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MEG Experiment at PSI R&D of Liquid Xenon Photon Detector

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1 MEG Experiment at PSI R&D of Liquid Xenon Photon Detector
R&D work on a Liquid Xenon Detector for the meg Experiment at PSI on behalf of the MEG Collaboration University of Tokyo, Japan Presented by S. Mihara MEG Experiment at PSI R&D of Liquid Xenon Photon Detector

2 me g Search as Frontier Physics
meg in… SM+Neutrino Oscillation Suppressed as ∝(mn/mW)4 SUSY Large top Yukawa coupling Neutrino Oscillation + SUSY Hisano and Nomura 1998 Current limit by MEGA 10-10 tanb nm ne 10-11 m e W 10-12 g Br(meg) 10-13 Solar Neutrino 10-14 g 10-15 ~ m ~ e MnR(GeV) ~ SK+SNO etc.=Large Mixing Solution m c e

3 MEG Experiment Overview
Detect e+ and g, “back to back” and “in time” 100% duty factor continuous beam of ~ 108m/sec better than pulsed beam to reduce pile-up events Two characteristic components Liquid Xe photon detector Solenoidal magnetic spectrometer with a graded magnetic field (COBRA)

4 Signal and Background Signal Main background sources ?
Radiative m+ decay If neutrinos carry small amount of energy, the positron and gamma can mimic the signal. Accidental overlap A positron from usual Michel decay with energy of half of mm Gamma from Radiative muon decay or Annihilation in flight of positron NOT back to back, NOT in time qeg= 180° m g e Ee = 52.8 MeV Eg = 52.8 MeV menng g n n e e menn+”g” n ? g

5 Requirement on the Photon Detector
Good resolutions Energy Position Time Large acceptance with good uniformity Fast decay time to reduce pile-up events

6 Properties of Xenon Fast response, Good Energy, and Position resolutions Wph = 24 eV (c.f. Wph(NaI) = 17eV) tfast =4.2nsec tslow=22nsec Narrow temperature range between liquid and solid phases Stable temperature control with a pulse-tube refrigerator Property Unit Saturated temperature T(K) 164.78 Saturated pressure P(MPa) 0.100 Latent heat (for liquid) r(J/kg)X103 95.8 Latent heat (for solid) r'(J/kg)X103 1.2 Specific heat Cp(J/kgK)X103 0.3484 Density r(kg/m3)X103 2.947 Thermal conductivity k(W/mK) 0.108 Viscosity m(Pa-s)X10-4 5.08 Surface tension s(N/m)X10-3 18.46 Expansion coefficient b(1/K)X10-3 2.43 Temperature/Pressure at triple point Tt(K)/PT(MPa) 161.36/ 0.0815

7 Liquid Xenon Photon Detector
Shallow event Deep event 800 liter LXe viewed by ~ 800PMTs

8 Absorption of Scintillation Light
Simulation For Large Prototype Scintillation light emission from an excited molecule Xe+Xe*Xe2*2Xe + hn Water contamination absorbs scintillation light more strongly than oxygen. labs=7cm Depth parameter labs=500cm Depth parameter Depth

9 R&D Strategy Small Prototype done Large Prototype in progress
Proof-of-Principle Experiment 2.3liter active volume Large Prototype in progress Establish operation technique 70 liter active volume Final Detector starting ~800 liter

10 Small Prototype 32 2-inch PMTs surround the active volume of 2.34 liter g-ray sources of Cr,Cs,Mn, and Y a source for PMT calibration Operating conditions Cooling & liquefaction using liquid nitrogen Pressure controlled PMT operation of 1.0x106 gain Proof-of-Principle Experiment PMT works in liquid xenon? Light yield estimation is correct? Simple setup to simulate and easy to understand. S.Mihara et al. IEEE TNS 49: , 2002

11 Small Prototype Energy resolution
Results are compared with MC prediction. Simulation of g int. and energy deposition : EGS4 Simulation of the propagation of scint. Light EGS cut off energy : 1keV Rayleigh Scattering Length: 29cm Wph = 24eV

12 Small Prototype Position and Timing resolutions
PMTs are divided into two groups by the y-z plane g int. positions are calculated in each group and then compared with each other. Position resolution is estimated as     sz1-z2/√2 The time resolution is estimated by taking the difference between two groups. Resolution improves as ~1/√Npe

13 Large Prototype 70 liter active volume (120 liter LXe in use)
Development of purification system for xenon Total system check in a realistic operating condition: Monitoring/controlling systems Sensors, liquid N2 flow control, refrigerator operation, etc. Components such as Feedthrough,support structure for the PMTs, HV/signal connectors etc. PMT long term operation at low temperature Performance test using 10, 20, 40MeV Compton g beam 60MeV Electron beam

14 Purification System Xenon extracted from the chamber is purified by passing through the getter. Purified xenon is returned to the chamber and liquefied again. Circulation speed 5-6cc/minute Enomoto Micro Pump MX-808ST-S 25 liter/m Teflon, SUS Gas return To purifier Circulation pump

15 Purification Performance
3 sets of Cosmic-ray trigger counters 241Am alpha sources on the PMT holder Stable detector operation for more than 1200 hours Cosmic-ray events a events

16 Absorption Length Fit the data with a function :
A exp(-x/ labs) labs >100cm (95% C.L) from comparison with MC. CR data indicate that labs > 100cm has been achieved after purification.

17 Response to Gamma Beam 10MeV 20MeV 40MeV Electron storage ring,
TERAS, in AIST, Tsukuba Japan Electron Energy, Current: 762MeV, 200mA 266nm laser to induce inverse-Compston scattering. 40 MeV (20MeV, and 10MeV) Compton g provided. The Compton edge is used to evaluate the resolution. Data taking Feb (w/o purification) Apr (w/ purification) 10MeV 20MeV 40MeV

18 w/o xenon purification
Energy Spectrum s2 :depth parameter: 40MeV Compton gamma data w/o xenon purification 40MeV Compton gamma data w/ xenon purification Depth parameter Depth parameter Total Number of Photoelectrons Total Number of Photoelectrons

19 Energy Resolution Shallow events have dependence on the depth of the 1st int. point. Discard these shallow events (~34%) for quick analysis. Calibration not completed Very Preliminary: sE < 2% Simulation 52.8MeV g Depth parameter Very Preliminary

20 Position Reconstruction
2-step reconstruction 1st step: Pre-determination of the peak 2nd step: Precise determination with an iteration process Data 40MeV Compton g (a) (b) (c) (d)

21 Timing Resolution 104 4x104 Estimated using Electron Beam (60MeV) data
Resolution improves in proportion to 1/sqrt(Npe). For 52.8 MeV g, s~60 psec + depth resolution. QE improvement and wave-form analysis will help to achieve better resolution. (Visit “The DRS chip” by S.Ritt) s=75.6+/-2.0ps 45 MeV Energy deposit by 60 MeV electron injection s Timing Resolution (psec) 52.8MeV g (nsec) 104 4x104 Number of Photoelectron

22 Summary New experiment to search for meg at Paul Scherrer Institut
Two characteristic components (and many others) Liquid Xenon Photon Detector Solenoidal magnetic spectrometer with a graded magnetic field (COBRA) R&D of liquid xenon photon detector using the large prototype Long term stable operation using a pulse tube refrigerator Purification of liquid xenon Very preliminary result from the last g beam test sE<2% for 40MeV Compton g

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