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DO NOW QUESTION How do geckos climb the walls?.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW QUESTION How do geckos climb the walls?."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW QUESTION How do geckos climb the walls?

2 Figure 20.0_3 Figure 20.0_3 Microscopic hairs on the toes of a gecko 2

3 How can geckos climb walls and stick to the ceiling?
Introduction How can geckos climb walls and stick to the ceiling? The surfaces of gecko toes are covered by millions of microscopic hairs. Each hair has a slight molecular attraction that helps it stick to the surface. This adhesive relationship is an example of the correlation between structure and function. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 3

4 Objective Students will be able to (SWBAT)…apply structure & function to animals.

5 External Exchange and Internal Regulation
Figure 20.0_2 Chapter 20: Big Ideas Structure and Function in Animal Tissues Organs and Organ Systems Figure 20.0_2 Chapter 20: Big Ideas External Exchange and Internal Regulation 5

© 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 6

7 Anatomy is the study of structure.
20.1 Structure fits function at all levels of organization in the animal body Anatomy is the study of structure. Physiology is the study of function. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips When you discuss form and function relationships, ask students to consider their own teeth as an example. Ask them to use their tongues to feel their teeth and relate the shape of the teeth to the human diet. Incisors and canines slice, while molars are more effective at crushing. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 7

8 Animals consist of a hierarchy of levels or organization.
20.1 Structure fits function at all levels of organization in the animal body Animals consist of a hierarchy of levels or organization. Tissues - group of cells that perform a common function. Organs – group of tissues that perform a specific function Organ systems - multiple organs that allow the body to function. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips When you discuss form and function relationships, ask students to consider their own teeth as an example. Ask them to use their tongues to feel their teeth and relate the shape of the teeth to the human diet. Incisors and canines slice, while molars are more effective at crushing. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 8

9 Cellular level Muscle cell
Figure 20.1 Cellular level Muscle cell Tissue level Muscle tissue Organ level Heart Figure 20.1 A structural hierarchy in a ring-tailed lemur Organ system level Circulatory system Organism level Many organ systems functioning together 9

10 Compare & contrast the next two photos.



13 20.2 EVOLUTION CONNECTION: An animal’s form reflects natural selection
The design of an organism is based in natural selection due to preferred structure and function. Example: Streamlined and tapered bodies increase swimming speeds and have similarly evolved in fish, sharks, and aquatic birds and mammals. Dolphin Video: Whale Video: © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 13

14 20.3 Tissues are groups of cells with a common structure and function
Tissues are an integrated group of similar cells that perform a common function and combine to form organs. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips Extracellular substances, such as collagen fibers, are the source of the main functional properties of many connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 14

15 20.3 Tissues are groups of cells with a common structure and function
Animals have four main categories of tissues: epithelial tissue connective tissue muscle tissue nervous tissue. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips Extracellular substances, such as collagen fibers, are the source of the main functional properties of many connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 15

16 1. Epithelial tissues are sheets of closely packed cells that
cover body surfaces line internal organs and cavities. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips 1. Simple squamous cells have a shape that is generally similar to a fried egg: flattened, with a bump in the middle representing the nucleus or yolk. 2. Students might misunderstand how the cilia lining our respiratory passages work. Cilia do not “filter” the air like a comb. Instead, cilia are covered by a layer of mucus. Dust particles adhere to sticky mucus, which is then swept up the respiratory tract by the cilia. If students clear their throats, they will identify the fate of this mucus. We swallow after clearing our throats! © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 16

17 Apical surface of epithelium Basal lamina
Figure 20.4 Apical surface of epithelium Basal lamina Underlying tissue Cell nuclei Simple squamous epithelium Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium Simple cuboidal epithelium Figure 20.4 Types of epithelial tissue Stratified squamous epithelium Simple columnar epithelium 17

18 2. Connective tissue - six major types.
Loose helps to join skin to underlying tissues. Fibrous forms tendons that attach muscle to bone. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips The elastic cartilage in the human ear is a wonderful example of a form and function relationship. Elastic fibers are abundant in the extracellular matrix, increasing the flexibility of elastic cartilage. Have students bend their own ears to feel the effects. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 18

