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Microsoft Operations Management Suite Configuration and Automation

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1 Microsoft Operations Management Suite Configuration and Automation

2 Ideologies for shifting investments
Simplicity Speed Flexibility Connects to existing tools Custom solutions and data Traditional and modern cloud Easy-to-use dashboards Reduced management infrastructure Cohesive solutions Setup within minutes Faster troubleshooting Real-time innovation

3 Straddling two worlds: challenges for modern management
AND Cloud model is geared for speed Developers have a critical business role Micro-services and modern apps create new complexity The server is no longer the center point Application data is business data Traditional systems still require traditional management


5 Microsoft hybrid IT management
S4 Solutions Specialist Summit 9/18/2018 8:33 AM Microsoft hybrid IT management Simplified guest and workload management, both on-premises and in the cloud VMware WINDOWS LINUX HYPER-V Public cloud Azure or AWS Private or hosted third-party cloud, Rackspace, etc. VMware WINDOWS LINUX HYPER-V Microsoft Operations Management Suite On-premises with System Center WINDOWS LINUX HYPER-V VMWare © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

6 Operations Management Suite
WPC 2015 9/18/2018 8:33 AM Operations Management Suite Any cloud Security Visibility Microsoft Hybrid Management Key Scenarios Insight and Analytics Configuration and Automation Application Management Security Backup Disaster Recovery Protection Control System Center On-premises Any platform © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

7 Configuration and automation
WPC 2015 9/18/2018 8:33 AM Any cloud Configuration and automation Any platform © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

8 Speed with choice and control
CONFIG PROTECT MONITOR SECURE GOVERN BUILD In a highly competitive world, organizations want to drive innovation faster to market To support this need for speed, you have to enable continuous services with consistent control in their IT environments You will need a proactive automation and configuration platform that can support this across IT lifecycle As organization straddle between the on-premises and the cloud environments with a multiple platforms, having a solution that can provide the choice along with speed and control is quintessential

9 Consistent enterprise
Continuous services Hybrid automation Consistent enterprise Speed The proactive platform should enable the following, across IT life cycle. Speed through continuous IT services Choice through hybrid IT automation Control/Compliance through consistent enterprise

10 Continuous services With OMS: Issue:
You can take immediate action to rectify errors by triggering scripts on demand in the cloud or in your local datacenter. You can enable responsive IT services and deliver continuous application availability across your IT environment, with improved SLA. Continuous application deployments are just the starting point. To really increase velocity, you need a automation platform that can support activities such as deployment, configuration, monitoring and protection. With OMS, you can avoid fire-fighting and truly improve your SLA across IT lifecycle. Next slide, will outline the key OMS capabilities that enables you to achieve responsive IT services Issue: Resolving infrastructure and application issues can be time-consuming and can impact SLA. Speed Choice Control

11 Capabilities for responsive IT services
Automated remediation Orchestrated recovery Integrated solutions You can act alerts through pre-defined runbooks or Webhooks, that can be triggered from Azure or locally from your own datacenters You can orchestrate disaster recovery and backups with proper planning and automated scripts customized to your needs You can leverage an ecosystem of partners and third party vendors, in addition to first-party Microsoft provided automation scripts Repeatable plans Order sequencing Customizable checkpoints Multi-platform support Community gallery Partner ecosystem Ready-made runbooks Anywhere triggers Native webhooks Speed Choice Control

12 Automated remediation
Organizations with automated monitoring and management solutions have a 50 percent reduction in the time administrators spend on day-to-day operations. *Source: EMA Research Report: Data Center Automation in the Age of Cloud,” July 2013 Automated remediation Rectify errors with ready-made runbooks or native webhooks. Trigger runbook in the cloud or locally in the datacenter. Take action in response to log search query or any alerts. FACT: “EMA Research Report: Data Center Automation in the Age of Cloud,” July Notes: With automated remediation capabilities, you can resolve errors through pre-defined runbooks and webhooks tied to log analytics alerts or application dependency maps without any manual intervention. OMS Automation can be used to automatically remediate issues that are found through log analysis. Automation runbooks can also be part of a larger troubleshooting and remediation process that includes gathering more data on an issue, communicating with stakeholders and incident-management systems, and after approval, applying a remediation for the problem. Speed Choice Control

