stone Age called Paleolithic Age. New Stone Age or Neolithic Age began 8000 B.C. and ended 3000 B.C. During this phase polishing of stone, pottery, crops, and raising animals.

10 Homo Habilis After australopithecines hominids appeared around 2.5 million years ago. First toolmaker used them to cut meat and crack open bones.

11 Homo erectus Intelligence
Homo erectus was a more intelligent and adaptable species than habilis. Developed technology to meet their needs. Developed beginnings of spoken language.

12 Modern Man Home erectus=Home sapiens Larger brains
Neanderthal and Cro-Magnons early groups Cro-Magnons identical to modern humans Planned hunts Neanderthals did not.

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