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Published byMátyás Bognár Modified over 6 years ago
Groups of Elements 1A 8A H He 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A Li Be B C N O F Ne Na
Alkali metals 5A Nitrogen group H 1 2A Alkali earth metals 6A Oxygen group He 2 1 1 2A Transition metals 7A Halogens 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 3A Boron group 8A Noble gases Li 3 Be 4 B 5 C 6 N 7 O 8 F 9 Ne 10 2 2 4A Carbon group Hydrogen Inner transition metals Na 11 Mg 12 Al 13 Si 14 P 15 S 16 Cl 17 Ar 18 3 3 8B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 1B 2B K 19 Ca 20 Sc 21 Ti 22 V 23 Cr 24 Mn 25 Fe 26 Co 27 Ni 28 Cu 29 Zn 30 Ga 31 Ge 32 As 33 Se 34 Br 35 Kr 36 4 4 Rb 37 Sr 38 Y 39 Zr 40 Nb 41 Mo 42 Tc 43 Ru 44 Rh 45 Pd 46 Ag 47 Cd 48 In 49 Sn 50 Sb 51 Te 52 I 53 Xe 54 5 5 Cs 55 Ba 56 Hf 72 Ta 73 W 74 Re 75 Os 76 Ir 77 Pt 78 Au 79 Hg 80 Tl 81 Pb 82 Bi 83 Po 84 At 85 Rn 86 6 6 * * Fr 87 Ra 88 Rf 104 Db 105 Sg 106 Bh 107 Hs 108 Mt 109 7 7 W W La 57 Ce 58 Pr 59 Nd 60 Pm 61 Sm 62 Eu 63 Gd 64 Tb 65 Dy 66 Ho 67 Er 68 Tm 69 Yb 70 Lu 71 * Ac 89 Th 90 Pa 91 U 92 Np 93 Pu 94 Am 95 Cm 96 Bk 97 Cf 98 Es 99 Fm 100 Md 101 No 102 Lr 103 W
Groups of Elements 1 18 He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn 2 13 14 15 16 17 Li Na K Rb
10 Ar 18 Kr 36 Xe 54 Rn 86 2 13 14 15 16 17 Li 3 Na 11 K 19 Rb 37 Cs 55 Fr 87 Be 4 Ca 20 Sr 38 Ba 56 Ra 88 Mg 12 N 7 P 15 As 33 Sb 51 Bi 83 O 8 S 16 Se 34 Te 52 Po 84 F 9 Cl 17 Br 35 I 53 At 85 The Noble Gases At the start of the 1890s, no one had any idea that there was a separate group of gases in the periodic table, the noble gases. Noble gases are familiar to us from their use in neon signs and helium balloons. By 1900 this whole new group had been identified and isolated. While trying to determine an accurate atomic mass for nitrogen, British physicist Lord Raleigh ( ) discovered that nitrogen prepared from ammonia was noticeably lighter than nitrogen that came from the atmosphere. He and William Ramsay ( ) both studied “atmospheric” nitrogen. By removing the nitrogen from it, they produced a tiny quantity of another gas. Since it did not react with anything they called it argon, from the Greek word for lazy. The discovery of helium followed a year later in Ramsay and his assistant Morris Travers ( ) then started to search for additional elements in this new group. They attempted this by fractional distillation of large quantities of liquid air and argon. In 1898, their efforts were rewarded; they had prepared krypton, neon, and xenon. Eyewitness Science “Chemistry” , Dr. Ann Newmark, DK Publishing, Inc., 1993, pg 32 1 Alkali metals 16 Oxygen family 2 Alkaline earth metals 17 Halogens 15 Nitrogen family 18 Noble gases Dorin, Demmin, Gabel, Chemistry The Study of Matter , 3rd Edition, 1990, page 367
Chemistry of the Groups
1A 8A H 1 He 2 1 1 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A Li 3 Be 4 Transition Metals B 5 C 6 N 7 O 8 F 9 Ne 10 2 2 Na 11 Mg 12 Al 13 Si 14 P 15 S 16 Cl 17 Ar 18 3 3 8B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 1B 2B K 19 Ca 20 Sc 21 Ti 22 V 23 Cr 24 Mn 25 Fe 26 Co 27 Ni 28 Cu 29 Zn 30 Ga 31 Ge 32 As 33 Se 34 Br 35 Kr 36 4 4 Rb 37 Sr 38 Y 39 Zr 40 Nb 41 Mo 42 Tc 43 Ru 44 Rh 45 Pd 46 Ag 47 Cd 48 In 49 Sn 50 Sb 51 Te 52 I 53 Xe 54 5 5 Cs 55 Ba 56 Hf 72 Ta 73 W 74 Re 75 Os 76 Ir 77 Pt 78 Au 79 Hg 80 Tl 81 Pb 82 Bi 83 Po 84 At 85 Rn 86 6 6 * * Elements in each column of the d block have vertical similarities in chemical behavior and also display strong horizontal similarities. Horizontal trends compete with vertical trends. Transition metals have multiple oxidation states that are separated by only one electron. Group-6 elements chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten illustrate the competition that occurs between these horizontal and vertical trends — transition metals in Group 6 have different tendencies to achieve their maximum oxidation state. Groups 3 (scandium, lanthanum, actinium), 11 (copper, silver, gold) and 12 (zinc, cadmium, mercury) are the only transition metal groups in which the oxidation state predicted by the valence-electron configuration dominates the chemistry of the group. Transition metals contain partially filled sets of d orbitals and the lanthanides and actinides are those groups in which f orbitals are being filled. These groups exhibit strong horizontal similarities in behavior. Many of the transition metals form M2+ ions. Chemistry of lanthanides and actinides is dominated by M3+ ions. Fr 87 Ra 88 Rf 104 Db 105 Sg 106 Bh 107 Hs 108 Mt 109 7 7 W W La 57 Ce 58 Pr 59 Nd 60 Pm 61 Sm 62 Eu 63 Gd 64 Tb 65 Dy 66 Ho 67 Er 68 Tm 69 Yb 70 Lu 71 Lanthanides * Ac 89 Th 90 Pa 91 U 92 Np 93 Pu 94 Am 95 Cm 96 Bk 97 Cf 98 Es 99 Fm 100 Md 101 No 102 Lr 103 Actinides W
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