13 Orchestrated recovery
Every minute counts in a recovery scenario —to the tune of $137 to $427 per minute (SMB). *Source: IDC: The Growth Opportunity for | SMB Cloud and Hybrid Business Continuity, by Raymond Boggs, Christopher Chute & Laura DuBois; April 2015 Orchestrated recovery Automate multi-site recovery with repeatable runbooks. Create groups and sequence the order of multi-tier app recovery. Customize plans with prompts for manual actions and scripts. FACT: IDC: The Growth Opportunity for SMB Cloud and Hybrid Business Continuity , by Raymond Boggs, Christopher Chute & Laura DuBois; April 2015 Notes: Recovery plans can orchestrate recovery of virtual machines protected using Site Recovery for both replication to secondary cloud and replication to Azure scenarios. They also help in making the recovery consistently accurate, repeatable, and automated. If needed you can customize the plan to create groups and sequence the order in which machines in the recovery plan are failed over. You can also add prompts for manual actions and scripts. Speed Choice Control

14 More than one in three organizations state poor integration with enterprise software as one of
the top reasons why automation fails to meet business requirements. *Source: EMA Research Report: Data Center Automation in the Age of Cloud,” July 2013 Integrated solutions Re-use or customize runbooks for multiple platforms. Import third-party modules from PowerShell gallery. Integrate natively with partner solutions, increasing time to value. FACT: “EMA Research Report: Data Center Automation in the Age of Cloud,” July 2013 Top reasons traditional automation approaches fail to meet business requirements according to EMA survey respondents Notes: Rather than creating your own runbooks and modules in Automation, you can access a variety of solutions that have already been built by Microsoft and the community. You can either use these solution without modification or you can use them as a starting point and edit them for your specific requirements. You can get runbooks from the Runbook Gallery and modules from the PowerShell Gallery. You can also contribute to the community by sharing solutions that you develop. With Automation runbooks you can integrate with any system that has a public internet API. Runbooks based on PowerShell can take advantage of the large, public library of integration modules that enable easy process integration with all of the apps and services that you use in your datacenters and clouds. For instance, integration modules exist for Azure, AWS, System Center, and most other common systems. Speed Choice Control

15 Community Gallery Remediation runbooks Recovery plans
Integration modules “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.” - Mark Twain Community gallery enables easy access to collection of automations across IT lifecycle activities. So you can get started quickly. Rather than creating your own runbooks and modules in OMS Automation, you can access a variety of solutions that have already been built by Microsoft and the community. You can either use these solution without modification or you can use them as a starting point and edit them for your specific requirements. You can get runbooks from the Runbook Gallery< and modules from the PowerShell Gallery< . You can also contribute to the community by sharing solutions that you develop. Speed Choice Control

16 Consistent enterprise
Continuous services Hybrid automation Consistent enterprise Choice We discussed the notion of continuous services that enables speed in IT. Next we will focus on choice without which it may be costly and challenging to implement the continuous services.

17 Hybrid IT automation With OMS: Issue:
Managing the IT lifecycle activities in today’s IT environment across platforms and clouds can be challenging and chaotic. With OMS: You can simplify provisioning, deployment, monitoring, and protection and also manage change— no matter what type of IT resources you have or where they are located—by adopting proactive automation. You can enable efficient IT operations and deliver flexible automation across your heterogeneous IT environment. Continuous application deployments are just the starting point. To maximize the benefits of speed and control, you need a proactive automation and configuration platform that can support activities spanning across on-premises and the cloud. With OMS, you can avoid relying on disjointed solutions and leverage your existing investments with a single solution. Next slide, will outline the key OMS capabilities that enables you to achieve efficient IT operations Speed Choice Control

18 Capabilities for flexible IT operations
Hybrid support Management tools Multiple options You can manage all automation and configuration related assets from a centralized repository with granular access controls You have the choice to author automations graphically or textually and leverage your existing investments in PowerShell You can convert your Orchestrator investments to OMS and chose to run your automations from Azure or locally from your datacenters with hybrid runbook workers Graphical runbooks PowerShell scripts Workflows Central repository Source control Operator role Cross-platform Migration toolkit Hybrid worker Speed Choice Control

