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Enhancing Primo Back Office

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1 Enhancing Primo Back Office
Uwe Dierolf KIT-Bibliothek

2 One of the first 24h libraries in Europe
KIT Library One of the first 24h libraries in Europe Opened in April 2006 Never closed > visitors per week Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

3 University of Applied Sciences
KIT Library KIT Campus South = Karlsruhe University KIT Library Campus South 24h library Karlsruhe Research Centre KIT Library Campus North KIT: University + Research Centre Distance 12 km University of Applied Sciences In the centre of the city Completely managed by KIT Library Not part of KIT Research Centre University University of Applied Sciences Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

4 Motivation for enhancing the Back Office
Bad usability of Primo Back Office Lot of things can't be searched BO is like a big memory game, you have to remember where you put things Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

5 Buttons are spread across the whole page
Usability problems Buttons are spread across the whole page Cancel / Go back – bottom left Save / Refresh – bottom right Edit-buttons on the right force user to scroll horizontal Navigation needs a lot of mouseclicks Or bookmarklets Fields are often too short XPath-names and other fields are not completely readable Tables Zebra stripes are missing You can't copy content You can't fade out irrelevant lines Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

6 Changing the user interface
Menus instead of bookmarklets You find them in every browser You can maintain them centrally on the server Tables with zebra-striped lines Cloned Edit-buttons Edit-buttons on the left side too, you can hit them more easily Important and heavily used buttons are on top Policy: always clone, do not remove original button Implementation of a search feature Search for text in mapping tables und normalization rules Technique: using Oracle database via JSONP & PHP Better usability makes working more comfortable Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

7 Demo A picture is worth a thousands words … 18.09.2018
Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

8 Menus Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

9 Normalization Rules – cloned Edit buttons
Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

10 Mapping und Code Tables - cloned Edit buttons
Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

11 Normalization Rules – larger fields
Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

12 Mapping und Code Tables – table search
Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

13 Code Tables – change column width
wider column Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

14 Search feature on the BO homepage
Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

15 Searching II Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

16 Usage of Javascript library jQuery
Realization Usage of Javascript library jQuery Advantage: loosely coupled Minimal invasive Only two files in tiles directory have to be modified headerTile.jsp und old_headerTile.jsp Searching is using jQuery's JSONP-Request Javascript calls a PHP script to search in the Oracle database Why JSONP? JSONP = JSON with padding JSON = Javascript Object Notation We can use services from our server Circumvent cross domain restriction / same origin policy of the browser Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

17 JSONP in jQuery Client Server Think asynchron !
var jsonUrl = ' $.getJSON(jsonUrl, jsonCallback); The ? becomes a random function name like json Server PHP-Skript returns Javascript function call json ( { json data } ); Think asynchron ! Wikipedia: Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

18 AJAX-Architecture http Primo-Server EXL Oracle Web-Server KIT
jQuery / JSONP PHP Search in Mapping Tables and Normalization Rules Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

19 Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
Motivation Permits BO-search for different Primo Admins Important in multitenant environments In general: CDN permits userspecific delivery of Javascript Endusers get minimized Javascript Without comments and debug statements Only developers get the debug version Additional functions only for special user groups Admins or librarians CDN permits collaborative development One primo installation but every developer sees his Javascript code Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

20 PHP script creates individual Javascript code
How doesn CDN work? PHP script creates individual Javascript code Example at KIT: title statistics link only for librarians Apache mod_rewrite with proxy rules makes it invisible RewriteRule kit_primo.js$ [P,L] Browser caching should be forced via .htaccess <Files kit_primo.php> <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 10 minutes" </IfModule> </Files> Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

21 Techniqually (almost) everything is possible
Conclusion Techniqually (almost) everything is possible Lose coupling allows incremental enhancements Adaption to Primo V4 should be possible More features are planned Results of BO-search as link list which leads directly to normalization rules or mapping table records Nicer user interface by using jQuery UI Desire for Ex Libris More speaking ID and class names within Back Office as they use it in the Primo frontend makes it easier to find things within HTML Code has been given to Ex Libris ! Perhaps they will integrate it in future release of Primo BO Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

22 Do you have any questions?
Thank you Do you have any questions? Uwe Dierolf – KIT-Library

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