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Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham1.

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1 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham1

2 STUDY OF DISABILITY PROGRAM OF SERP, IKP Principal Investigator: Dr. L. Govinda Rao, Director, NIMH. Co-investigator : Shri T. C. Sivakumar, Head, Community Rehabilitation &Project Management, NIMH.

3 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham3 Present Study The study aims at validating various activities of SERP under the project for PWDs. A feedback study was conducted on the perceptions of the target groups - the PWDs, parents and people working in the disability programs.

4 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham4 Need of the study The livelihood programmes of the Disability Unit of SERP has extended services in 22 out of 23 districts in Andhra Pradesh through formation of SHGs and Vos with coordinations at various levels during the past 2½ years of a five year term. This is a mid term evaluation to : omeasure the changes in the lives of the persons with disabilities due to the intervention of SERP. omeasure the attitude of Village Organizations towards the persons with disabilities.

5 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham5 Flow Chart

6 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham6 Evaluation Model Value VolumeVastness Variety Need

7 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham7 Objectives To assess whether mobilization of the PWDs and their parents into SHGs has improved the Quality of Life for the disabled and their families. To assess whether all the PWDs are being identified and provided with Disability Certificates and also assess if the same process can be extended to other pilot mandals. To determine whether the Livelihood support programs through SHGs is increasing diverse and wide options for PWDs and their families. > > >

8 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham8 To determine whether the organizations of PWDs are able to achieve social and economic progress at village and community levels and whether further progress is possible in piloted mandals and the same experiences can be visible in other mandals if interventions are scaled up. To assess whether the community based intervention for assessment, treatment and rehabilitation has enhanced access, awareness and availability of the same for disabled persons in rural areas and whether this process is improving the effective use of residual ability of PWDs for better functioning in personal and social lives....

9 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham9 METHODOLOGY Primary data was obtained from persons with disabilities and community members. Secondary data collected from the records available with the SHGs and VOs. Questionnaire eliciting responses from the persons with disabilities and concerned people in the community was developed to ascertain the quality of life of persons with disabilities., as it is the supposed outcome of the programme implementation. > > >

10 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham10 Focus Group Discussion (FGD),which is a supplementary source of field information to know the areas of concern. Interview the stake holders individually in an open environment to obtain opinions, experiences and suggestions. Field visits were made to the six mandals in the three districts....

11 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham11

12 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham12 PROCEDURE SAMPLING DESIGN A stratified and purposive random sampling methodology was adopted for the purpose of the validation study through survey method. In each district 2 mandals were selected and in each of these mandals 20 PWDs were contacted for the purposes of the survey. Thus, a total of 120 PWDs were contacted for this study. A total of 12 Village Organizations (VOs) were also taken as sample in each of the 6 mandals for the purpose of survey.

13 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham13 FOCUS GROUP Focused group discussions were held in each of the mandals in the 3 districts. Thus 6 focus groups discussions (FGD) were undertaken. The participants of the FGD were: 1. People with Disability 2. Parents of the disabled 3. Representative of VOs 4. Representative of MVS 5. Representative of SHGs 6. Representative of CDWs 7. Area Coordinator 8. Representatives of MMS 9.Representative of Reproductive Child Health Projects.

14 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham14 OPEN INTERVIEW Personal discussions were held with the members of the groups to understand their personal experiences they had with the various officials of SHG etc., which was open in nature.

15 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham15 Findings of the Study In the short span of two and a half years there has been a positive development in respect of awareness levels about the entire program among the PWDs. The Quality of life of both the parents and the PWDs has improved due to their participation in the programmes and disability rehabilitation camps. > > >

16 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham16 o They are now more confident of themselves, identify themselves in a group, are demanding for their rights and are proud of their living. o They have expressed that PWDs have been accepted in their own group. o Due to the increased awareness levels they are now demanding access to more funding for educational purposes, need based training programmes which would increase their earning potential and ensure a regular income to them. > > >

17 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham17 o After joining the SHG the parents of disabled children have expressed that their income levels have also increased due to the assistance of the various schemes for the disabled. > > >

18 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham18 The program has reduced the social stigma attached to the disabled community. The disabled are now gathering in the groups regularly with more confidence. It is found that now the community in general addresses them with their Name rather than with their disability which they were doing earlier. The community has now started to perceive them in a more positive manner. It was found that the mobilization program have succeeded in identifying a large percentage of the disabled in each of the mandals. They were also provided with Disability Certificates. The SHGs and VOs are able to achieve economic progress at village levels.

19 Study of Disability Program of SERP, Indira Kranthi Patham19 Success story

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