19 “In the past, we had IT professionals manually building IT environments for our customers one at a time. OMS saves us the time and resources and money so we can focus on other things. Now we have an internal DevOps team, and they're always looking for innovation—inventing something new or combining different services to benefit our customers.” Toon Dillen Innovation Manager Aurelium, Inc. (an OMS customer) Management tools Maintain and access automation assets in a central repository. Treat automations as code with source control integrations. Provide just enough access with role-based access control. FACT: OMS Aurelium Case Study Notes: Managing automation and configuration across heterogeneous hybrid IT environments can be challenging. With a centralized repository for all related assets, including the ability to treat automations as code with granular access controls such as ‘Automation Operator’ role and ‘Service Principal feature for certificate based authentication – OMS alleviates the pain of management. Speed Choice Control

20 Multiple options “Be the automator, not the automated.”
Ronni Colville Gartner VP and Distinguished Analyst Multiple options Author runbooks with intuitive graphical programming model. Use cloud-based graphical editor. Re-use your existing PowerShell scripts with native support in OMS. Leverage PowerShell ISE add-on. Edit runbooks easily in portal with intellisense and color coding. Get help to access related resources. FACT: Gartner Analyst at I&O conference Notes: You can get started and move faster with multitude of authoring options and have the flexibility to re-use your existing PowerShell or Orchestrator investments. Robust toolset to aid with the transition to a proactive automation platform based on your skills. Speed Choice Control

21 Fifty percent of large enterprises will have hybrid cloud deployments by 2017.
Gartner, Inc. Hybrid support Automate across platforms on-premises or in any cloud. Migrate Orchestrator runbooks to OMS and integrate on-premises. Designate on-premises server(s) to connect with OMS via the Internet. FACT: By end of 2017, Gartner Says Nearly Half of Large Enterprises Will Have Hybrid Cloud Deployments Notes: - Each worker requires the OMS agent with a connection to OMS Automation account to monitor the functionality of the worker, to receive the delivery of the runbooks and their corresponding instructions. You don’t need to open any ports or make any firewall changes, just ensure that the designated Hybrid Runbook Worker has access to Internet. -Runbooks written to use with hybrid workers will likely differ from other runbooks as they will typically manage local resources in your data center. When the runbook job completes on a Hybrid Worker, it sends the detailed status back to OMS Automation where you can view and troubleshoot the job in the same way you troubleshoot jobs run in Azure. - You can leverage the System Center Orchestrator Migration Toolkit< to convert runbooks from Orchestrator to OMS Automation. After you migrate your existing Orchestrator runbooks to OMS Automation, you can run them using hybrid workers so you can continue to manage/integrate with all your on-premises resources Speed Choice Control

22 Graphical authoring Graphical runbooks Intuitive editor in web portal
Drag-and-drop controls Graphical Authoring allows you to create runbooks for OMS Automation without the complexities of the underlying Windows PowerShell Workflow code. You add activities from a library of cmdlets and other activities to a canvas and link them together to form a workflow. Graphical runbooks generate PowerShell code that is run by the Automation workers, but you are not able to view it or directly modify it. Speed Choice Control

23 Consistent enterprise
Continuous services Hybrid automation Consistent enterprise Control We discussed the notion of speed and choice that enables fast innovation. Next we will focus on control without which the speed and choice may not be useful.

