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Role Responsibilities Senior Service Managers (SSMs)

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Presentation on theme: "Role Responsibilities Senior Service Managers (SSMs)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Role Responsibilities Senior Service Managers (SSMs) Planning, strategic sourcing, execution, and management of acquisitions of contracted services Identify, forecast, and track pending requirements, along with their designated decision authority, across the service categories Develop processes to implement the Services Requirements Review Boards (SRRBs) Review, develop, and use data and metrics to support strategic management decisions and documenting business trends and costs, as needed Program Manager (PM)/ Functional Service Manager (FSM) (For additional PM responsibilities or guidance, go to Chapter 1 of this DAG) Lead the multifunctional team (MFT) through the Service Acquisition Process Lead developing, coordinating, and resourcing the requirement and overseeing it throughout the acquisition process Understand the costs related to the services that their respective component is acquiring and establish “should-cost” expectations Ensure selecting the best source to meet mission needs and that an effective performance management process is in place to guarantee the effective and timely delivery of services and achievement of “should-cost” goals Multifunctional Team (MFT) Participate in a services acquisition workshop (SAW) Apply an accurate IGCE outlining discrete costs within the overall services requirement, coupled with market research Consider costs of labor skill mix and categories, service levels, frequency of performance, and dictated quality levels when developing a requirement to meet mission needs

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