19 Adipose tissue stores fat
Cartilage -a strong and flexible skeletal material Bones Blood transports substances throughout the body. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips The elastic cartilage in the human ear is a wonderful example of a form and function relationship. Elastic fibers are abundant in the extracellular matrix, increasing the flexibility of elastic cartilage. Have students bend their own ears to feel the effects. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 19

20 Fat droplets Adipose tissue Figure 20.5_3
Figure 20.5_3 Types of connective tissue: adipose (part 3) 20

21 Cartilage Bone Figure 20.5_4
Figure 20.5_4 Types of connective tissue: cartilage (part 4) Cartilage Bone 21

22 Muscle tissue is the most common tissue in most animals.
Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips Muscle cells are only able to contract. None can actively relengthen. Challenge your students to explain how muscle cells return to their extended length. (Answer: Opposing muscles or other forces, such as gravity, act in opposition to relengthen muscle cells when they relax.) © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 22

23 Skeletal: causes voluntary movements (you need to think to move).
There are three types of vertebrate muscle tissue: Skeletal: causes voluntary movements (you need to think to move). Cardiac: pumps blood. Smooth: moves walls of internal organs, such as the intestines and is involuntary (you don’t decided to move). Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips Muscle cells are only able to contract. None can actively relengthen. Challenge your students to explain how muscle cells return to their extended length. (Answer: Opposing muscles or other forces, such as gravity, act in opposition to relengthen muscle cells when they relax.) © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 23

24 Muscle fiber Cardiac muscle Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle
Figure 20.6 Muscle fiber Junction between two cells Muscle fiber (cell) Unit of muscle contraction Nucleus Muscle fiber Nuclei Cardiac muscle Nucleus Skeletal muscle Figure 20.6 The three types of muscle tissue Smooth muscle 24

25 Junction between two cells
Figure 20.6_2 Muscle fiber Junction between two cells Nucleus Figure 20.6_2 The three types of muscle tissue: cardiac (part 2) Cardiac muscle 25

26 Neurons carry signals by conducting electrical impulses.
4. Nervous Tissue Nervous tissue senses stimuli and rapidly transmits information. Neurons carry signals by conducting electrical impulses. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips Students might enjoy this simple observation when discussing neurons. As we consider the structure and functions of neurons, we are using our own neurons to think about them. Our neurons become self-aware! © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 26

27 Figure 20.7 Dendrites Cell body Axon Figure 20.7 A neuron 27

28 Objective Students will be able to (SWBAT)… analyze organ systems for structure and function.

© 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 29

30 Circulatory system Respiratory system Urinary system Digestive system
Figure 20.10_L Circulatory system Respiratory system Integumentary system Pharynx Nasal cavity Hair Larynx Trachea Skin Heart Bronchus Lung Nails Blood vessels Skeletal system Bone Cartilage Urinary system Digestive system Figure 20.10_L Human organ systems and their component parts (left) Muscular system Mouth Esophagus Skeletal muscles Liver Kidney Stomach Ureter Small intestine Urinary bladder Large intestine Urethra Anus 30

31 Lymphatic and immune systems Hypothalamus
Figure 20.10_R Endocrine system Lymphatic and immune systems Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Lymph nodes Thymus Thymus Thyroid gland Spleen Adrenal gland Parathyroid gland Appendix Pancreas Bone marrow Lymphatic vessels Testis (male) Ovary (female) Reproductive system Nervous system Figure 20.10_R Human organ systems and their component parts (right) Brain Seminal vesicles Sense organ (ear) Female Male Prostate gland Oviduct Spinal cord Vas deferens Nerves Ovary Penis Uterus Vagina Urethra Testis 31

32 GROUP PROJECT (2 Systems per table group = 2 posters)
Each group will be given a piece a computer paper per topic. They will be put together to make a poster. (Graded on content and participation) Page 1 – Structures Page 2 – Functions Page 3 – Connections to daily life and/or Differences in other species Page 4 – Picture of System with sections colored in

33 Organ Groups (Period 1) Table 1: Endocrine & Nervous Table 2: Lymphatic/Immune & Integumentary Table 3: Urinary & Digestive Table 4: Circulatory & Respiratory