24 Consistent enterprise
Issue: Deploying infrastructure and application resources with the required configurations and maintaining their state can be tedious and error prone. With OMS: You can manage the state of your IT resources by automatically applying, monitoring, and updating configurations. You can enable compliant IT resources and manage change across your IT environment with ease. Keeping IT systems updated and satisfying compliance requirements are just the starting point. To effectively mitigate risks, you need a proactive configuration platform that can support activities across IT lifecycle. With OMS, you can avoid panics and manage change across heterogeneous IT environments with ease. Next slide, will outline the key OMS capabilities that enables you to achieve compliant IT resources Speed Choice Control

25 Capabilities for compliant IT resources
Configuration management Workload-aware patching Change monitoring You can consistently deploy, reliably monitor and automatically update configurations of IT resources avoiding configuration drifts with a standardized reporting You can relieve the stress out of patching by maintaining control of when and how to patch with approvals from application owners. You can manage change at one point with change assessment solution that monitors and reports all changes across your IT resources. Time estimates Group orchestration App owner approval Universal tracker Dashboard view Compliance reporting Pull service Granular reporting Automatic update Speed Choice Control

26 Configuration management
Through 2015, 80 percent of outages impacting mission-critical services will be caused by people and process issues, and more than 50 percent of those outages will be caused by change/ configuration/release integration and hand-off issues. *Source: Configuration Management for Virtual and Cloud Infrastructures (White Paper) by Ronni J Colville & George Spafford , Gartner , Inc. Configuration management Apply configurations using highly available pull service. Monitor status of the nodes with granular reporting. Resolve configuration drifts with automated update. FACT: Configuration Management for Virtual and Cloud Infrastructures (White Paper) by Ronni J Colville & George Spafford Notes: Automation DSC allows you to author and manage PowerShell Desired State Configurations, import DSC Resources, and generate DSC Node Configurations (MOF documents), all in the cloud. These DSC items will be placed on the Azure Automation DSC pull server so that target nodes (such as physical and virtual machines) in the cloud or on-premises can pick them up, automatically conform to the desired state they specify, and report back on their compliance with the desired state to Automation. Speed Choice Control

27 Workload-aware patching
It is very difficult to patch my servers without downtime since I don’t know the dependencies between servers hosting the application. Microsoft enterprise customer feedback Workload-aware patching Be in the know with insights, including estimated duration. Group and sequence updates with orchestrated runbooks. Notify and get approval from application owners. FACT: Customer feedback from money ball event Notes: Remove the uncertainty out of patching your servers. The patching solution, in development, provides insights into time estimates and sequence of patches needed to keep your servers up-to date. You can do intelligent patching with workload awareness across heterogeneous environments, including Linux. Patching during business hours will become a reality. Speed Choice Control

28 “Eighty percent of unplanned outages are due to ill-planned changes made by administrators ("operations staff") or developers.” Visible Ops Handbook The IT Process Institute Change monitoring Keep tab on changes across your IT environment with dashboard view. Troubleshoot issues quickly by using the change context. Enable compliance reporting of most of the changes in IT. FACT: Notes: Change management made easy, with OMS change monitoring solution. Get a dashboard view of all changes in your IT environment. You can correlate changes to problems and fix them faster. You also get a compliance reporting across on-premises and the cloud environment. Speed Choice Control

29 Intelligent patching Time estimates and sequencing
Grouping and orchestration Application owner approvals Speed Choice Control

30 Leap ahead with proactive automation
CONFIG PROTECT MONITOR SECURE GOVERN BUILD Try OMS Automation today, to move forward with improved SLA across your IT environment Gain the speed with choice and control, aligned to your business needs Deliver innovations faster to market

31 Continuous IT services:
Resolving errors of infrastructure and application resources can be time-consuming and impact SLA. With automated remediation capabilities, you can resolve errors through pre-defined runbooks and webhooks tied to log analytics alerts or application dependency maps without any manual intervention. You can enable responsive IT services and deliver continuous application availability across your IT environment. Consistent enterprise control: Deploying infrastructure and application resources with the required configurations and maintaining their state can be tedious and error prone. With configuration management, patching and change assessment solution, you can consistently deploy, reliably monitor, and automatically update your IT resources, at scale, even avoiding configuration drifts of the desired state. You can enable compliant IT resources and deliver consistent enterprise control across your IT environment. Flexible hybrid automation: Provisioning infrastructure and application resources and managing change in today’s heterogeneous IT environment can be challenging and chaotic. With easy to author automation tools, hybrid worker and native PowerShell support, you can simplify provisioning and manage changes with ease, no matter what type of IT resources you have and where you have them. You can enable efficient IT operations and deliver flexible hybrid automation across your IT environment. © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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