34 Organ Groups (Period 3) Table 2: Endocrine & Nervous Table 3: Lymphatic/Immune & Integumentary Table 1: Urinary & Digestive Table 4: Circulatory & Respiratory

35 Organ Groups (Period 7) Table 2: Endocrine & Nervous Table 1: Lymphatic/Immune & Integumentary Table 3: Urinary & Digestive Table 4: Circulatory & Respiratory

36 Skeletal system Bone Cartilage Figure 20.10_3
Figure 20.10_3 Human organ systems and their component parts: skeletal (part 3) 36

37 Muscular system Skeletal muscles Figure 20.10_4
Figure 20.10_4 Human organ systems and their component parts: muscular (part 4) 37

38 Integumentary system Hair Skin Nails Figure 20.10_2
Figure 20.10_2 Human organ systems and their component parts: integumentary (part 2) 38

39 Urinary system Digestive system
Figure 20.10_5 Urinary system Digestive system Mouth Esophagus Liver Kidney Stomach Small intestine Ureter Urinary bladder Figure 20.10_5 Human organ systems and their component parts: urinary and digestive (part 5) Large intestine Urethra Anus 39

40 Endocrine system Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Thymus Thyroid gland
Figure 20.10_6 Endocrine system Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Thymus Thyroid gland Adrenal gland Parathyroid gland Pancreas Testis (male) Figure 20.10_6 Human organ systems and their component parts: endocrine (part 6) Ovary (female) 40

41 Lymphatic and immune systems
Figure 20.10_7 Lymphatic and immune systems Lymph nodes Thymus Spleen Appendix Bone marrow Lymphatic vessels Figure 20.10_7 Human organ systems and their component parts: lymphatic and immune (part 7) 41

42 Nervous system Brain Sense organ (ear) Spinal cord Nerves
Figure 20.10_8 Nervous system Brain Sense organ (ear) Spinal cord Nerves Figure 20.10_8 Human organ systems and their component parts: nervous (part 8) 42

43 Reproductive system Seminal vesicles Female Male Prostate gland
Figure 20.10_9 Reproductive system Seminal vesicles Female Male Prostate gland Oviduct Vas deferens Ovary Figure 20.10_9 Human organ systems and their component parts: reproductive (part 9) Penis Uterus Vagina Urethra Testis 43

44 Circulatory system Respiratory system
Figure 20.10_1 Circulatory system Respiratory system Pharynx Nasal cavity Larynx Trachea Heart Bronchus Lung Blood vessels Figure 20.10_1 Human organ systems and their component parts: circulatory and respiratory (part 1) 44

45 What are the jobs of the system?
The skeletal and muscular systems support and move the body. The digestive and respiratory systems obtain food and oxygen. The circulatory system transports these materials. The urinary system disposes of wastes. The integumentary system covers the body. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips To help them appreciate the functional integration of the major systems of the body, have students pick any system and discuss its relationship to the other body systems. As a start, you might begin with the circulatory system. As each successive system is covered, you can create a concept map noting the nature of each interrelationship. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 45

46 What are the jobs of the system?
The lymphatic and immune systems protect the body from infection. The nervous and endocrine systems control and coordinate body functions. The reproductive system produces offspring. Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students often find it challenging to gain a proper understanding of the evolution of form and function relationships. Such relationships appear to have been “constructed” to meet a purpose, a consequence of deliberate planning and design. Ask students to explain why we have lungs, and they will typically answer something along the line of “because we need to breathe,” or “because we need oxygen.” Need, however, does not cause evolution. Natural selection involves editing rather than creating diversity. A better answer might be “Because lung-like structures conveyed an advantage in gas exchange in our ancestors.” 2. Relationships between form and function are found all around us. For some of us, noticing the connections is easy. However, many students have spent little time considering why any particular structure has its characteristic shape. Practice with examples helps to build a better understanding of these important relationships. Teaching Tips To help them appreciate the functional integration of the major systems of the body, have students pick any system and discuss its relationship to the other body systems. As a start, you might begin with the circulatory system. As each successive system is covered, you can create a concept map noting the nature of each interrelationship. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 46

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